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国际交流英语教程 版权信息

国际交流英语教程 本书特色

《国际交流英语教程》除了用于线下课堂教学,还配有同名慕课,学生可登录“中国大学MOOC” (累计选课人数近80万人)或“国家智慧教育服务平台”(累计选课人数超100万人), 输入“国际交流英语”课程名称,即可选课。学生可以将慕课与本教材的相关章节进行对照学习,以便在不同学习模式中加深对国际交流基本知识的理解与常用英语表达方式的掌握。

国际交流英语教程 内容简介

《国际交流英语教程》共有12个单元,内容涵盖了国际交流的三个主要方面,包括日常交流、学术交流和商务交流。通过观看慕课、教师讲授、课上训练、课外阅读和实践作业等途径,本教材旨在让学生了解并掌握国际交流推荐的英语知识和技能,为他们以后参与各类国际交流活动做准备。教材配套的教学建议、PPT课件、练习题参考答案等,读者可登录www.tsinghuaelt.com下载使用。 《国际交流英语教程》适用于高校英语文化类选修课,也可供具备一定的英语基础,有国际交流的愿望、机会及需求的学习者和涉外工作者参考使用。

国际交流英语教程 目录

UNIT 1 Greetings, Introductions & Gift-Giving
Section I Warm-Up 2
Section ll Points to Remember 3
Section III Let's Do It! 6
Section IV Tool Box 11
Section V Do You Know? 13 UNIT 2 Dress Etiquette
Section I Warm-Up 24
Section ll Points to Remember 24
Section III Lets Do It! 27
Section IV Tool Box 32
Section V Do You Know? 35 UNIT 3 Table Manners
Section I Warm-Up 44
Section ll Points to Remember 44
Section Ill Let's Do It! 47
Section IN Tool Box 52
Section V Do You Know? 55 UNIT 4 International Traveling
Section l Warm-Up 64
Section ll Points to Remember 64
Section Ill Lets Do It! 70
Section IV Tool Box 72
Section V Do You Know? 75 UNIT 5 Accommodation
Section I Warm-Up 86
Section ll Points to Remember 86
Section Ill Let's Do It 89
Section IV Tool Box 93
Section V Do You Know? 96 UNIT 6 Applying for Universities Abroad
Section l Warm-Up 106
Section ll Points to Remember 106
Section Ill Let's Do It! 110
Section IV Tool Box 113
Section V Do You Know? 116 UNIT 7 Application Materials
Section I Warm-Up 128
Section ll Points to Remember 129
Section Ill Let's Do It! 133
Section IV Tool Box 138
Section V Do You Know? 141 UNIT 8 Studying Abroad
Section I Warm-Up 152
Section ll Points to Remember 152
Section Ill Let's Do It! 156
Section IV Tool Box 158
Section V Do You Know? 161 UNIT 9 International Conference
Section l Warm-Up 168
Section ll Points to Remember 168
Section Ill Let's Do It! 171
Section IV Tool Box 174
Section V Do You Know? 177 UNIT 10 Public Speaking
Section I Warm-Up 194
Section ll Points to Remember 194
Section Ill Let's Do It! 201
Section IV Tool Box 205
Section V Do You Know? 208 UNIT 11 Telephone Etiquette
Section l Warm-Up 218
Section ll Points to Remember 218
Section Ill Let's Do It! 222
Section IV Tool Box 225
Section V Do You Know? 227 UNIT 12 Job Interviews
Section l Warm-Up 236
Section ll Points to Remember 236
Section Ill Let's Do It! 239
Section IV Tool Box 243
Section V Do You Know? 246

国际交流英语教程 作者简介

周之南博士,教授,黑龙江省教学名师。“宝钢奖”优秀教师。哈工大教学带头人、教学督导。 学位与研究生发展中心专家。剑桥大学商务英语证书考试和通用英语五级考试中国东北区口语考官组长、巡视官。
