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A-sugar painting(妙笔糖画) 绘本

A-sugar painting(妙笔糖画) 绘本

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A-sugar painting(妙笔糖画) 绘本 版权信息

A-sugar painting(妙笔糖画) 绘本 本书特色

将美食与节日融合,以全新故事讲述糖画的来历,展现了除夕、春节期间的喜庆年俗,赋予传统文化新的活力。 故事情节中加入糖画的制作方法,亲子互动体验美食制作,寓教于乐。 用“甜”唤起对新年的向往

A-sugar painting(妙笔糖画) 绘本 内容简介


Mr. Brush was an excellent painter. Under his brush, all things were lifelike.
In the palace, there was a little prince who loved painting as well. But he was not gifted and could not paint a picture to his content. One of his servants suggested inviting Mr. Brush as the prince’s tutor. In the palace, Mr. Brush was tested and amazed all present by his sugar painting.《妙笔糖画》是一本以春节为主题的绘本。妙笔先生下笔如有神,他画的画鲜活而又有生气,仿佛就要从画中跳出来。小太子酷爱绘画却不得要领,仆人们为他着急,一起去请在春节庙会上作画的妙笔先生。技艺高超的妙笔先生在朝堂上无惧挑战,以糖代墨,在石板上画了栩栩如生的龙,皇上和太子大喜,盛情邀请他为小太子做老师。妙笔先生寻借口离去,之后不知所踪,留下纸条告诉小太子学画画不要拘泥于纸笔,要着眼于天下大事、人民生活。长大后的小太子再一次在市集上碰到了画糖画的摊位,他看着自己人民快乐的生活,握着糖画,也露出了笑容。 Mr. Brush was an excellent painter. Under his brush, all things were lifelike. In the palace, there was a little prince who loved painting as well. But he was not gifted and could not paint a picture to his content. One of his servants suggested inviting Mr. Brush as the prince’s tutor. In the palace, Mr. Brush was tested and amazed all present by his sugar painting. But when being asked to be the tutor of the prince, Mr. Brush found an excuse to leave and sent a message in which he told the little prince that painting was like ruling a country, and he had to bear in mind how to make a perfect painting just like the little prince should bear in mind how to bring happiness to his people and prosperity to the country. Many years later, the little prince became a diligent and fair emperor loved by his people. When he saw sugar painting during a Spring Festival, he thought about Mr. Brush and the important lesson he had taught him.

A-sugar painting(妙笔糖画) 绘本 作者简介

牟艾莉,四川美术学院副教授。中央戏剧学院博士,悉尼大学艺术硕士。出版绘本《粽子娃娃》《中国神话有意思》(全七册),其绘本作品被China Daily整版报道推介给英语世界;其作品入选首届中国插画艺术展、首届全国动漫美术作品展、A4美术馆iSTART儿童艺术节主题展等,并在方所书店(重庆、青岛店)巡展。 绘者龙一,自由插画师,毕业于四川美术学院。
