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中国-东盟清洁能源能力建设计划 东盟低风速风电应用潜力研究 英文版

中国-东盟清洁能源能力建设计划 东盟低风速风电应用潜力研究 英文版

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中国-东盟清洁能源能力建设计划 东盟低风速风电应用潜力研究 英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787522611587
  • 条形码:9787522611587 ; 978-7-5226-1158-7
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

中国-东盟清洁能源能力建设计划 东盟低风速风电应用潜力研究 英文版 内容简介

本书是“中国-东盟清洁能源能力建设计划”系列技术材料之一, 由东盟能源中心(ACE)和水电水利规划设计总院(CREEI)联合编写。本书将对东盟风电发展计划和建议进行有针对性的深入评估,重点是低风速发电的应用,以及对东盟资源禀赋和发展前景的看法,希望为东盟成员国和相关对话伙伴提供有益的参考。 本书全面梳理了低风速发电的技术理论、应用场景、未来趋势。全书紧密结合东盟能源发展现状,提出了低风速发电的发展需求,展望了东盟低风速发电的发展前景,并结合丰富的实践案例,全方位多角度地阐释了低风速发电的应用方式。 本书可供清洁能源发电、综合能源规划、国际工程商务等领域的从业人员阅读,也可供高等院校相关专业师生参考。

中国-东盟清洁能源能力建设计划 东盟低风速风电应用潜力研究 英文版 目录

Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Research Thinking and Content
Chapter 2 Features of LWSP Development and Current Situation
2.1 Global Wind Power Development
2.1.1 Distribution of global wind resources
2.1.2 Overview of global wind power development
2.2 The Development History of LWSP
2.2.1 A new trend for wind power development
2.2.2 Development situation
2.2.3 Prospects for LWSP development
2.3 Technical Features of LWSP Development
2.3.1 Reference standards
2.3.2 Model selection features of low-speed wind turbines
2.3.3 Wind farm development process
2.4 Development Models and Solutions
2.4.1 Development models
2.4.2 Application solutions for different development environment
2.5 New Technologies for LWSP Development
2.5.1 New technologies to improve design efficiency and quality
2.5.2 New technologies to reduce the difficulty and cost of construction
2.5.3 New technologies to improve the operation efficiency of wind farms
Chapter 3 LWSP Development Conditions and Current Situation in AMS
3.1 Geography
3.2 Endowment of Wind Energy Resources
3.2.1 Resource characteristics
3.2.2 Development conditions
3.3 Potential of Wind Power Development
3.3 .1 Technically exploitable capacity
3.3.2 Development situation
3.4 Wind Power Development Costs and Trends
3.4.1 Current development costs
3.4.2 Scenario analysis and future trend study
Chapter 4 Analysis on LWSP Development Landscape in AMS
4.1 Analysis on External Conditions for LWSP Development
4.1.1 Current situation of power system
4.1.2 Estimation of power demand
4.1.3 Power development plan potential
4.1.4 Market environment and supporting policies
4.1.5 Opportunities and challenges
4.2 Development Scenario Analysis
4.3 Analysis of LWSP Development
4.4 Key Development Regions and Projects
4.5 Research on Safeguard Measures for Flexibility of Power System
4.5.1 Flexible power supply
4.5.2 Flexible power grid
4.5.3 Flexible load
Chapter 5 Experience and Successful Cases of LWSP Development
5.1 Important Issues and Experience
5.1.1 Power consumption
5.1.2 Business model
5.1.3 Policies
5.1.4 Development costs
5.2 Successful Experience
5.2.1 Panyang Wind Farm
5.2.2 Jindi Wind Farm
5.2.3 Dongbatou Distributed Wind Farm
5.2.4 50 MW Chinh Thang Wind Power Project in Vietnam
Chapter 6 Suggestions on I.WSP Development in ASEAN
6.1 To Set a Clear Goal and Adopt Incentive Policies
6.2 Layout Optimization to Promote the Development of Wind Power Projects in an Orderly Manner
6.3 Development of ASEAN Wind Power Technical Standards According to Local Conditions
6.4 Upgrading Measures for Flexibility of Power System
6.5 Innovation and Exploration of Diversified Financing Models
6.6 Win-win International Cooperation on Wind Power

中国-东盟清洁能源能力建设计划 东盟低风速风电应用潜力研究 英文版 作者简介

