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SSAT阅读高手全攻略真题回忆大全世界文化篇 版权信息

SSAT阅读高手全攻略真题回忆大全世界文化篇 内容简介

本书收录近年SSAT的回忆版真题,依照阅读的实际考查方向,分为16个专题,分别是:世界历史,美国历史、政治和文化,女性,艺术,人文,健康与医学,世界文学,诗歌,文学评论,传记,音乐,科学与自然,大众文化,运动与休闲,社会与心理,选项的奥秘。这种细致的分类,可以更好地帮助考生理解阅读文章,开阔眼界,陶冶情操,提升文化修养。另外,在每个专题下配以阅读练习和与真题难度想当的经典阅读文章,并附有参考答案(电子版)。 通过阅读本书,考生们在提升语言技能的同时,也可以学到历史上的一些思想和哲理精华。掌握一门语言,并不仅仅是张口蹦出几句流行语,或是见了外国人寒暄几句就可以了。一门语言象征着一个民族,也代表着这个民族看待与诠释世界的方式。毫无疑问,学习英语的真正目的是发掘与之相关的民族的历史文化。

SSAT阅读高手全攻略真题回忆大全世界文化篇 目录

Chapter 1 World History History and Life Feudalism of Japan Buddhist Sculpture Dead Sea Scroll Generation The Black Death Boudicca King Richard Ⅲ Carthage Papyrus Chickasaw Tribe Hiawatha: Synergic Pioneer Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette The Czar Spain and England Sixteenth Century Expedition The Trojan War The Athens Arapaho Blackfoot Cherokee Cheyenne Shawnee The Curse of King Tut Coins Chapter 2 U.S. History, Politics, and Culture The Salem Witch Trials Abraham Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation The Supreme Court’s Power of Judicial Review Tea California Gold Rush To Be an American The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass Ellis Island EPA Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks The Homestead Act of 1862 Racial Discrimination and Segregation Great Depression Expedition of Lewis and Clark Thomas Jefferson The Pony Express English Sympathy The Statue of Liberty Chapter 3 Women Women in Colony Marie Antoinette Ruler Hatshepsut The Abortion Debate Chapter 4 Art Mikhail Baryshnikov Dance Theater of Harlem New York City’s Central Park The Louvre Chapter 5 Humanities An Extinct Language Arabic The Master American Sign Language Aristotle’s Ethical Theory Islam Hinduism Buddhism The Myths Ⅰ The Myths Ⅱ Chapter 6 Health and Medicine Caffeine and Youngsters Sleep Deprivation Physical Activity Level of American Adolescents Herbs Chapter 7 World Literature Dracula Ⅰ Dracula Ⅱ Around the World in 80 Days 2889 Polly Helps a Friend Mr. Harding Wonderful Spring A painful Case Affidavit of Emily Ryerson The World of Cheese Land of the Cyclopes Mr. Holter The House on Mango Street Lying in Bed Of Cleverness The Tomb of Keats The Importance of Being Earnest Anne of Green Gables Chapter 8 Poems A Type of Human Life The Fly Early Affection Trees Need Not Walk the Earth Fair Enough Ode to the Cuckoo Charity Migration of the Raptors Identity The Furthest Distance in the World As I Awake Apologia Auto Wreck Chapter 9 Literary Criticism Homer Epic Boy at the Window Review Virginia Woolf A Thousand Splendid Suns Review Background of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Creation Wuthering Heights Review The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Review Macbeth Review Raisin in the Sun Frankenstein vs. Wuthering Heights Chapter 10 Biography Captain James Cook Harriet Beecher Stowe Lyman Frank Baum: Creator of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Barbara Jordan A Speech Delivered by Barbara Jordan Catharine Esther Beecher Carlo Collodi Giuseppe Garibaldi Afred Hitchcock Florence Nightingale Abraham “Bram” Stoker Ⅰ Abraham “Bram” Stoker Ⅱ Harriet Tubman Howard Pillips Lovecraft Sax Rohmer The True Story of My Life Up from Slavery: An Autobiography Theodore Roosevelt: An Autobiography Marie Curie Claude Mckay Dr. Charles Richard Drew Chapter 11 Music African Music Boxwood Andre Watts Jazz Blues Chapter 12 Science and Nature Scientific Attitude Kangaroo Rats Partnership in the Sea English Bull Terrier Explosion of Stars The Fish of the Deep Sea Hydrogen Global Warming Elephants Moths White Dwarf An Odd Fact Birds’ Travel Continental Drift The Sun The Moon The Barrier Islands Koala Oxpecker and Rhino Volcano Cells and Temperature Manatees and Dugongs Wolverine Spider Chapter 13 Popular Culture Business and Consumers Paperweight Collection Compact Discs Modeling Industry Computer Museum of America The Origin of Papers Chapter 14 Sports and Leisure Modern Camping Emily Carr’s Trip in 1933 Chapter 15 Society and Psychology Human Brain School Bullying Need to Be With Jaws of Anxiety Chapter 16 Choices Passage 1 Passage 2 Passage 3 Passage 4 Passage 5 Passage 6

SSAT阅读高手全攻略真题回忆大全世界文化篇 作者简介


《SSAT是个鉴赏高手全攻略:真题回忆大全》王锐作家 留学规划专家 从事北美考试相关教学与研究18年 毕业于国际关系学院 主要代表作: 《SSAT阅读高分全攻略:真题回忆大全》 《SSAT是个鉴赏高手全攻略:真题回忆大全》 《SSAT核心词汇与同义词类比高手速成手册》 《SSAT高分阅读题库:真题回忆大全》 《新托福写作高手全攻略:真题回忆大全》 《30天征服北美考试语法》
