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Dam safety and security

Dam safety and security

开本: 24cm 页数: 281页
中 图 价:¥64.1(7.2折) 定价  ¥89.0 登录后可看到会员价
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Dam safety and security 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787563076635
  • 条形码:9787563076635 ; 978-7-5630-7663-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Dam safety and security 内容简介


Dam safety and security 目录

1 Overview of Reservoir Dams 1.1 Dam Classification 1.2 Dam Engineering 1.2.1 Embankment Dam Types and Characteristics 1.2.2 Concrete Dam Types and Characteristics 1.2.3 Loading Conditions 1.3 Development of Concrete Face RockfiIl Dams(CFRD) 1.3.1 Typical Current Section of the CFRD 1.3.2 Summary of Historical Progress to Current Practice 1.4 Development of Concrete Dams 1.4.1 Concrete Dam Evolution during the 20th Century 1.4.2 Roller Compacted Concrete Dams 1.5 Development of Dam Construction Technology in China 1.5.1 Embankmcnt Dams 1.5.2 Gravity Dams 1.5.3 Arch Dams 1.5.4 Construction Technology 1.5.5 Treatment Technology of High Slopes 1.5.6 Anti.seismic Technology 1.5.7 Intelligent Technology 1.6 Areh Dams with Favorable MechanicaI Performance 1.6.1 Arch Dam Historical Background 1.6.2 Modern Arch Dams 1.6.3 Superhigh Arch Dams in China 1.7 Necessity of Dam Safety Research 2 Dam Failure Analysis 2.1 Embankment Dam Failure Analysis 2.1.1 Structural Characteristics of Embankment Dams 2.1.2 Loading Conditions and Related Failures 2.1.3 Mechanisms of Failure 2.1.4 Defect Mechanisms and Failure Modes 2.2 Concrete Dam Failure Analysis 2.2.1 Structural Characteristics of Concrete Dams 2.2.2 Concrete as Dam Material 2.2.3 Structural Damage of Concrete Dams 3 Historical Dam lncidents and Lessons 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Embankment Dam Failure Incidents 3.2.1 Internal Erosion on First Filling 3.2.2 Internal Erosion or Leakage in Service 3.2.3 External Erosion due to Flood Flow 3.2.4 Overtopping during Floods 3.3 Concrete Dam Failure Incidents 3.3.1 Sliding of Gravity Dams 3.3.2 Concrete Dams Subjected to Earthquakes 3.3.3 Dam Failures 3.3.4 Landslides 3.3.5 Dam Cracking 3.4 Lssons from Serious Incidents 3.4.1 Dam Behavior