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化学与生物视角下酸性矿山废水中次生矿物的地球化学过程(英文版) 版权信息

化学与生物视角下酸性矿山废水中次生矿物的地球化学过程(英文版) 内容简介

酸性矿山废水(Acid Mine Drainage,AMD)污染是矿产资源开发利用过程中金属硫化物自然风化产生的重要环境问题。AMD中所含的重金属等污染物经污灌进入矿山周边农田耕地,严重破坏矿区的生态环境,对农产品安全构成潜在的威胁。在AMD污染的流域环境中,常常也会形成的大量亚稳定的含铁硫酸盐次生矿物,能够对流域内的重金属起到吸附和共沉淀的作用,但同时也面临着矿物转化过程中重金属再释放的环境风险,影响着水体中重金属的环境行为与归宿。本书介绍以黄铁矾和施氏矿物为代表的次生矿物在多种环境因子介导下的生物化学转化过程以及重金属释放机制等科学问题。将有助厘清矿区重金属的迁移规律和内在机理,从而为矿区重金属污染防控和治理提供理论指导。本书适合从事矿区生态修复治理相关的企事业单位、科研机构、学生及对矿山生态环境有兴趣的大众人群。

化学与生物视角下酸性矿山废水中次生矿物的地球化学过程(英文版) 目录

Chapter 1 Pollution of Acid Mine Drainage in The Mining Area 1
1.1 Acid Mine Drainage and Its Occurrence 1
1.2 Mechanism of AMD Generation 3
1.3 AMD Prevention and Control Techniques 6
1.3.1 Oxygen Barrier 6
1.3.2 Bactericide 8
1.3.3 Co-Disposal and Blending 8
1.3.4 Passivation 9
1.3.5 Passive Treatment Techniques 9
1.4 Main Points of Interest in This Book 10
1.4.1 Sulfur Cycle in AMD-Affected Watershed 10
1.4.2 Fe Cycling and Nano-Fe(III) secondary minerals in AMD-Affected Watershed 12
1.4.3 Main Points of Interest inOurWork 14
1.5 The Dabaoshan Mine 15
1.5.1 Mineral Resources of The Dabaoshan Mine 15
1.5.2 Solid Waste Disposal in the Mine Area 16
1.5.3 AMD Control and Its Treatment in Mine Area 18
1.5.4 AMD Pollution in the Dabaoshan Mine Area 20
1.5.5 General Sampling Sites Arrangement 21
Chapter 2 Sulfate Migration and Geochemical Behaviors in the AMD-Affected River 23
2.1 Physicochemical Characteristics of the Affected River Watershed 23
2.1.1 Acidic Watershed Environments 24
2.1.2 High Turbidity 25
2.1.3 Steep Riverbed Upstream 26
2.1.4 Oxidative Water Condition 29
2.1.5 High Salinity 29
2.2 Sulfur Element Distribution in the Watershed 30
2.2.1 Dissolved Sulfur in Water Phase 30
2.2.2 Sulfur Distributions in Sediments 31
Chapter 3 Metallic Elements’ Fate and Migration Mechanisms in the AMD-Affected River 37
3.1 Metallic Elements in the Watershed 37
3.1.1 Dissolved Metallic Elements in the Water Phase 37
3.1.2 Metallic Elements in Sediment Phase 38
3.2 Migration Mechanisms for Metallic Elements in the Affected Watershed 44
3.2.1 Potential Mobility 44
3.2.2 Oxidative Leaching and Re-Adsorption 45
3.2.3 Hydraulic Transportation 46
3.2.4 Precipitation/ Co-Precipitation 47
3.3 Relations of Sulfur, Iron, and Metallic Elements in the Watershed 48
3.3.1 Relationship Argumentation by SPSS Analysis 48
3.3.2 Relationship Argumentation by Mineralogy Analysis 50
3.3.3 Relationship Argumentation via Isotope Analysis 54
Chapter 4 Microbial Community Composition in AMD-Polluted Watershed and Paddy Soil 59
4.1 Microbial Community Shifts in Response to AMD Pollution in the Hengshi River Watershed 59
4.1.1 Materials and Methods 60
4.1.2 Physicochemical Characterization of the Watershed 61
4.1.3 Alpha Diversity Analyses 61
4.1.4 Beta Diversity Analyses 66
4.1.5 Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Microbial Communities 68
4.2 Microbial Community Responses to AMD-Laden Pollution in Rice Paddy Soils 81
4.2.1 Investigating the Effect of Pollution inAMD-Affected Paddy Soil 81
4.2.2 Microbial Community and Soil Properties 82
4.2.3 The Spatial Pattern of Microbial Community 91
Chapter 5 Chemical Transformations of Secondary Minerals in the AMD-Affected Area: Induced by Dissolved Organic Matter 95
5.1 Role of L-Tryptophan in the Release of Chromium from Schwertmannite 96
5.1.1 Experimental Setting 96
5.1.2 Results and Discussion 99
5.1.3 Possible Mechanism 109
5.2 Fulvic Acid Induction of the Liberation of Chromium From CrO24 -Substituted Schwertmannite 111
5.2.1 Release of Total Fe, Cr, and SO24- from Schwertmannite 111
5.2.2 Cr Speciation Analysis 122
5.2.3 Proposed Schematic Illustrating Fate of Fe and Cr 123
5.3 Elucidation of Desferrioxamine B on the Liberation of Chromium from Schwertmannite 124
5.3.1 Dissolution Kinetics 124
5.3.2 Effects of DFOB and pH on the Dissolution of Cr-Schwertmannite 125
Chapter 6 Chemical Transformations of Secondary Minerals in AMD-Affected Area: Induced by Inorganic Substance 139
6.1 Effect of Cu(II) on the Stability of Oxyanion-Substituted Schwertmannite 140
6.1.1 Schwertmannite Synthesis 140
6.1.2 Stability Experiments 141
6.1.3 Effect of Cu(II) on the Stability of Oxyanion-Substituted Schwertmannite 142
6.2 Transformation of Cadmium-Associated Schwertmannite and Subsequent Element Repartitioning Behaviors 159
6.2.1 Cd-associated Schwertmannite Synthesis 159
6.2.2 Surface Complexation Model Simulations 159
6.2.3 Cd-associated Schwertmannite Transformation Experiments 160
6.2.4 Transformation Mechanism of Cadmium-associated Schwertmannite 160
6.3 The Behavior of Chromium and Arsenic Associated with Redox Transformation of Schwertmannite in AMD Environment 173
6.3.1 Schwertmannite Synthesis 173
6.3.2 Transformation Experiments 173
6.3.3 The Behavior of Chromium and Arsenic Associated with Redox Transformation of Schwertmannite In AMD Environment 174
6.4 Thiocyanate-Induced Labilization of Schwertmannite: Impacts and Mechanisms 188
6.4.1 The Inducing Transformation of Schwertmannite 188
6.4.2 TheMechanismofThiocyanate-InducedTransformation 189
6.4.3 pH-Controlled Transformation 200
6.4.4 Ligand-Promoted Transformation 201
Chapter 7 The Microbial Transformation of Schwertmannite 203
7.1 Schwertmannite Transformation Led by Iron-Reducing Bacte