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华时代大学英语新指南阅读教程.1 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787309161649
  • 条形码:9787309161649 ; 978-7-309-16164-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

华时代大学英语新指南阅读教程.1 内容简介

本阅读教材单元主题涵盖了教育、健康、社会、科技、经济、文化、环境和旅游等领域,既有传统文化类文章,又有社会发展类文章,既兼顾了大学生日常学习和生活问题,又探讨了社会*新热点问题,注重培养学生的社会责任感、跨文化交际意识、国际视野和人文素养。 本阅读教材的选材均来自国内外英文报纸、杂志和网站,内容多以时事、科普类为主,文体风格多样,涉及说明文、描述文、记叙文、议论文等常见类型。

华时代大学英语新指南阅读教程.1 目录

Unit 1 College Life Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities Section A Quotes Appreciation Section B Group Discussion Part Ⅱ Reading Activities Section A Banked Cloze Time Management Tips for College Students Section B Speed Reading Ten Skills You Should Develop While in College Section C In-deoth Readins What Will College Life Be Like Ways to Balance Academics and Social Life in College Part Ⅲ Extended Activities Section A Translation Section B Writing Unit 2 Screen Time Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities Section A Quotes Appreciation Section B Group Discussion Part Ⅱ Reading Activities Section A Banked Cloze A Newly Built Smartphone Screen Section B Speed Reading Can Pat. Gelsinger Turn the Chipmaking Giant Around Section C In-depth Reading Google's New Device Will Track Your Sleep Driverless Cars Part Ⅲ Extended Activities Section A Translation Section B Writing Unit 3 Love Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities Section A Quotes Appreciation Section B Group Discussion Part Ⅱ Reading Activities Section A Banked Cloze Young People's Attitude Towards Bare-bones Marriage Section B Speed Reading Love Is Not Enough Section C In-depth Reading How Romance Ruins Love How to Find an Ideal Life Partner Part Ⅲ Extended Activities Section B wilnga Section A Translation Unit 4 E-commerce Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities Section A Quotes Appreciation Section B Group Discussion Part Ⅱ Reading Activities Section A Banked Cloze The Popularity of Electronic Payment in China Section B Speed Reading China's Lead over the US in Mobile Payments Section C In-depth Reading The Pandemic Could Be a Turning Point China's E-commerce Market Part Ⅲ Extended Activities Section A Translation Section B Writing Unit 5 Animals Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities Section A Quotes Appreciation Section B Group Discussion Part Ⅱ Reading Activities Section A Banked Cloze Animal Crisis Section B Speed Reading Danger to Animals All over the World Section C In-depth Reading African Wildlife Big Cats Part Ⅲ Extended Activities Section A Translation Section B Writing Unit 6 Traveling Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities Traveling Section A Quotes Appreciation Section B Group Discussion Part Ⅱ Reading Activities Section A Banked Cloze How to Change Plane Seats Section B Speed Reading Living in the World's Most Adventurous Countries Section C In-depth Reading Graduation Trips Tourism in Southwestern China Is Getting Better Part Ⅲ Extended Activities Section A Translation Section B Writing Unit 7 Dream and Success Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities Section A Quotes Appreciation Dream and Success Section B Group Discussion Part Ⅱ Reading Activities Section A Banked Cloze Chinese Driver Zhou Guanyu Promoted as Renault Test Driver Section B Speed Reading Barbara Jordan:A Powerful Voice for Justice and Social Change Section C In-depth Reading The Story of Ma Huijuan Part Ⅲ Extended Activities Section A Translation Section B Writing Unit 8 Festivals and Special Days Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities Section A Quotes Appreclation Section B Class Presentation Festivals and Special Days Part Ⅱ Reading Activities Section A Banked Cloze The Water-splashing Festival Section B Speed Reading At the Center of a Revolutionary Past Section C In-depth Reading The Lanterni Festiva The Origin of the Cold Food Day Part Ⅲ Fxtended Artivitiee Section A Translation Section B Writing Appendix