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外贸英语函电 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787565445859
  • 条形码:9787565445859 ; 978-7-5654-4585-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

外贸英语函电 内容简介

本书是融国际贸易业务知识与英语为一体的英语教材,旨在使学生了解对外经贸业务各个环节,同时学习和掌握英语在各业务环节中的应用。在当前的形势下,我们对从事国际商务活动的复合型人才的需求更加迫切,这对国际商务英语教学无疑提出了越来越高的要求。 为此,此次修订工作主要涉及以下几个方面:1.近年来,国际贸易实务领域出现了一些新的做法,因此新的国际贸易理论也应运而生。为了体现这些新的知识、信息,我们合并、精简了一些比较传统的内容,同时增补了一些新的内容 (如补偿贸易、代理、合资经营、招投标、跨国融资、电商等)。 2. 对部分课文做了调整,同时增加了新的课文,朝着“更实用”的方向又跨进了一步。 3.随着时代的发展,我国从事外贸工作的人员的素质越来越高,尤其是英文水平。因此,在增补新课文和新阅读材料的同时,为了不增加教材篇幅,我们删去了大量的词汇训练的汉语译文部分 (已无必要)。 4.对部分练习做了进一步删减和补充。从第 15单元开始,课后的“Skill Drilling ”部分均增加了阅读翻译的技能训练 (除了对外贸易环节的基本写作技巧外,还要提高读者的阅读能力,扩大知识面)。 5.为提高读者的阅读能力,此次修订增加了一些阅读材料。

外贸英语函电 目录

Unit 1 Modern Business Letters 1.1 Text Learning 1.2 Key Words 1.3 Foreign Trade Knowledge 1.4 Writing Skills 1.5 Extensive Reading 1.6 Exercises 1.7 Practical Training Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 2.1 Text Learning 2.2 Key Words 2.3 Useful Sentences 2.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 2.5 Writing Skills 2.6 Extensive Reading 2.7 Exercises 2.8 Practical Training Unit 3 Enquiry 3.1 Text Learning 3.2 Key Words 3.3 Useful Sentences 3.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 3.5 Writing Skills 3.6 Extensive Reading 3.7 Exercises 3.8 Practical Training Unit 4 Firm Offer & Non-Firm Offer 4.1 Text Learning 4.2 Key Words 4.3 Useful Sentences 4.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 4.5 Writing Skills 4.6 Extensive Reading 4.7 Exercises 4.8 Practical Training Unit 5 Counter-Offer & Orders 5.1 Text Learning 5.2 Key Words 5.3 Useful Sentences 5.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 5.5 Writing Skills 5.6 Extensive Reading 5.7 Exercises 5.8 Practical Training Unit 6 Confirmation & Acceptance 6.1 Text Learning 6.2 Key Words 6.3 Useful Sentences 6.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 6.5 Writing Skills 6.6 Extensive Reading 6.7 Exercises 6.8 Practical Training Unit 7 A Sales Confirmation 7.1 Text Learning 7.2 Key Words 7.3 Useful Sentences 7.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 7.5 Writing Skills 7.6 Extensive Reading 7.7 Exercises 7.8 Practical Training Unit 8 Payment & Letters of Credit 8.1 Text Learning 8.2 Key Words 8.3 Useful Sentences 8.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 8.5 Writing Skills 8.6 Extensive Reading 8.7 Exercises 8.8 Practical Training Unit 9 Examination of an L/C 9.1 Text Learning 9.2 Key Words 9.3 Useful Sentences 9.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 9.5 Writing Skills 9.6 Extensive Reading 9.7 Exercises 9.8 Practical Training Unit 10 Shipment 10.1 Text Learning 10.2 Key Words 10.3 Useful Sentences 10.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 10.5 Writing Skills 10.6 Extensive Reading 10.7 Ekercises 10.8 Practical Training Unit 11 A Bill of Lading 11.1 Text Learning 11.2 Key Words 11.3 Useful Sentences 11.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 11.5 Writing Skills 11.6 Extensive Reading 11.7 Exercises 11.8 Practical Training Unit 12 Insurance 12.1 Text Learning 12.2 Key Words 12.3 Useful Sentences 12.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 12.5 Writing Skills 12.6 Extensive Reading 12.7 Exercises 12.8 Practical Training Unit 13 Packing 13.1 Text Learning 13.2 Key Words 13.3 Useful Sentences 13.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 13.5 Writing Skills 13.6 Extensive Reading 13.7 Exercises 13.8 Practical Training Unit 14 Complaints and Claims 14.1 Text Learning 14.2 Key Words 14.3 Useful Sentences 14.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 14.5 Writing Skills 14.6 Extensive Reading 14.7 Exercises 14.8 Practical Training Unit 15 Flexible Trade 15.1 Text Learning 15.2 Key Words 15.3 Foreign Trade Knowledge 15.4 Writing Skills 15.5 Extensive Reading 15.6 Exercises 15.7 Practical Training Unit 16 Electronic Commerce 16.1 Text Learning 16.2 Key Words 16.3 Useful Sentences 16.4 Foreign Trade Knowledge 16.5 Writing Skills 16.6 Extensive Reading 16.7 Exercises 16.8 Practical Training