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仿生科学与工程专业英语(郭丽) 版权信息

仿生科学与工程专业英语(郭丽) 内容简介

《仿生科学与工程专业英语》教材以仿生学原理及其多学科应用方向为基础,参考国外原版课程素材和国际高水平学术期刊论文,系统介绍仿生相关学会组织与机构、仿生设计原则与方法、运动仿生学、仿生材料、仿生机械、仿生健康和仿生智能等内容。本教材面向国家建设现代化教育强国的战略需求,落实立德树人根本任务,通过提高仿生科学与工程专业领域的语言知识水平及综合运用能力,强化提升学生的国际视野和综合素养,培养学生成为我国强有力参与仿生科技领域国际事务与国际竞争、建设现代化科技强国的优秀人才。 本教材不仅适用于仿生科学与工程专业本科生教学,也可作为该专业硕博研究生专业英语的参考用书,还可作为材料科学与工程、机械设计、人工智能等多学科专业英语教学和自学参考用书。

仿生科学与工程专业英语(郭丽) 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction 11.1 Features of English for Special Purposes 11.2 Introduction to Bionics 11.2.1 Learning from Nature 21.2.2 Terms and Definitions 41.3 Professional Organizations/Institutions 51.3.1 The Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering (Ministry of Education) of Jilin University (KLBE) 61.3.2 The International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE) 61.3.3 Bionics International (BIN) 71.3.4 The Laboratory of Bionics Engineering of the University of Seville (LBE) 81.3.5 The Bionics Engineering Lab of the University of Utah (BEL) 81.3.6 The Center for Extreme Bionics (CEB) 81.3.7 Biomimicry Institute (BI) 91.3.8 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 9Key vocabularies 10Exercises 11Chapter 2 Fundamentals and Principles of Bionics 132.1 Two Strategic Approaches of Bionics 132.2 Design Paradigms 152.2.1 Problem-Driven BID 162.2.2 Solution-Driven BID 192.2.3 Biomimicry 23Key vocabularies 25Exercises 27Chapter 3 Enhance the Success of Biomimetic Programs 293.1 Biomimetic Approaches to Engineering Designs May be Suboptimal 303.2 Cases of Evaluation of Bionic Design 303.2.1 Designing Reversible Adhesives Based on Gecko Toe Pads 303.2.2 Development of High Performance Materials Based on Spider Dragline Silk 343.2.3 Worms Show Way to Efficiently Move Soil 373.3 Pathway to Enhanced Outcomes 393.3.1 Specification of the Target Function(s) 393.3.2 Choice of Model 403.3.3 Extraction of Working Principles 403.3.4 Designing Prototypes 423.3.5 Testing Prototypes 42Key vocabularies 42Exercises 44Chapter 4 Biomimetics of Motion 474.1 Biomimics for Adaptivity 474.1.1 Micro and Macro 474.1.2 Adaptivity through Disassembly 484.1.3 Adaptivity through Motion 494.2 Motion versus Change 494.2.1 Motion as Change on a Specific Time-scale 494.2.2 Tropic and Nastic Movements 504.2.3 Locomotion 514.3 Case Studies of Motion in Nature 534.3.1 Plants and Seeds 534.3.2 Soft-Bodied Systems 604.3.3 Rigid Systems 67Key vocabularies 73Exercises 78Chapter 5 Bioinspired Materials 815.1 Background 815.1.1 Box 1 | Essentials of mechanical properties 835.1.2 Box 2 | Common design motifs of natural structural materials 875.2 Structure and Properties of Natural Materials 895.3 Methods of Processing Hierarchical Materials 955.4 Looking Ahead 99Key vocabularies 102Exercises 106Chapter 6 Bioinspired Robots 1096.1 Bioinspired Morphologies 1106.2 Bioinspired Sensors 1126.2.1 Vision 1126.2.2 Audition 1146.2.3 Touch 1156.2.4 Smell 1166.2.5 Taste 1176.3 Bioinspired Actuators 1176.4 Bioinspired Control Architectures 1246.4.1 Behavior-based Robotics 1246.4.2 Learning Robotics 124Key vocabularies 126Exercises 130Chapter 7 Artificial Intelligence 1317.1 Introduction to AI 1317.2 Achieving AI 1357.3 Machine Learning 1367.3.1 Supervised Learning 1377.3.2 Unsupervised Learning 1397.3.3 Semi Supervised Learning 1407.3.4 Reinforcement Learning 1417.4 Challenges for AI 1447.5 Application Areas of AI 1457.5.1 Robots and Telemedicine 1467.5.2 Education 148Key vocabularies 149Exercises 150References 152

仿生科学与工程专业英语(郭丽) 作者简介

郭丽,吉林大学生物与农业工程学院教授,博士生导师,英国高等教育学会研究员。2011年在美国堪萨斯州立大学(Kansas State University)获得博士学位,2011年-2012年相继在美国堪萨斯州立大学和密西根州立大学(Michigan State University)从事博士后研究工作。主讲《农业机械化及其自动化专业英语》和《仿生科学与工程专业英语》等本科生课程;主讲《现代设计方法与创新思维》和《环境污染与仿生监测控制技术》等研究生课程,具有丰富教学经验。
