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电子商务英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787565062049
  • 条形码:9787565062049 ; 978-7-5650-6204-9
  • 装帧:书写纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

电子商务英语 内容简介

本教材涵盖了电子商务领域的基本理论、基本知识、基本技术和基本应用,所选话题包括电子商务模式、电子商务营销、电子商务广告战略、支付、电子商务安全、互联网协议、供应链、电子商务经济学、电子商务管理、移动商务、团购等内容。本教材在内容的编排上由浅入深,文章难度适中,既具有很强的专业性,又具有很好的可读性。 本教材旨在让学生具备一定的专业英语基础,熟悉电子商务平台,巩固电子商务核心知识体系。本教材适合高等院校财经类学生教学使用,也可供相关人员学习使用。

电子商务英语 目录

Unit 1 Introduction to E-business Part Ⅰ Lead-in Part Ⅱ Reading Part Ⅲ Business Writing (E-mail) Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading Part Ⅴ E-commerce-related Knowledge Unit 2 E-business Website Design Part Ⅰ Lead-in Part Ⅱ Reading Part Ⅲ Business Writing ( Resume ) Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading Part Ⅴ E-commerce-related Knowledge Unit 3 E-business Basics Part Ⅰ Lead-in Part Ⅱ Reading Part Ⅲ Business Writing ( Application Letter ) Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading Part Ⅴ E-commerce-related Knowledge Unit 4 Product Selection Part Ⅰ Lead-in Part Ⅱ Reading Part Ⅲ Business Writing ( Product Description ) Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading Part Ⅴ E-commerce-related Knowledge Unit 5 Secure Electronic Transactions Part Ⅰ Lead-in Part Ⅱ Reading Part Ⅲ Business Writing ( Quotation Letter ) Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading Part Ⅴ E-commerce-related Knowledge Unit 6 Computing System Security Measures Part Ⅰ Lead-in Part Ⅱ Reading Part Ⅲ Business Writing ( Order Letter ) Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading Part Ⅴ E-commerce-related Knowledge Unit 7 Electronic Systems of Payment Part Ⅰ Lead-in Part Ⅱ Reading Part Ⅲ Business Writing (Appeal Letter) Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading Part Ⅴ E-commerce-related Knowledge Unit 8 Logistics in E-commerce Age Part Ⅰ Lead-in Part Ⅱ Reading Part Ⅲ Business Writing ( Invitation Letter) Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading Part Ⅴ E-commerce-related Knowledge Unit 9 Web Marketing Strategies Part Ⅰ Lead-in Part Ⅱ Reading Part Ⅲ Business Writing (Company Introduction) Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading Part Ⅴ E-commerce-related Knowledge Unit 10 Advertising of E-commerce Part Ⅰ Lead-in Part Ⅱ Reading Part Ⅲ Business Writing (Advertisement) Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading Part Ⅴ E-commerce-related Knowledge Unit 11 Customer Relationship Management Part Ⅰ Lead-in Part Ⅱ Reading Part Ⅲ Business Writing (Notice) Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading Part Ⅴ E-commerce-related Knowledge Unit 12 Introduction to Cross-border E-commerce Part Ⅰ Lead-in Part Ⅱ Reading Part Ⅲ Business Writing ( Business Letter) Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading Part Ⅴ Cross-border E-commerce Knowledge 参考文献