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商务英语阅读教程:4:4:学生用书:Students book

商务英语阅读教程:4:4:学生用书:Students book

开本: 28cm 页数: 353页
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商务英语阅读教程:4:4:学生用书:Students book 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544669467
  • 条形码:9787544669467 ; 978-7-5446-6946-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

商务英语阅读教程:4:4:学生用书:Students book 内容简介

“新世纪商务英语专业本科系列教材(第二版)”按照教育部制定和颁布的《普通高等学校本科外国语言文学类教学质量国家标准》编写修订,对接《商务英语专业教学指南》中的课程设置,全方位覆盖专业核心课程、专业方向课程和实践教学环节,涵盖英语语言技能课程和专业知识课程,全面满足新时期商务英语专业教学需求。 以现代外语教育理念和教材设计理论为指导,结合商务英语语言和教学特点,融合多年商务英语教学实践,由国内知名外语教育专家和长期从事商务英语教学的教授共同参与,联袂打造。 强调打好扎实语言基本功,兼顾商务知识学习与人文素养提升;课堂任务设计多样化,资源配置立体化,着重提高商务英语运用能力、跨文化商务能力、思辨能力和商务实践能力。 语言、文化、商务有机融合,编排和选材注重立德树人,培养学生的中国情怀和国际视野,充分体现国际化、人文性、复合型、应用性的特点和全人教育的理念。 丰富的图片、音视频材料和“爱听外语”APP、WE Learn数字课程等多模态学习资源,提高学习的趣味性和输入的有效性:TOP课件、PPT课件、微课、慕课等数字资源配套丰富,为教师提供线上线下融合教学支持,助力打造商务英语专业一流课程。

商务英语阅读教程:4:4:学生用书:Students book 目录

Unit 1 National Business Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Labor Market Text B The Role of Government Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading GDP Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 2 A Country's Business Strategies Part 1 Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A The New Silk Road Text B Bankers VS. Mattresses Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Deflation Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 3 Economy Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A A Penny Here a Penny There Text B A New World Economic Order Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading:Digital Taylorism Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 4 International Commercial Law Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A International Law and Its Major Systems Text B The Dispute Settlement System of WTO Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading:Trade Secrets and Patents Compared Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 5 Marketing Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A The Concepts of Promotion Text B The Meaning of \"Place\" in Marketing Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Marketing Research Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 6 Finance Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A The Birth of a European Currency: the Euro Text B International Capital Market Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Balance of Payments (BOP) Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 7 International Payments Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Introduction to International Payments Text B Factoring Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Cyberpayments Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 8 Accounting Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Accounting and Double-entry System Text B About International Accounting Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading:The Most Fundamental Accounting Principle Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 9 International Logistics Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Advantages of International Logistics Text B About Logistics Part Ⅲ Reading Skills Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: DHL Part Ⅴ Test Yourself …… Unit 10 International Investments Unit 11 Business Culture Unit 12 International Events Unit 13 Tourism and the Hotel Industry Unit 14 Insurance Unit 15 E-commerce Unit 16 Globalization Appendix: Key to Test Yourself