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新起点高职英语综合教程:1:1:学生用书 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544676304
  • 条形码:9787544676304 ; 978-7-5446-7630-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

新起点高职英语综合教程:1:1:学生用书 内容简介

《新起点高职英语综合教程》依据我国高等职业教育英语课程教学要求编写,落实立德树人根本任务,体现中华优秀传统文化和社会主义先进文化,引导课程思政教学活动的开展,培养学生英语综合应用能力,特别是在职场环境下运用英语的能力。 适当降低起点难度,循序渐进,帮助学习者逐步提高英语水平以典型的英语职场交际功能为线索,突出职业性、实用性、时代性注重教学材料的趣味性,配以丰富的视频和图片TOP课件助教师实现个性化教学; WE Learn移动应用打造课堂内外、线上线下相融合的学习模式;5)第2版按照*新的教材审查要求,更换部分道选文,对书稿内容重新梳理,删除不合时宜的图片和相关表述,增强任务的互动性,提质创新。

新起点高职英语综合教程:1:1:学生用书 目录

【目录】 Unit 1 Cities and City Life Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text How to Have a Good Time in Sydney Part Four Grammar There-be structure Part Five Practical Writing Postcard Part Six Project Travel guide brochure Unit 2 Hobbies Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text Different People, Different Hobbies and Interests Part Four Grammar Simple present tense Part Five Practical Writing Note Part Six Project Poster of your club Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text Dragon Boat Festival Part Four Grammar The simple future tense Part Five Practical Writing Greeting card Part Six Project Presentation on a Chinese festival Unit 4 Seasons Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text My Favorite Season Part Four Grammar Present continuous tense Part Five Practical Writing Email Part Six Project Welcome sheet Unit 5 Health Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text The Benefits of Having Breakfast Part Four Grammar Comparative and superlative degrees Part Five Practical Writing Request for leave Part Six Project Survey on healthy lifestyle Unit 6 Food Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text Hot Pot or Hotpot Part Four Grammar Passive voice Part Five Practical Writing Recipe Part Six Project A Chinese dish for potluck Unit 7 Friends Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text What Are Friends? Part Four Grammar Simple past tense Part Five Practical Writing Diary Part Six Project Story-telling Unit 8 Family Part One Starter Part Two Listening and Speaking Part Three Intensive Reading Text The Modern Family — British Families Today Part Four Grammar Present perfect tense Part Five Practical Writing Personal information form Part Six Project Survey on family and family life Appendix I Presupposed Word List Appendix II Glossary