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包邮 新版当代中国系列-中国概览(英)

开本: 16开 页数: 412


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新版当代中国系列-中国概览(英) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508542386
  • 条形码:9787508542386 ; 978-7-5085-4238-6
  • 装帧:平装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

新版当代中国系列-中国概览(英) 本书特色

当代中国是传统中国的延续,更是与时俱进、开拓创新的国家。中国的发展离不开世界,世界的繁荣需要中国。作为世界上发展*快的国家之一,中国正以崭新的姿态面向未来。Contemporary China, while extending its traditional roots, is also a progressive, innovative nation. China cannot develop in isolation from the rest of the world, nor can the world achieve prosperity without China. As one of the world’s fastest-growing countries, China is embracing the future with a renewed posture.

新版当代中国系列-中国概览(英) 内容简介


新版当代中国系列-中国概览(英) 目录

Chapter I Unification of China in historyPrimitive Chinese civilizationContinuity of Chinese historyFormation of the ancient countryFirst unification and separation of ChinaChinese empire reunified and split againThird reunification of Chinese empireChapter II Origin of community of the Chinese nationGeographical environment and inward movementDifferent parts of ChinaOrigin of the word “China”A multi-ethnic countrySafeguarding national unity and fighting against separatismChapter III Traditional ideology and cultureConfucianism and the orthodoxTaoist thought and TaoismLegalism and its practiceIntroduction of Buddhism and its localization in ChinaBasic spirits of traditional thought and cultureSociety steeped in traditional thoughts and cultureNational character shaped by traditional thoughts and cultureExchanges between ancient Chinese and foreign culturesChapter IV Developed country of the agricultural civilization eraProgress in agriculture and development of the handicraft industryWorld-leading technologiesSound political, legal and official selecting systemLanguage and charactersIncomparable achievements in literatureUnique artistic styleColorful social lifeChapter V Crisis and development path in modern timesClosed doors and the decline of the Qing courtDisasters brought by opiumSeeking for self-improvementEfforts to build a modern stateNew cultural enlightenment movementUps and downs of national revolutionary movementsFounding of the PRC led by the CPCChapter VI Endeavors of the PRC and reform and opening-upStarting from scratchExplorations, and twists and turns in building socialismReform injecting vigor and vitality into socio-economic development Opening to the outside worldChina’s modernization drive making steady progressPromoting the construction of a democratic country under the rule of lawChapter VII China advancing into a new eraNew challenges for developmentFive-sphere integrated plan to promote coordinated national developmentNew era for comprehensively deepening the reformShifting from high-speed growth to high-quality developmentChapter VIII Fully building a modern socialist countrySteadily promoting strategies for modernization driveComplete victory in fight against povertyAchieving the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respectsEmbarking on a new journey toward fully building a modern socialist countryChapter IX Advocating building a community with a shared futureFollowing the path of peaceful developmentUpholding multilateralism and diversity of civilizationsBeing a responsible, major developing countryBelt and Road Initiative promoting global common development

新版当代中国系列-中国概览(英) 作者简介

鲁广锦,法学博士,中国人权研究会副会长,吉林大学法学院教授、博士生导师。曾任国务院新闻办人权事务局局长、中国人权研究会秘书长,主持撰写中国政府系列白皮书,组织起草《国家人权行动计划》,多次策划召开相关国际学术会议,主持国家科学基金重点项目,在《求是》等报刊发表文章数十篇,其中多篇文章被《新华文摘》等转引刊登。陈坚,法学博士,中央党史和文献研究院国家高端智库专家、研究员,中国中共党史学会党建史专委会副秘书长,全国多所高校客座教授,多家中央级媒体特约撰稿人,多次参与国家社科基金项目,发表理论与学术文章100余篇,出版政党政治类图书著作十多部,其中包括《当代中国政治》(2019)。Lu Guangjin, a doctor of laws, serves as the Vice President of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Jilin University’s School of Law. He once worked as Director of the Bureau of Human Rights Affairs of the State Council Information Office and Secretary-General of the China Society for Human Rights Studies. Lu has led the creation of a series of white papers of the Chinese government, and organized the drafting of the Human Rights Action Plan of China. He has also headed key projects under the National Social Science Fund of China and published dozens of articles.Chen Jian, a doctor of laws, is a specialist and researcher for the National High-End Think Tank of the Institute of Party History and Literature at the CPC Central Committee. He serves as a guest professor at multiple universities nationwide, and a dedicated contributor to several central-level media outlets. Chen has often been involved in projects under the National Social Science Fund of China, has published over 100 theoretical and academic papers, and authored over ten books on party politics, including Contemporary China’s Politics (2019).鲁广锦,法学博士,中国人权研究会副会长,吉林大学法学院教授、博士生导师。曾任国务院新闻办人权事务局局长、中国人权研究会秘书长,主持撰写中国政府系列白皮书,组织起草《国家人权行动计划》,多次策划召开相关国际学术会议,主持国家科学基金重点项目,在《求是》等报刊发表文章数十篇,其中多篇文章被《新华文摘》等转引刊登。陈坚,法学博士,中央党史和文献研究院国家高端智库专家、研究员,中国中共党史学会党建史专委会副秘书长,全国多所高校客座教授,多家中央级媒体特约撰稿人,多次参与国家社科基金项目,发表理论与学术文章100余篇,出版政党政治类图书著作十多部,其中包括《当代中国政治》(2019)。Lu Guangjin, a doctor of laws, serves as the Vice President of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Jilin University’s School of Law. He once worked as Director of the Bureau of Human Rights Affairs of the State Council Information Office and Secretary-General of the China Society for Human Rights Studies. Lu has led the creation of a series of white papers of the Chinese government, and organized the drafting of the Human Rights Action Plan of China. He has also headed key projects under the National Social Science Fund of China and published dozens of articles.Chen Jian, a doctor of laws, is a specialist and researcher for the National High-End Think Tank of the Institute of Party History and Literature at the CPC Central Committee. He serves as a guest professor at multiple universities nationwide, and a dedicated contributor to several central-level media outlets. Chen has often been involved in projects under the National Social Science Fund of China, has published over 100 theoretical and academic papers, and authored over ten books on party politics, including Contemporary China’s Politics (2019).
