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新起点高职英语综合教程 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544676335
  • 条形码:9787544676335 ; 978-7-5446-7633-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

新起点高职英语综合教程 内容简介

《新起点高职英语综合教程(第2版)》依照《高等职业教育专科英语课程标准(2021年版)》编写,全面贯彻党的教育方针,落实立德树人根本任务,体现中华优秀传统文化和社会主义先进文化,引导课程思政教学活动的开展,培养学生英语综合应用能力,特别是在职场环境下运用英语的能力。 适当降低起点难度,循序渐进,帮助学习者逐步提高英语水平。 以典型的英语职场交际功能为线索,突出职业性、实用性、时代性。 注重教学材料的趣味性,配以丰富的视频和图片o TOP课件助教师实现个性化教学;WE Learn移动应用打造课堂内外、线上线下相融合的学习模式。

新起点高职英语综合教程 目录

【目录】 Unit 1 Education Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text A What Is Collge Good for? Text B Are Chinese Collge Students Critical Thinkers? Part Four Grammar Past Perfect Tense Part Five Practical Writing Last Notice Part Six Project Why I Teach Unit 2 Teamwork Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text A Why Business Demands Teamwork Text B Chinas Teeworking Is Changing Teamwork Part Four Grammar Object Clause Part Five Practical Writing Memo Part Six Project Design a Nw Product Unit 3 Appearance Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text A Dressing Appropriately for Work Text B Business Etiquette in China Part Four Grammar Nominative Absolute Construction Part Five Practical Writing Letter of Recommendation Part Six Project Bad Ofie Manners Unit 4 Work Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text A Wanted: Blue-Collar Workers Text B China Boasts Vocational Training Part Four Grammar Multiples Part Five Practical Writing Resume Part Six Project My Dream Job Unit 5 Advertising Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text A How Advertising Has Saved Lives Text B The Best Ways to Advertise in China Part Four Grammar Attributive Clause Part Five Practical Writing App Introduction Part Six Project Make an Advertisement Unit 6 Life Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text A What Can Genetic Testing Really Tell You? Text B Secrets of Chinese Centenarians Part Four Grammar Direct Speech and Indirect Speech Part Five Practical Writing Inquiy Lelter Part Six Project How to Live a Healthy Life Unit 7 Culture Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text A Understanding Culural Gaps for Business Travelers Text B What I Love about China Part Four Grammar How to Use"Unless" Part Five Practical Writing Latter of Payment Reminder Part Six Project Culture Shock Unit 8 Future Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text A How Technology Will Change the Future of Work Text B Shanghai's Future as a Connected Smart City Part Four Grammar Adverbial Clause Beginning with "While" Part Five Practical Writing Presenting Graphs Part Six Project Design a Classroom in 2050 Appendix Glossary