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医学学科英语 版权信息

医学学科英语 本书特色

1.融入思政元素,培育医者仁心。本书探讨solidarity during COVID-19、inestimable value of nursing、mental health care for university students 和cancer care 等话题,帮助学生塑造正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。
2.覆盖学科主题,拓展语言能力。单元主题包括Pandemic、Medicine、Nursing、Mental Health、Food and Nutrient、Drug、Cancer和Medical Ethics。
3.选材权威新颖,激发学习兴趣。文章选自权威的科普杂志,比如Scientific American(《科学美国人》)、The Economics(《经济学人》)等,选材兼顾了科普性、学术性、人文性、趣味性和前瞻性。

医学学科英语 内容简介

《医学学科英语》定位为医学院校学科通用学术英语。每个单元包括主题信息检索与展示、三篇相关主题的阅读文章、课文配套综合训练,以及学术英语技巧学习与分项训练。全书选材来自于**的科普杂志、医学官方网站和医学学术期刊,兼顾了科普性、学术性、人文性、趣味性和前瞻性。本教材另配有练习答案和PPT 教学课件。 《医学学科英语》适用于医学类高等院校学生、医务工作者以及医学英语爱好者。

医学学科英语 目录

Unit 1 Pandemic Part A Information Searching and Delivering2 Part B Text Understanding2 Passage 1 Pandemics—What Everyone Needs to Know 2 Passage 2 A Universal Flu Vaccine Is Vital 5 Passage 3 Wearing Face Masks in the Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Altruism and Solidarity 8 Part C Integrated Exercises 11 Part D Academic Skills18 Academic Listening Skill: Recognizing Main Ideas and Supporting Details 18 Academic Reading Skill: Medical Terminology 23 Academic Writing Skill: Topic Sentence and Supporting Details25 Unit 2 Medicine Part A Information Searching and Delivering30 Part B Text Understanding30 Passage 1 Medicine 30 Passage 2 What Are the Benefits and Advantages of Telemedicine? 33 Passage 3 Interpreting the Language of Traditional Medicine 36 Part C Integrated Exercises40 Part D Academic Skills47 Academic Listening Skill: Recognizing Signal Words 47 Academic Reading Skill: Skimming and Scanning 52 Academic Writing Skill: How to Write Definitions 55 Unit 3 Nursing Part A Information Searching and Delivering60 Part B Text Understanding60 Passage 1 Men in Nursing: The Challenges in Caregiving60 Passage 2 2020: Unleashing the Full Potential of Nursing64 Passage 3 If Nurses Nurse, Why Don't Doctors Doctor?66 Part C Integrated Exercises70 Part D Academic Skills77 Academic Listening Skill: Finding the Sequence of Events in a Narrative77 Academic Reading Skill: Signal Words81 Academic Writing Skill: Comparison and Contrast83 Unit 4 Mental Health Part A Information Searching and Delivering90 Part B Text Understanding90 Passage 1 Mental Health and Mental Disorders90 Passage2 No Physical Health Without Mental Heath:Lessons Unlearned?94 Passage 3 Mental Health Care for University Students: A Way Forward?96 Part C Integrated Exercises100 Part D Academic Skills108 Academic Listening Skill: Making Predictions108 Academic Reading Skill: Topic Sentences112 Academic Writing Skill: Problem and Solutiom--115 Unit 5 Food and Nutrient Part A Information Searching and Delivering122 Part B Text Understanding122 Passage 1 Diet, Nutrition and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Excerpt)122 Passage 2 Fact or Fiction? Feed a Cold,Starve a Fever—The Answer ls Simmering in a Bowl of Chicken Soup126 Passage 3 Does Lactose Cause Bloating?128 Part C Integrated Exercises132 Part D Academic Skills139 Academic Listening Skill: Making Inferences139 Academic Reading Skill: Inference Making142 Academic Writing Skill: Cause and Effect146 Unit 6 Drug Part A Information Searching and Delivering150 Part B Text Understanding150 Passage 1 Medicine's Journey Through the Body150 Passage 2 When Legal Drugs Harm and illegal Drugs Help153 Passage 3 Dealing with Drug Pricing: Not Just One Solution155 Part C Integrated Exercises158 Part D Academic Skills165 Academic Listening Skill: Identifying Numbers165 Academic Reading Skill: Facts and Opinions169 Academic Writing Skill: Examples and Statistics171 Unit 7 Cancer Part A Information Searching and Delivering176 Part B Text Understanding176 Passage 1 Building a More Resilient Cancer Healthcare System176 Passage 2 Disability in Cancer Care: Time for Change?179 Passage 3 Time to Focus on Value-Based Metrics for Cancer Care?181 Part C Integrated Exercises185 Part D Academic Skills193 Academic Listening Skill: Recognizing Cause and Effect Relationship193 Academic Reading Skill: Arguments and Evidences198 Academic Writing Skill: Quoting and Paraphrasing 201 Unit 8 Medical Ethics Part A Information Searching and Delivering206 Part B Text Understanding206 Passage 1 Introduction to Medical Ethics (Excerpt)206 Passage 2 Palliative Cane—A Shifting Paradigm210 Passage 3 A Genetically Augmented Future213 Part C Integrated Exercises216 Part D Academic Skills223 Academic Listening Skill: Summarizing223 Academic Reading Skill: Tables and Figures227 Academic Writing Skill: Summarizing232

医学学科英语 作者简介

