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学术英语文献阅读与综述 版权信息

学术英语文献阅读与综述 本书特色


学术英语文献阅读与综述 内容简介

《学术英语文献阅读与综述》致力于提高学生的英语论文阅读能力,兼具培养学生科学的质疑精神和批判性思维能力。教材选取高质量学术论文作为阅读材料,反映世界**的科技发展和学术前沿;阅读技巧与策略兼顾宏观与微观,全面助力学生热练阅读英文学术论文,掌握相关领域的**科技发展动向和学术前沿信息;练习设计遵循学用一体原则,贴近学术生活,使学生以积极探究的态度走进英语学术阅读,全面总结并客观评价所阅读的文献。全书共设十个单元,各单元又细分为三大板块:阅读技巧与策略、学术论文精读、学术论文扩展阅读。本教材另配有练习参考答案和PPT课件,读者可登录www.tsinghuaelt.com下载使用。 《学术英语文献阅读与综述》适用于非英语专业的硕士和博士研究生,本科高年级学生及科技和人文学科的教师和学者。

学术英语文献阅读与综述 目录

Unit 1 Autonomous Driving1
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies 2
Reading a Research Paper2
Part 2 Intensive Reading6
The Moral Machine Experiment6
Part3 Further Reading23
Life and Death Decisions of Autonomous Vehicles23 Unit 2 Public Health25
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies 26
Identifying Keywords and Formulating an Outline26
Part 2 Intensive Reading 30
Childhood Overweight and Obesity: Is the Gap Closing the Wrong Way?30
Part3 Further Reading45
Tracking of Childhood Overweight into Adulthood: A Systematic Review of the Literature45 Unit 3 Critical Thinking47
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies48
Reading Critically 48
Part2 Intensive Reading53
Critical Thinking: Seven Definitions in Search of a Concept53
Part3 Further Reading77
How Do English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) Teachers Perceive and Engage with Critical Thinking: A Systematic Review from 2010 to 2020 77 Unit 4 Arts Education79
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies80
Reading Empirical Articles80
Part 2 Intensive Reading85
The Use of Folk Music in Kindergartens and Family Settings..85
Part 3 Further Reading94
Education and the Arts: Educating Every Child in the Spirit of Inquiry and Joy 94 Unit 5 Language Learning97
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies 98
Reading Conceptual Articles98
Part 2 Intensive Reading100
A Conceptual Framework to Explore the English Language Learning Experiences of International Students in Malaysia..100
Part 3 Further Reading 115
Twenty-Five Years of Research on Oral and Written Corrective Feedback in System115
Unit 6 Environment117
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies 118
Reading Review Articles118
Part 2 Intensive Reading 121
Pesticides:An Overview of the Current Health Problems of Their Use121
Part 3 Further Reading 136
Review on Mould Contamination and Hygrothermal Effect in Indoor Environment136 Unit 7 English for Academic Purposes139
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies140
Reading Response Articles 140
Part 2 Intensive Reading143
Standards of English in Academic Writing: A Response to McKinley and Rose144
Part 3 Further Reading154
Conceptualizations of Language Errors,Standards, Norms and Nativeness in English for Research Publication Purposes: An Analysis of Journal Submission Guidelines154 Unit 8 Psychology 157
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies 158
Distinguishing Reporting Verbs158
Part2 Intensive Reading160
Procrastination, Deadlines,and Performance: Self-Control by Precommitment160
Part3 Further Reading 174
Academic Interventions for Academic Procrastination: A Review of the Literature174 Unit 9 Carbon Economy175
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies176
Writing an Annotated Bibliography176
Part 2 Intensive Reading178
Operationalizing the Net-Negative Carbon Economy178
Part 3 Further Reading 195
The Effects of Assigning Liability for CO? Removal195 Unit 10 Artificial Intelligence (Al)197
Part 1 Reading Skills and Strategies198
Selecting Different Types of Literature and Writing an Effective Literature Review198
Part 2 Intensive Reading205
Responsible Urban Innovation with Local Government Artificial Intelligence(Al): A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda205
Part3 Further Reading 222
A Systematic Literature Review of Al in the Sharing Economy222 References225

学术英语文献阅读与综述 作者简介

