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湖南:惟楚有材 于斯为盛(英文版)

湖南:惟楚有材 于斯为盛(英文版)

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湖南:惟楚有材 于斯为盛(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787521348057
  • 条形码:9787521348057 ; 978-7-5213-4805-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

湖南:惟楚有材 于斯为盛(英文版) 本书特色

《湖南:惟楚有材 于斯为盛(中文版)》一书有以下特点: ①溯源优秀传统文化,探寻中华文明根脉 ②讲述地道中国故事,展现多元地域文化 ③中外专家联袂编写,创新文化传播形式 ④汉英双语对照出版,图文并茂相得益彰 ⑤扫码获取故事音频,轻松享受听觉盛宴

湖南:惟楚有材 于斯为盛(英文版) 内容简介

《湖南:惟楚有材??于斯为盛》(英文版)是由中外语言交流合作中心等单位推出的“故事里的中国”系列丛书之湖南卷。本书围绕“风物、习俗、艺术、人物、成就、精神”6个主题,精选48个独具特色的湖南故事,带领中外读者走进湖南这个“鱼米之乡”“理学之乡”。书中内容跨越古今,既关注马王堆、岳麓书院、张家界等名胜古迹,湘绣、花鼓戏等地方文化艺术,也历述了造纸术、杂交水稻、银河超级计算机等重要成就,更收录了周敦颐、曾国藩、谭嗣同、沈从文等湖南代表人物的精彩故事。 本书内容古今结合,充分展现了湖南省的人文历史、风俗风貌、发展成就及地方亮点。书中有很多生动、有趣的故事,语言生动,可读性较强,适合中外青少年读者,有助于其了解湖南,从而推动中华文化的国际传播和中外文化交流。本书在图文的搭配与选择方面也下了功夫,使久远或抽象的文化、人物等具有了立体感,丰富了阅读体验。本英文版本语言地道,从读者视角出发,与中文并非一字一句接近直译,阅读难度适中。

湖南:惟楚有材 于斯为盛(英文版) 目录

Ⅰ. Cultural Icons of Hunan Introduction The Mausoleum of the Yan Emperor: Ancestor of Agriculture The Mausoleum of the Shun Emperor: The Emperor and His Virtues Yuelu Mountain: Where Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism Met The Liye Qin Slips: Archives of the Qin Mawangdui: Han Dynasty Tombs Sleeping for over Two Millennia The Wuxi Cliffside Inscriptions: A Paean to the Tang Dynasty's Revival Laosicheng in Yongshun County: An Ancient Capital Hidden in the Mountains Jiangyong Nushu: Women's Secret Script Anhua Dark Tea: The Tea of Time Zhangjiajie: The Debut of the "Wuling Beauty" Ⅱ. Customs of Hunan Introduction Worshiping the Lake God: The Story of Liu Yi Delivering the Letter Pilgrimage to Mount Heng: A Thousand Miles of Song and Dance Attending the Temple Fair: Stinky Tofu and Sister Dumplings Crying Marriage: The Tujia Ethnic Minority's Unique Ceremony Chili Peppers in Hunan: More Than Just a Dish Ⅲ. Unique Arts of Hunan Introduction Xiang Embroidery: Using Needles to Create Artworks Liuyang Chrysanthemum Stone Carving: Flowers That Never Wither The Art of Palm Leaf Weaving: Endless Silent Wonders Huagu Opera: The Story ofLiu Hai Lingling Yugu Drum: Grassroots Art That Sings The Tongguan Kiln: The Birthplace of Underglaze Color Eight Views of Xiaoxiang: The Beauty of Hunan in Poetic Scrolls Ⅳ. Outstanding Figures of Hunan Introduction Du Fu: The Poetic Master of the Riverside Zhou Dunyi: The Gentle'Philosophical Guide Hu Anguo and Hu Hong: Founders of the Huxiang School Wei Yuan: Gazing upon the World Zeng Guofan: Pioneer of the Self-Strengthening Movement Zuo Zongtang: The Recovery of Xinjiang Guo Songtao: Tea Party at the Chinese Embassy Huang Xing: Humble Champion Cai E: The Hero Who Restored the Republic Qi Baishi: Friendship Through Painting Tian Han: The New Great Wall Shen Congwen: A Great Small-Town Writer Ⅴ. Accomplishments and Inventions of Hunan Introduction Liuyang Fireworks: The Magical Light and Sound Show of the Ancients The Art of Papermaking: The Story of Cai Lun's Invention Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases: Zhang Zhongjing's Medical Masterpiece Yuelu Academy: Zhu-Zhang's Academic Debates Xiangya Hospital: Centennial Legend of a Hospital Hybrid Rice: The Story of a Single Grain The Yinhe Supercomputer: A National Treasure Malanshan: The Center of the Cultural Industry Ⅵ. Spirit of Hunan Introduction Caring for the Country and Loving the People: Qu Yuan and Encountering Sorrow Diligent Study and Hard Work: Che Yin's Reading by the Light of Fireflies Worry for the World: Fan Zhongyan and Yueyang Tower Being Realistic and Pragmatic: History, Practice, and Progress The Pioneering and Self-Sacrificial Patriotic Spirit: Self- Sacrifice for a Righteous Cause From Ordinary to Extraordinary: The Spirit ofLei Feng

湖南:惟楚有材 于斯为盛(英文版) 作者简介

