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新世纪商务英语专业本科系列教材(第2版)商务英语阅读教程3学生用书 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544669221
  • 条形码:9787544669221 ; 978-7-5446-6922-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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新世纪商务英语专业本科系列教材(第2版)商务英语阅读教程3学生用书 内容简介


新世纪商务英语专业本科系列教材(第2版)商务英语阅读教程3学生用书 目录

Unit 1 Education Part I Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Getting In Gets Harder Text B Is It Worth It? Part Ⅲ Reading Skils: Paragraph 段落(1) Part IV Fast Reading Practice: Teachers Demand Cut in Class Sizes to Part V Supplementary Reading: Overview of Education in China Unit 2 Multinational Corporation Part I Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Going Global Text B Sony Is Not Japan Part Ⅲ “Reading Skills:Paragraph 段落(2) Part Ⅳ Fast Reading Practice: CFO in Focus Part V Supplementary Reading: Fast Food Nation Unit 3 Sino-U.S. Trade Part I Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Trade Disputes Text B The Runaway Trade Giant Part Ⅲ Reading Skills: Paragraph 段落(3) Part Ⅳ Fast Reading Practice: It's Not Too Late to Choose Business Part V Supplementary Reading: Finance Industry Employees Top Salary Rankings Unit 4 International Organization Part I Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Text B The United Nations Explained: Its Purpose, Power and Problems Part Ⅲ Reading Skills:Topic Sentence 主题句 Part IV Fast Reading Practice: The Story of the BRICs Part V Supplementary Reading: Brexit Unit 5 Management Part I Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Peter F. Drucker, a Pioneer in Social and Management Theory Text B Building a Better CEO Part Ⅲ Reading Skills:Development of Topics 主题扩展 Part IV Fast Reading Practice: Corner of Finance Where Women Are Climbing Part V Supplementary Reading: Changing Perceptions Unit 6 Marketing Part I Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Why Western Marketing Strategies Fail in China Text B The Do's and Don'ts of Social Media Marketing Part Ⅲ Reading Skills: Comprehension of Articles 理解文意 Part IV Fast Reading Practice: Why Should Fear Alibaba Part V Supplementary Reading: Online Sales Get Spring Festival Boost Unit 7 International Trade