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英语科研论文写作 版权信息

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英语科研论文写作 内容简介

《英语科研论文写作》共9章,详细介绍学术写作之准备过程、写作步骤及后续工作,帮助学生熟悉学术写作流程;重点介绍学术论文的文体风格,学术论文各部分内容的写作要点和行文规范,同时还提供丰富的例句表达,供学生参考使用,以便提高他们的学术英语写作能力,实现其国际学术论文的发表。本教材有配套课件,读者可登录www.tsinghuaelt.com 下载使用。 本书可以作为我国高校理工科专业本科生和研究生学术英语教学的课程教材,也可以作为科研人员和教师工作中的参考指南。

英语科研论文写作 目录

Chapter 1
Introduction 1
1.1 What ls Academic English? 2
1.1.1 Academic 2
1.1.2 Academic Language 2
1.1.3 Academic English 3
1.2 What ls Academic Writing? 4
1.2.1 Academic Writing 4
1.2.2 Dilemmatic Situation of Academic Writing 4
1.3 What ls Scientific Writing 5
1.3.1 Scientific Writing 5
1.3.2 Scientific Writing in English in the World 6
1.3.3 Scientific Writing in English in China 7 Chapter 2
Genres of Scientific Writing 9
2.1 Original Research Article 10
2.1.1 What ls an Original Research Article? 10
2.1.2 Format of Original Research Articles 11
2.1.3 General Steps to Structure a Research Article 14
2.2 Literature Review Article 19
2.2.1 What Is a Literature Review Article? 19
2.2.2 Format of Literature Review Articles 21
2.2.3 General Steps to Write a Review Article 22
2.3 Research Proposal 24
2.3.1 What Is a Research Proposal? 24
2.3.2 Format of Research Proposals 27
2.4 Conference Abstract 30
2.4.1 What Is a Conference Abstract? 30
2.4.2 Format of a Conference Abstract 31
2.5 Thesis and Dissertation 33
2.5.1 What Is a Thesis/Dissertation? 33
2.5.2 Structure and Requirements of Theses and Dissertations 34
2.6 Technical Report 36
2.6.1 What Is a Technical Report? 36
2.6.2 Typical Structure of Technical Reports 38 Chapter 3
Process of Scientific Writing 41
3.1 Topic Choosing and Selecting 42
3.1.1 Research Topic, Research Question and Research Title 42
3.1.2 How to Choose a Research Topic 44
3.2 Literature Searching and Reviewing 48
3.2.1 What ls Literature Searching and Reviewing? 48
3.2.2 Literature Searching: Where and How 48
3.3 Outlining, Drafting and Revising 50
3.3.1 Outlining 50
3.3.2 Drafting 51
3.3.3 Revising 52
3.4 Proofreading and Publishing 55
3.4.1 Proofreading 55
3.4.2 Publishing 56 Chapter 4
Typical Components of Scientific Writing 57
4.1 Writing the Introduction 58
4.1.1 Introduction in Scientific Writing: What and Why 58
4.1.2 Introduction Writing: Steps and Strategies 59
4.2 Writing the Literature Review 62
4.2.1 Literature Review in Scientific Writing: What and Why 62
4.2.2 Classification of Literature Reviews 64
4.2.3 Literature Review Writing: Process and Techniques 66
4.3 Writing the Methodology 70
4.3.1 Methodology in Scientific Writing: What and How 70
4.3.2 Methodology Writing for Theses and Dissertations 71
4.4 Writing the Discussion 74
4,4.1 Discussion in Scientific Writing; What and Why 74
4.4.2 Discussion Writing: Structure and Style 76
4.5 Writing Other Component Parts 78
4.5.1 Title Writing: Rules and Techniques 78
4.5.2 Abstract Writing: Structure and Strategies 79
4.5.3 Conclusion Writing: Functions and Structures 82 Chapter 5
language Usage in Scientific Writing 87
5.1 Scientific Language: Features and Functions 88
5.1.1 Stylistic Features of Scientific Language 89
5.1.2 Functions of Scientific Language 91
5.2 Words and Sentences in Scientific Writing 92
5.2.1 Word Usage in Scientific Writing 92
5.2.2 Sentences in Scientific Writing 94
5.3 Paragraphs in Scientific Writing 101
5.3.1 Paragraph Unity and Paragraph Coherence 101
5.3.2 Paragraph Development 102
Chapter 6
Databases, Grey Literature and Searching Strategies 105
6.1 Academic Research Databases and Searching Strategies 106
6.1.1 Typical Academic Research Databases 106
6.1.2 Techniques for Searching Literature in Academic Research Databases 110
6.2 Grey Literature and Retrieval 113
6.2.1 Typical Grey Literature 114
6.2.2 Strategies for Grey Literature Retrieval 116 Chapter 7
In-text Citation and Referencing System 119
7.1 n-text Citation and Reference List 120
7.1.1 In-text Citation 120
7.1.2 Reference and Bibliography 122
7.2 Styles of Typical Referencing Systems 124
7.2.1 Harvard Style 124
7.2.2 Oxford Style 133
7.2.3 Vancouver Style 136 Chapter 8
Publishing of Scientific Writing 141
8.1 Publishing Scientific Research in Scholarly Journals 142
8.1.1 Academic and Scholarly Journals 142
8.1.2 Publishing Research in Scholarly Journals 144
8.2 Presenting and Publishing at Academic Conferences 146
8.2.1 Academic Events 146
8.2.2 Presenting and Publishing at Academic Conferences 148
8.3 Peer Reviewing for Academic and Scientific Publishing 151
8.3.1 Peer Review: What and Why 151
8.3.2 Peer Review; Types and Process 153 Chapter 9
Ethical Issues in Scientific Writing 157
9.1 Ethics and Misconduct in Scientific Writing 158
9.1.1 Research Ethics: Significance and Principles 158
9.1.2 Scientific Misconduct; Types and Guidelines 161
9.2 Plagiarism and Errors in Scientific Writing 163
9.2.1 Plagiarism:Common Sense 163
9.2.2 Academic Plagiarism: Types and Avoidance 165
9.2.3 Errors in Published Scientific Writing 167
Bibliography 171

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