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Meso-Neoproterozoic geology and petroleum resources in China

Meso-Neoproterozoic geology and petroleum resources in China

开本: 29cm 页数: 12,382页
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Meso-Neoproterozoic geology and petroleum resources in China 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030737427
  • 条形码:9787030737427 ; 978-7-03-073742-7
  • 装帧:圆脊精装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

Meso-Neoproterozoic geology and petroleum resources in China 内容简介

This book focuses on Meso-Neoproterozoic geology and Petroleum resources in China. It offers the oldest sediments knowledge for petroleum generation, accumulation, alteration and preservation in the world. It provides a valuable contribution to the understanding of a potential Precambrian oil and gas exploration realm through well-developed Meso-Neoproterozoic sedimentary strata with petroleum resources.

Meso-Neoproterozoic geology and petroleum resources in China 目录

ContentsPreface iChapter 1 Advances in Meso-Neoproterozoic Isotopic Chronostratigraphy in China 11.1 Introduction 11.2 New Progress on the Meso-Neoproterozoic Chronostratigraphy in NCC 51.2.1 The stratigraphic position of Xiong’er Group 51.2.2 Mesoproterozoic bottom age in YFDZ, NCC 61.3 Stratigraphic Hiatus of 1.2–1.0 Ga (Pt24) in Jixian Stratotype Section, NCC 71.3.1 Precambrian stratigraphic position in stratigraphic column of western Henan 71.3.2 The stratigraphic position of Precambrian strata in the JLXH region, NCC 81.4 The Stratigraphic Position of Qingbaikouan in the Stratigraphic Column 91.4.1 Qingbaikouan in NCC 91.4.2 Qingbaikouan stratigraphic correlation in Liaoning Peninsula, NCC 101.5 Chronostratigraphic Progress in the Jiangnan Orogenic Belt, South China 111.5.1 Jiangnan Orogenic Belt (JOB) 121.5.2 New recognition on the JOB 141.5.3 The stratigraphic position of Shuangxiwu Group in western Zhejiang 151.5.4 Dating of Tieshajie Formation and the south boundary of JOB 151.5.5 The definition of tectonic events in the YC and JOB 201.6 Nanhuan in Yangtze Craton (YC) 221.6.1 Neoproterozoic glacial stage in the YC 221.6.2 Starting time of the bottom-most glacial stage in the Nanhuan 231.7 Neoproterozoic Chronostratigraphy in Tarim Block 231.7.1 Neoproterozoic stratigraphic frame in Kuluktag 231.8 Meso-Neoproterozoic Stratigraphic Frame in China 26Acknowledgements 27References 27Chapter 2 Meso-Neoproterozoic Stratigraphic Sequences in the Yanliao Faulted-Depression Zone, North China Craton 372.1 Introduction 372.2 Historical Review 372.2.1 “Sinian System” period 372.2.2 “Sinian Suberathem” period 392.2.3 “Middle to Upper Proterozoic” periods 392.2.4 The Stratigraphic Chart of China in 2013 402.3 Meso-Neoproterozoic Stratigraphic Sequences 402.3.1 Changchengian (Pt21) 422.3.2 Jixianian (Pt22) 472.3.3 Xiamaling Formation (Pt23x) 542.3.4 Qingbaikouan (Pt31 or Qn) 552.4 Geochronology and Chronostratigraphy 572.4.1 Stratigraphic boundary and dating between the Xiamaling Formation and Qingbaikouan 572.4.2 Stratigraphic boundary between the Changchengian and Jixianian 582.5 Conclusions and Perspectives 59Acknowledgments 60References 60Chapter 3 Meso-Neoproterozoic Sequence Stratigraphy, Sedimentary Facies and Source-Reservoir-Seal Bed Assemblage in Jibei Depression, Yanliao Faulted-Depression Zone 633.1 Regional Geology 633.2 Sequence Stratigraphic Framework 643.2.1 Basis of sequence division 643.2.2 Recognition of sequence boundary 693.2.3 Stratigraphic sequence division 713.3 Sedimentary Environments and Lithofacies 813.3.1 Variation of palaeo-seawater depth 823.3.2 Palaeo-climate and palaeo-salinity 833.3.3 Sedimentary system and lithofacies 843.3.4 Facies analysis of stratigaphic sections 893.3.5 Sedimentary mode 953.4 Source-Reservoir-Seal Bed Assemblage Within the Sequence Stratigraphic Framework 963.4.1 Control of sequence on source and reservoir beds 963.4.2 Configuration of source-reservoir-seal bed assemblage 983.5 Conclusion 99Acknowledgement 99References 100Chapter 4 Research Progress of Ediacaran (Sinian) Biostratigraphy in South China 1034.1 Introduction 1034.2 Lithostratigraphy 1044.3 δ13C Chemostratigraphy 1054.4 The Characteristics of Microfossils Biota and the Biostratigraphic Succession of Microfossils 1054.4.1 Characteristics of microfossil biota and biostratigraphic succession 1054.4.2 International biostratigraphic correlation of microfossils 1094.5 Characteristics of Macrofossils Biota and Biostratigraphic Succession of Macrofossils 1094.5.1 Characteristics of typical macrofossil biota 1104.5.2 Biostratigraphic succession of macrofossils 1134.6 Biostratigraphic Succession and Chronostratigraphic Framework 1134.7 Conclusion 114Acknowledgements 114References 114Chapter 5 Neoproterozoic Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments and Hydrocarbon Source-Reservoir-Seal Bed Assemblage in South China 1205.1 Introduction 1205.2 Neoproterozoic Stratigraphic Framework and Tectonic Background of South China 1225.3 Tonian Sedimentary Cover of South China 1245.3.1 General characteristics and spatial distribution of the Banxi Group 1245.3.2 Sedimentary facies and depositional environments 1265.3.3 Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 1275.4 Cryogenian System of South China 1285.4.1 General characteristics and spatial distribution 1305.4.2 Sedimentary facies and environments 1315.4.3 Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 1325.5 The Ediacaran (Sinian) System of South China 1335.5.1 General characteristics and spatial distribution 1345.5.2 Sedimentary facies and environments 1375.5.3 Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 1405.6 So