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英语课程教学教程 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787303281411
  • 条形码:9787303281411 ; 978-7-303-28141-1
  • 装帧:平装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

英语课程教学教程 内容简介

本教材是高等师范院校本科、专科英语教育、英语(师范)教育专业“英语课程与教学论” “英语学科教学论” “英语教学理论及方法” “英语教学设计与技能”等课程的教材,也适用于在职教师的培训与学习。本教材基于国家英语教师教育与发展改革精神,把握优选的英语教育思想、教育理念,继承我国英语师范教育教学的优秀传统,体现英语教师教育与发展的新动向、新成果、新经验。本教材是中国大学MOOC在线开放课程“英语课程与教学论”使用教材。

英语课程教学教程 目录

Module 1 General Introduction to English Pedagogy 1.1 Basic Concepts of Language Teaching 1.2 English Syllabus and English Curriculum Standards 1.3 A Brief History of Foreign Language Teaching in China 1.4 Summary of This Module Module 2 Learners in English Language Learning 2.1 Factors Influencing English Language Learning 2.2 English Language Learning Strategies 2.3 Learners' Motivation and Interest 2.4 Summary of This Module Module 3 Teachers in English Language Teaching 3.1 Teacher Factors Influencing English Language Teaching 3.2 Professional Development of English Language Teachers 3.3 Reflective Teaching 3.4 Summary of This Module Module 4 Basic Principles of English Language Teaching 4.1 Views on Language and Language Learning 4.2 Principles of English Language Teaching 4.3 Summary of This Module Module 5 English Language Teaching Approaches and Methods 5.1 Approach, Method and Technique 5.2 The Grammar-Translation Method 5.3 The Direct Method 5.4 The Oral Approach 5.5 The Audio-Lingual Method 5.6 The Cognitive Approach 5.7 The Natural Approach 5.8 Summary of This Module Module 6 Communicative Language Teaching and Task-Based Langnuge Teaching 6.1 Communicative Language Teaching 6.2 Task-Based Language Teaching 6.3 Summary of This Module Module 7 English Language Teaching Objectives 7.1 The Concept and Types of Objectives 7.2 Objectives of English Language Teaching 7.3 Creating Instructional Objectives 7.4 Summary of This Module Module 8 Instructional Design for English Language 8.1 Instructional Design 8.2 Elements of Instructional Design 8.3 Lesson Planning for English Language 8.4 Examples of Lesson Plan 8.5 Summary of This Module Module 9 Teaching Pronunciation 9.1 Basic Aspects of Teaching Pronuncintion 9.2 Approaches to and Activities of Teaching Pronuncistion 9.3 Case Study of Teaching Pronunciation 9.4 Summary of This Module Module 10 Teaching Vocabulary 10.1 Basic Aspects of Teaching Vocabulary 10.2 Ways and Activities of Teaching Vocabulary 10.3 Case Study of Teaching Vocabulary 10.4 Summary of This Module Module 11 Teaching Grammar 11.1 Basic Aspects of Teaching Grammar 11.2 Ways of Presenting Grammar 11.3 Case Study of Teaching Grammar 11.4 Summary of This Module Module 12 Teaching Language Functions 12.1 Language Functions and Language Exponents 12.2 Basic Principles of Teaching Language Functions 12.3 Techniques and Ways of Teaching Language Functions 12.4 Summary of This Module Module 13 Teaching Listening 13.1 Basic Aspects of Teaching Listening 13.2 Models and Stages of Teaching Listening 13.3 Case Study of Teaching Listening 13.4 Summary of This Module Module 14 Teaching Speaking 14.1 Basic Aspects of Teaching Speaking 14.2 Activities of Teaching Speaking 14.3 Case Study of Teaching Speaking 14.4 Summary of This Module Module 15 Teaching Reading 15.1 Basic Aspects of Teaching Reading 15.2 Techniques and Stages of Teaching Reading 15.3 Case Study of Teaching Reading 15.4 Summary of This Module Module 16 Teaching Writing 16.1 Basic Aspects of Teaching Writing 16.2 Stages of Teaching Writing 16.3 Process-Oriented Approach to Writing 16.4 Designing of Writing Tasks 16.5 Case Study of Teaching Writing 16.6 Summary of This Module Module 17 Integrating Language Skills in EFL Classes 17.1 Basic Aspects of Integrating Language Skills 17.2 Types and Examples of Integration 17.3 Case Study of Integrating Language Skills 17.4 Summary of This Module Module 18 Classroom Communication and Management 18.1 Classroom Communication 18.2 Classroom Management 18.3 Student Grouping and Discipline 18.4 Questioning in the Classroom and Dealing with Errors 18.5 Summary of This Module Bibliography

英语课程教学教程 作者简介

李淑琼 北京联合大学师范学院教师, 北京外国语大学文学学士、美国威斯康辛州立大学英语教育硕士、中央民族大学哲学硕士,澳大利亚悉尼大学学习获TESOL证书。 任教课程有基础英语、商务英语、国际贸易实务英语、英语教师教育系列课程英语学科教学论、英语教学设计与教学技能、优秀英语教师教学案例分析、英语教师职业技能训练、英语微格教学等,任教课程多年获得评教优秀。年度考核基本上为优秀。
