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船用螺旋桨理论与应用(英文版) 版权信息

船用螺旋桨理论与应用(英文版) 内容简介


船用螺旋桨理论与应用(英文版) 目录

Preface 1.Propulsion 1.1 General principle 1.1.1 Propulsors 1.1.2 Development of the screw propeller 1.1.3 Types of propellers 1.2 Extension of effective power concept Questions 2.Geometry of a screw propeller 2.1 Propeller geometry 2.2 Helicoidal surface 2.3 Propeller features 2.3.1 Coordinate systems and propeller outlines 2.3.2 Blade sections 2.4 Pitch measurements 2.4.1 Simple measurement method 2.4.2 Complex measurement method Questions 3.Propeller basic theory 3.1 Momentum theory 3.1.1 Ideal propulsor 3.1.2 Momentum theory for ideal propeller 3.2 Blade element theory 3.2.1 Velocity diagram 3.2.2 Lift and drag on aerofoil 3.3 Propeller hydrodynamic performance 3.4 Presentation of propeller data Questions 4.Open water test 4.1 Dynamic similarity of open water test 4.2 Scale effects 4.3 Open water test setup 4.4 Other tests related to screw propeller design 4.4.1 Hull resistance tests 4.4.2 Propulsion tests Questions 5.Interaction between hull and screw propeller 5.1 Wake effects 5.1.1 Reason of wake 5.1.2 Wake fraction 5.1.3 Wake measurement 5.2 Relative rotation efficiency 5.3 Thrust deduction 5.4 Hull efficiency 5.5 Propulsion coefficient 5.6 Thrust augmentation devices 5.6.1 Devices before the propeller 5.6.2 Devices at the propeller 5.6.3 Devices behind the propeller Questions 6.Cavitation 6.1 Cavitation phenomena 6.2 Prediction of cavitation inception 6.3 Cavitation and its effects 6.4 Cavitation tunnel tests 6.4.1 Cavitation tests conditions 6.4.2 Cavitation tunnel 6.4.3 Cavitation tunnel measurement 6.5 Cavitation verification Questions 7.Strength of propeller 7.1 Strength development 7.2 Rules for checking structural strength 7.2.1 Example of strength calculation 7.2.2 Pitch ratio modification 7.2.3 Propeller weight and moment of inertia 7.3 Cantilever beam method 7.4 Blade stress computational methods 7.5 Detailed strength design considerations 7.6 Propeller backing stresses 7.7 Blade root fillet design 7.8 Residual blade stresses 7.9 Admissible design stress 7.10 Full scale blade strain measurement Question 8.Marine propeller designs based on charts 8.1 Design purpose 8.2 Design considerations 8.2.1 Choice of propeller type 8.2.2 Engine characteristics 8.2.3 Propeller details 8.3 Maximum efficiency design with series charts 8.3.1 B-δ charts derivation 8.3.2 B-δ application 8.4 Standard series charts 8.4.1 AU series charts 8.4.2 B-screw series 8.5 Design process 8.6 Propeller design example References Appendix Appendix 1 AU standard series charts Appendix 2 Nomenclature Appendix 3 SI and USC conversions and constants Color Figures