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15分钟社区生活圈:人民城市(2021上海城市空间艺术季) 版权信息

15分钟社区生活圈:人民城市(2021上海城市空间艺术季) 内容简介


15分钟社区生活圈:人民城市(2021上海城市空间艺术季) 目录

15 分钟社区生活圈:人民城市
15-minute Community Life Circle: People's City
2021 上海城市空间艺术季 I 主题演绎展
Shanghai Urban Space Art Season 2021 I The Thematic Exhibition
20 编者按 Editor’s Note 22 “15 分钟社区生活圈”行动上海倡议 Shanghai Initiative of
“15-minute Community Life Circle” Action 26 2021 上海城市空间艺术季开幕论坛 Opening Forum of SUSAS 2021
30 践行“人民城市”理念,共建美好社区家园 ——上海“15 分钟社区生活圈”行动实践
徐毅松 上海市规划和自然资源局局长
Act on the Philosophy of People’s City and Build Our Lovely Home Together
— Efforts for the 15-minute Community Life Circle in Shanghai Xu Yisong, Director of Shanghai Urban Planning and Natural Resources Bureau
38 长宁区“15 分钟社区生活圈”行动规划简介 岑福康 上海市长宁区区委常委、副区长
An Introduction to Action Plans of the “15-minute Community Life Circle” in Changning District
Cen Fukang, member of Standing Committee of Communist Party of China of Changning District and executive deputy mayor of Changning District
46 以人民为中心,为美好生活营造而努力 ——普陀区“15 分钟社区生活圈”实践认识和体会 张玉鑫 上海市普陀区区委常委、副区长
People-centered Efforts towards Wonderful Life
— Reflections and Lessons: 15-minute Community Life Circle in Putuo District
Zhang Yuxin, member of Standing Committee of Communist Party of China of Putuo District and deputy mayor of Putuo District
52 可持续社区规划
西西莉亚 · 安德森 联合国人居署城市规划财务与经济局局长
Sustainable Community Planning
Cecilia Andersson, Director of UN-Habitat Planning, Finance and Economy Office 56 2021 上海城市空间艺术季主题演绎展
Shanghai Urban Space Art Season 2021 Thematic Exhibition
60 15 分钟社区生活圈:人民城市
15-minute Community Life Circle: People's City
105 社区 · 元空间 Community Meta-Box
114 细胞计划 · 亚关系
Cell Project: Sub-relationships
122 15 分钟 遇见长宁
——长宁区 15 分钟社区生活圈行动规划展
15 CN
— Action Plans of 15-minute Community Life Circle in Changning 126 论坛活动 Forums
128 “责任规划师”主题论坛
The Forum "Responsible Planner"
134 “共建人民城市”主题论坛
The Forum "Create People’s City Together"
140 “新公共性”主题演绎展论坛 The Forum "New Publicness"
144 “园区更新赋能社区生活圈”论坛
The Forum "Industrial Park Regeneration and Community Life Circle" 148 “15 分钟社区生活圈”系列采访
Interviews: 15-minute Community Life Circle
150 郑时龄/唐子来/张宇星/金忠民/李翔宁/汪大伟/奚文沁/ 童明/王兰/眭建平
Zheng Shiling/Tang Zilai/Zhang Yuxing/Jin Zhongmin/Li Xiangning/ Wang Dawei/Xi Wenqin/Tong Ming/Wang Lan/Sui Jianping 166 2021 上海城市空间艺术季主视觉设计 Key VI Design of SUSAS 2021
168 组织架构与鸣谢单位
Organizational Structure and Acknowledgement 15 分钟社区生活圈:人民城市
15-minute Community Life Circle: People's City
2021 上海城市空间艺术季 II 重点样本社区
Shanghai Urban Space Art Season 2021 II Key Exemplar Neighborhoods
曹杨部分的目录 8 风华曹杨,迭代新生
“15 分钟社区生活圈”引领美好新生活
Caoyang in Regeneration
New Life of the "15-minute Community Life Circle"
12 幸福曹杨 · 重点样本社区 Joyful Caoyang, Key Exemplar Neighborhood
16 策展人访谈:周俭 规划就是要扬长避短,把好的东西传承下来 Interview with Curator: Zhou Jian Planning is about Avoiding Weaknesses, Utilizing Strengths and Passing down Admirable Characteristics
22 策展人访谈:许春辉 为老百姓共建一个美好的幸福家园 Interview with Curator: Xu Chunhui Build a Wonderful Home for People Together
28 序厅 Preface Hall
29 百禧公园 Centennial Park
34 序厅展览
Exhibition of Preface Hall
38 策展人访谈:刘宇扬
“15 分钟社区生活圈”,如何治愈人心?
Interview with Curator: Liu Yuyang
Healing Power of the "15-minuite Community Life Circle 44 宜居
Suitable for Living
45 A1 曹杨一村
A1 Caoyang Yicun
47 A2 桂巷坊
A2 Gui Xiang Fang 53 宜业
Suitable for Working
54 B 曹杨社区文化活动中心
B Caoyang Community Cultural Center 57 宜游
Suitable for Relaxing
58 C 曹杨环浜
C Caoyang Ring Creek 64 宜学
Suitable for Studying
65 D1 曹杨新村村史馆
D1 Caoyang Community History Museum
67 D2 上海开放大学普陀分校
D2 Shanghai Open University, Putuo Campus 74 宜养 Elderly Care
75 E1 人民城市客厅 · 武宁片区 E1 Wuning Area Center
77 E2 百禧驿站
E2 Centennial Station 82 公共艺术介入
Public Art Intervention
90 策展人访谈:曾成钢 艺术就是追求幸福感,因此艺术要介入社区 Interview with Curator: Zeng Chenggang Art is about Welfare, so It Must Get into Community 研究
98 从“先行”到“领跑”,曹杨“理想村” 从未止步
From Pioneer to Leader: Caoyang as an Ideal Settlement
102 曹杨新村大事记
Chronological Table of Caoyang New Village
104 杨辰访谈 工人新村是一次伟大的社会实践
Interview with Yang Chen
Workers’New Village is a Great Social Practice
新华部分的目录 6 贯彻人人理念,聚焦五宜行动 打造有温度、有品质的花园社区人文新华 People’s City in Action and “Five Suitable” Projects
Create a Warm, Excellent, Cultural and Garden- like Community in Xinhua Road
10 美好新华 · 重点样本社区
Pleasant Xinhua, Key Exemplar Neighborhood
14 策展人访谈:曹晖 让每个老百姓都能享受到高品质的生活和
Interview with Curator: Cao Hui Good Life and Good Space for
Everyone to Experience
22 策展人访谈:章维
Interview with Curator: Zhang Wei Pleasant Community Life Shared by
Every Person 29 序厅 Preface Hall
30 序厅展览
Exhibition of Preface Hall
36 策展人访谈:冯路
Interview with Curator: Feng Lu 42 安居 Living
43 A1 乐活家 A1 LOHAS 52 A2 玩乐间
A2 Be kid-N-Be kind 58 乐业 Working
59 B 营生记
B Living for Life 70 漫游 Outing
71 C1 品阅百年路
C1 Savor a Century’s History
78 C2 漫步梧桐下
C2 Wander on the Boulevard 87 趣学 Studying
88 D 走向新校园
D Towards a New Campus 92 怡养 Elderly Care
93 E老有劲
E Old Young Fun 101 共治 Co-governance
102 F 人人街区计划
F Community for All
112 策展人访谈:何嘉
Interview with Curator: He Jia
The Shift from Focusing on Spaces to Caring for People in these Spaces is an Extension of Our Design Philosophy 118 公共艺术之细胞计划 Public Art Program: Cell Project
128 策展人访谈:沈烈毅 让艺术像细胞那样在社区生长
Interview with Curator: Shen Lieyi Art Growing in Community – Like Cells 研究
135 新华社区百年 1922—2021 100 Years Evolution of Xinhua Community: 1922-2021
138 哥伦比亚圈的前世今生
The Past and Present of Columbia Circle 15 分钟社区生活圈:人民城市
15-minute Community Life Circle: People's City
2021 上海城市空间艺术季 III 其他样本社区
Shanghai Urban Space Art Season 2021 III Other Exemplar Neighborhoods 4 此一刻,美好临汾
This Beautiful Moment of Linfen
Linfen Community, Jing'an District
18 活力 IN 虹桥
Hongqiao Vitality
Hongqiao Community, Changning District
30 艺术动员:当社区成为作品
Art Mobilization: When the Community becomes a Work of Art
Lujiazui Community, Pudong New Area
40 花开蒲汇塘
Blooming Puhuitang
Tianlin Community, Xuhui District
62 心灵之约——乐享海派街区,走读瑞金生活
Soul Connection — Enjoy Shanghai-Style Street, Walk and Read Ruijin Life
Ruijin 2nd Road Community, Huangpu District
76 走走 × 坐坐
Take a Walk & Take a Seat
Siping Community, Yangpu District
94 多伦路 · 共生志
Duolun Road Community, Hongkou District
106 梅陇蝶变,给侬一个喜欢上海的新理由
Metamorphosis of Meilong, A New Reason to Love Shanghai
Meilong Town, Minhang District
118 幸福宝山,一刻即达
Blissful Baoshan: All You Can Get Within 15 Minutes' Walk
118 十五分钟艺术生活圈
15-minute Circle of Art Life
Scientific Bay, Baoshan District
130 十五分钟健康生活圈
15-minute Circle of Healthy Life 宝山区吴淞社区
Wusong Community, Baoshan District
140 十五分钟活力生活圈
15-minute Circle of Dynamic Life 宝山区杨行社区
Yanghang Community, Baoshan District
148 未来社区
Future Community
ShenGang Community, Lin-gang Special Area
160 转角遇到美
Beauty Around the Corner
Juyuan Community, Jiading District
168 创生,蝶变,融合,发展
Regenerating,Reviving,Reintegrating, Redeveloping
Duxiang Community, Jiuliting Street, Songjiang District
178 新时代、新乡村、新生活
New Era, New Country, New Life
Haishen Village, Huinan Town, Pudong New Area
188 合!共生!我们的金章堰!
Co! To Our Shinning Village Zhangyan
Zhangyan Village, Chonggu Town, Qingpu District 15分钟社区生活圈 :人民城市
15-minute Community Life Circle: People's City
2021上海城市空间艺术季 IV 工作手记
Shanghai Urban Space Art Season 2021 IV Work Notes 2 上海城市空间艺术季走过了四届八年
10 2021上海城市空间艺术季,以“15分钟社区生活圈——人民城市”开启
11 学委会委员们眼中的“15分钟社区生活圈”主题
13 空间艺术季在全市延展,带市民感受身边的美好
14 醒目有效的主视觉系统
17 主展馆“社区元空间”的黑科技
19 沉浸式、陪伴式规划在新华社区
21 不断激发社群活力的过程
22 公共艺术在社区,带来无限的创作想象
24 艺术作品直面居民的声音
26 四平社区“诗歌单行道”火出圈
28 曹杨故事会娓娓道来“家”的故事
29 城市考古在曹杨社区
31 好玩不麻烦的打卡观展
35 跟着央视记者,体验乐不思蜀的社区生活
36 做传统媒体和新媒体的“媒人”
37 和而不同,“人民城市”上海样本的鲜活报道
38 可亲可爱的志愿者们
51 2023上海城市空间艺术季,重新开端

15分钟社区生活圈:人民城市(2021上海城市空间艺术季) 作者简介

作者简介 为确保空间艺术季的专业性、学术性和国际性,特成立空间艺术季学术委员会,为空间艺术季各项核心工作提供专业指导和评审意见。委员会体现国际性和专业性,委员均为国际和国内专业造诣高、工作经验丰富且有影响力的专家,其中 国际专家占一定的比例。委员会为多专业的跨界合作,充分体现空间艺术季是专业性、公众性相结合的城市大型公共活动。
