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航海英语阅读 版权信息

航海英语阅读 内容简介

本书为《航海英语阅读》,共包括7个单元,Unit 1,Ship Structure and Equipment;Unit 2,Bridge Manuals;Unit 3,Marine Meteorology;Unit 4,Ship Maneuvering;Unit 5,Nautical Publication and Correspondence;Unit 6,Cargo Work;Unit 7

航海英语阅读 目录

Unit 1 Ship Structure and Equipment Lesson 1 Ship Types Lesson 2 Manning on Board Lesson 3 General Arrangement Plan Lesson 4 Measurement Lesson 5 Bridge Equipment Lesson 6 Life-saving Appliances and Arrangements Lesson 7 Fire-fighting Equipment Exercises for Unit 1 Unit 2 Bridge Manuals Lesson 8 Radar and ARPA Lesson 9 Magnetic Compass & Gyro Compass Lesson 10 GPS, ECDIS, VDR & AIS Exercises for Unit 2 Unit 3 Marine Meteorology Lesson 11 Basic Knowledge about Marine Meteorology Lesson 12 Weather Routeing & Weather Messages Exercisss for Unit 3 Unit 4 Ship Manoeuvering Lesson 13 Basic Knowledge about Navigation Lesson 14 Basic Knowledge about Ship Manoeuvring Lesson 15 IALA Maritime Buoyage System Lesson 16 Intenational Regulations For Preventing Collisions at Sea (1972) Lesson 17 Navigational Watch at Sea Exercises for Unit 4 Unit 5 Nautical Publications and Correspondence Lesson 18 Nautical Chart and Chart Work Lesson 19 Notices to Mariners and Navigational Warnings Lesson 20 Logbook Lesson 21 Various Notices Lesson 22 Accident Reports Exercises for Unit 5 Unit 6 Cargo Work Lesson 23 Basic Knowledge About Cargo Lesson 24 Equipment Used to Load and Discharge Cargo Lesson 25 Preparation of Cargo Space Lesson 26 Introduction to IMDG Code Exercises for Unit 6 Unit 7 IMO Conventions Lesson 27 Introduction to IMO Lesson 28 An Introduction to STCW Conventions Lesson 29 An Introduction to SOLAS Convention Lesson 30 An Introduction to MARPOL Lesson 31 An Introduction to MLC Lesson 32 An Introduction to ISM Lesson 33 An Introduction to Port State Control Lesson 34 An Introduction to ISPS Exercises for Unit 7