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英语演讲艺术(第5版) 版权信息

英语演讲艺术(第5版) 本书特色


英语演讲艺术(第5版) 内容简介

《英语演讲艺术》(第5版)与时俱进,致力于培养应用型英语人才,提高学生跨文化交际能力。本版延续本教材基本特色,即以英美影视演讲素材为主线,加入创新元素,注入新活力。根据广大师生读者反馈的意见,做了如下修订。一是调整部分章节。二是增加数字资源。三是采用活页装订,更方便学生上课使用。本教材第 4 版获得湖北省第八、第九届高校教学成果奖,这成为第 5 版修订的主要动力来源。本书可供英语专业和非英语专业学生作为教材使用,也可作为准备英语演讲比赛的选手和指导老师的参考书。

英语演讲艺术(第5版) 目录


Chapter 1 Public Speaking—An Overview公众演讲:综述…1

1.1 Introducing Public Speaking…1

1.2 Importance of Public Speaking…7

1.3 Features of English Speeches in Movies and TVs…14

1.4 The Importance of Learning Public Speaking from Movies…20

1.5 Questions for Discussion…22

1.6 Topics for One?Minute Speech Practice…22

Chapter 2 Preparing a Public Speech演讲稿的准备…23

2.1 Selecting a Topic…23

2.2 Supporting What to Be Said…34

2.3 Organizing Our Speech…46

2.4 Beginning Our Speech…60

2.5 Ending Our Speech…74

2.6 Outlining Our Speech…84

2.7 Rehearsing Our Speech…88

2.8 Questions for Discussion…89

2.9 Topics for One?Minute Speech Practice…90

Chapter 3 Varieties of Public Speaking演讲的种类…91

3.1 Speaking Informatively…91

3.2 Speaking Persuasively…96

3.3 Speaking to Entertain…103

3.4 Speaking from Manuscript…104

3.5 Speaking from Memory…106

3.6 Speaking Extemporaneously…106

3.7 Speaking Impromptu…107

3.8 Answering Questions in a Press Conference…110

3.9 Answering Questions in English Speaking Competitions…114

3.10 Questions for Discussion…117

3.11 Topics for One?Minute Speech Practice…118

Chapter 4 Language in Delivery演讲的语言因素…119

4.1 Rhetoric and Public Speaking…119

4.2 Public Speaking and Daily Conversation…146

4.3 Questions for Discussion…149

4.4 Topics for One?Minute Speech Practice…149

Chapter 5 Vocal Factors in Delivery演讲的声音因素…151

5.1 A Perfect World of Sound…151

5.2 Pronunciation: Say the Words Correctly…152

5.3 Articulation: Speak Clearly…153

5.4 Volume: We Must Be Heard…155

5.5 Pitch & Intonation: Make Our Voice Varied…157

5.6 Tone: Be Consistent with the Subject Matter…158

5.7 Rate:Don’t Speak Too Fast…158

5.8 Pause: Let It Sink in…159

5.9 Timbre…161

5.10 Register…162

5.11 Questions for Discussion…162

5.12 Topics for One?Minute Speech Practice…162

Chapter 6 Humor in Delivery演讲中的幽默…164

6.1 The Importance of Humor in Public Speech…164

6.2 How to Be Humorous in Public Speaking…171

6.3 The Pitfalls of Using Humor in Public Speaking…178

6.4 Anxiety in Public Speaking…179

6.5 Questions for Discussion…185

6.6 Topics for One?Minute Speech Practice…185

Chapter 7 English Debate英语辩论…186

7.1 English Debate: The Basics…186

7.2 Preparing a Debate…190

7.3 Strategies and Techniques of Debating…194

7.4 Critical Thinking and Fallacies in Debating…198

7.5 Common Fallacies in Debating…201

7.6 Appreciating an Example of Debating…206

7.7 Questions for Discussion…207

7.8 Topics for One?Minute Speech Practice…208

Bibliographies & References…209

英语演讲艺术(第5版) 作者简介

刘诺亚,男,教授,1994年起就职于荆楚理工学院,有论文十余篇发表在各大学学报和杂志,两篇哲学译文2004年发表在《哲学世界》。 另有教材《英美演讲艺术》《英美影视演讲欣赏》于华中科技大学出版社出版。
