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高阶英语译写教程(学术篇) 版权信息

高阶英语译写教程(学术篇) 内容简介


高阶英语译写教程(学术篇) 目录

Unit 1 Sleep and Performance Section one Starting-up Section Two Reading and Simulating Text A How to Deal with Study Burnout Text B Sleep Disorders Affect Performance of America's Workers Section Three Translating and Communicating Part A Translation Tips:Addition Part B Telling China's Story Section Four Writing and Expressing Part A Practical Writing:Suggestion Letter Part B Essay Writing:Writing about a Cartoon/Picture Section Five Accumulating Unit 2 Risk and Chance Section one Starting-up Section Two Reading and Simulating Text A How to Become a Risk-taker Text B Why the Teen Brain Is Drawn to Risk Section Three Translating and Communicating Part A Translation Tips:Omission Part B Telling China's Story Section Four Writing and Expressing Part A Practical Writing:Business Congratulation Letter Part B Essay Writing:Evaluating Your Target Audience Section Five Accumulating Unit 3 Technology and Addiction Section one Starting-up Section Two Reading and Simulating Text A The Impact of Technology Failures:Why IT Departments Must Step up Text B Technology Addiction:Creating a Healthy Balance Section Three Translating and Communicating Part A Translation Tips:Conversion Part BTelling China's Story Section Four Writing and Expressing Part A Practical Writing:Apology Letter Part B Essay Writing:Examining the Topic Section Five Accumulating Unit 4 Virus and Vaccine Section one Starting-up Section Two Reading and Simulating Text A The Hope of Immunity Text B Virus Vaccine Put to Final Test in Thousands of Volunteers Section Three Translating and Communicating Part A Translation Tips:Reversing Part B Telling China's Story Section Four Writing and Expressing Part A Practical Writing:Inquiry Letter Part B Essay Writing:Reviewing from Other Points of Views Section Five Accumulating Unit 5 Invention and Innovation Section one Starting-up Section Two Reading and Simulating Text A The Matter of Al Takeover:Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Human Beings Text B How Technology Is Changing the Future of Higher Education Section Three Translating and Communicating Part A Translation Tips:Translation of Sentences with Passive Voice Part B Telling China's Story Section Four Writing and Expressing Part A Practical Writing:Recommendation Letter Part B Essay Writing:Refuting Other Points of Views Section Five Accumulating Unit 6 Communication and Relationship Section one Starting-up Section Two Reading and Simulating Text A How Important ls Communication in a Romantic Relationship Text B We Need to Talk:Communication Prevents Inaction Section Three Translating and Communicating Part A Translation Tips:Translation of Complex Sentences Part B Telling China's Story Section Four Writing and Expressing Part A Practical Writing:Application Request Letter Part 8 Essay Writing:Writing a Catchy Title Section Five Accumulating Unit 7 Success and Failure Section one Starting-up Section Two Readíng and Simulating Text A The Negative Síde Effects of Entrepreneurial Failure Text B What We're Missing When We Study Success Section Three Translating and Communicating Part A Translation Típs:Translation of Attributive Clauses Part B Telling Chína's Story Section Four Writing and Expressing Part A Practical Writing:Response Letter Part B Essay Writing:Choosing an Interesting and Appropriate Topic Section Five Accumulating Unit 8 Money and Happiness Section one Starting-up Section Two Reading and Simulating Text A Inequality:The More Money, the Merrier Text B Can Money Buy Happiness Section Three Translating and Communicating Part A Translation Típs:Repetition Part B Telling Chína's Story Section Four Writing and Expressing Part A Practical Writing:Thank-you Email Part B