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国际航运与港口英语 版权信息

国际航运与港口英语 内容简介


国际航运与港口英语 目录

Unit 1 Maritime Transport
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Maritime Transport
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Shipping Markets and Shipping Routes
Passage Two International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Part D Exercises
Unit 2 Cargo Ships
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Cargo Ships
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Types of Ships
Passage Two Classification Society
Part D Exercises
Unit 3 Cargo Work
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Cargo Work
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Commodity Features and Cargo Work
Passage Two Tally Companies
Part D Exercises
Unit 4 Liner Shipping
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Liner Shipping
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Design of Liner Services
Passage Two Liner Companies
Part D Exercises
Unit 5 Charter Shipping
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Charter Shipping
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Differences Between Liner Shipping and Charter Shipping
Passage Two Charter Parties
Part D Exercises
Unit 6 Container Transport
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Container Transport
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Some Topics Concerning Container Transport
Passage Two Container Ports
Part D Exercises
Unit 7 Multimodal Transport
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Multimodal Transport
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Container Sea-Rail Intermodal Transport
Passage Two Dry Ports
Part D Exercises
Unit 8 Shipping Documents
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Shipping Documents
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Cargo Documents
Passage Two Some Topics Concerning Bill of Lading
Part D Exercises
Unit 9 Freight Forwarding
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Freight Forwarding
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Freight Forwarders and Port Choice
Passage Two FIATA and CIFA
Part D Exercises
Unit 10 Shipping Agency
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Shipping Agency
Part C Further Reading
Passage One FONASBA and CASA
Passage Two Shipping Agency and China Ocean Shipping Agency
Part D Exercises
Unit 11 Maritime Ports
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Maritime Ports
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Relationship Between Port and Port City
Passage Two Port Hinterland
Part D Exercises
Unit 12 Port Administration
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Port Administration
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Container Terminals
Passage Two Port Competition
Part D Exercises
Unit 13 Port Logistics
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Port Logistics
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Evolution of Nodal Space in Transport Chain
Passage Two Port Financing
Part D Exercises
Unit 14 Marine Services
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Marine Services
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Shipping Services
PassageTwo Value-Added Services (VAS)
Part D Exercises
Unit 15 Marine Insurance
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Marine Insurance
Part C Further Reading
Passage One General Average
Passage Two Maritime Arbitration
Part D Exercises
Unit 16 Shipping Regulations
Part A Unit Outline
Part B Text Study
Shipping Regulations
Part C Further Reading
Passage One Port State Control (PSC)
Passage Two Open Registry
Part D Exercises