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开本: 26cm 页数: 208页
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国际商务谈判(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787566324566
  • 条形码:9787566324566 ; 978-7-5663-2456-6
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

国际商务谈判(英文版) 内容简介


国际商务谈判(英文版) 目录

Part I Managing the Negotiation Process Stage 1 Preparing for the Negotiation Stage 2 Opening Stage 3 Bargaining Stage 4 Closing Part Ⅱ Negotiation in International Business Unit One Making Enquiries Unit Two Negotiating Prices Unit Three Placing Orders Unit Four Terms of Payment Unit Five Packing Unit Six Shipment Unit Seven Insurance Unit Eight Claim Part Ⅲ The Social Etiquette and the Negotiation Styles Unit One The Social Etiquette and the Negotiation Styles of Some Asian Countries 1.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Burma 2.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of India 3.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Malaysia 4.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Japan 5.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Saudi Arabia 6.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Singapore 7.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of South Korea 8.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Thailand 9.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Viet Nam Unit Two The Social Etiquette and the Negotiation Styles of Some African Countries 1.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Congo Brazzaville and Congo Kinshasa 2.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Egypt 3.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Ethiopia 4.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Kenya 5.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Mauritius 6.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Morocco 7.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Nigeria 8.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Rwanda 9.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of South Africa 10.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Sudan and South Sudan 11.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Tanzania 12.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Uganda Unit Three The Social Etiquette and the Negotiation Styles of Some European Countries 1.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Croatia 2.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Denmark 3.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of France 4.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Germany 5.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Italy 6.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Poland 7.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Russia 8.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Spain 9.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of UK Unit Four The Social Etiquette and the Negotiation Styles of Some American Countries 1.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Argentina 2.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Brazil 3.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Chile 4.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Colombia 5.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Mexico 6.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Peru 7.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of USA 8.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Uruguay 9.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Venezuela Unit Five The Social Etiquette and the Negotiation Styles of Some Oceanian Countries 1.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of Australia 2.The Social Etiquette and the Negotiating Style of New Zealand Key to Exercises 参考书目

国际商务谈判(英文版) 作者简介

