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英语学术论文写作(第3版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787569330038
  • 条形码:9787569330038 ; 978-7-5693-3003-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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英语学术论文写作(第3版) 本书特色

本书于2023 年获得陕西普通高等学校优秀教材二等奖 同国外类似的本科学术写作不同,本教材主要针对英语专业的本科毕业论文。虽然本科毕业论文仍处于学术写作的初期阶段,但是同研究论文和硕博论文一样,它也具有学术写作的典型特点,体现出一定的科学性、严谨性、论证性。同国内现有教材相比,本教材更突出毕业论文写作过程、写作各个环节、各个部分写作方法和语言特点等方面的详细描述,通过更为全面的介绍,帮助学生了解英语学术写作的基本知识,掌握学术写作特点和技巧,并在实际写作中进行实践,不断提高学术写作能力,为将来更深入、系统的专业领域学术写作打下良好基础。

英语学术论文写作(第3版) 内容简介


英语学术论文写作(第3版) 目录

Chapter 1 Research Orientation Understanding a Research Paper Reasons for Research Steps of Doing Research Important Facts on Research Terms in Research Helpful Tips in Research Two Main Types of Research Papers Summary Chapter 2 Scheduling Research Example Research Schedule Summary Chapter 3 Choosing a Researchable Topic Points to Consider Methods to Employ Checklist for a Research Topic Helpful Tips for a BA Thesis Samples Purpose Statements Summary Chapter 4 Conducting Research Developing a Research Methodology Doing Library Research Doing Internet Research Doing Empirical Research Locating Different Sources Triangulating Your Sources Keeping Good Track of Your Sources Summary Chapter 5 Developing a Research Thesis Working Thesis and Thesis Statement Ways to Develop a Working Thesis Points to Consider Summary Chapter 6 Evaluating Sources Steps in Evaluating Sources Criteria for Evaluating All Sources Supplementary Questions for Evaluating Websites Variety of Sources Summary Chapter 7 Taking Notes without Plagiarizing Avoiding Plagiarism Taking Notes without Plagiarism Sample Summary, Paraphrase, and Direct Quotation Summary Chapter 8 Considering Structure Research Outlines Sample Formal Outlines Steps for a Working Outline Principles of Writing Outlines Sample Student Formal Outlines Summary Chapter 9 Integrating Sources into Your Paper Basics in Integrating Sources Using Quotations Tips for Integrating Sources Summary Chapter 10 Elements of a Thesis The Preliminaries (Front Matter) The Text Reference Materials Summary Chapter 11 Organization of a Thesis Theses Based on Critical Analysis or Philosophical Speculation Theses Based on the Collection of Empirical Data Theses Based on Historical Research Summary Chapter 12 Abstract Types of Abstracts and Structures Procedures in Writing the Abstract of Your Thesis Sample Abstracts Specific Linguistic Features Sample Student Abstracts Structure and Vocabulary Aid for Writing Abstracts Summary Chapter 13 Literature Review Introduction to the Literature Review of a BA Thesis Guidelines for Synthesizing Literature before Writing a Review Guidelines for Writing Literature Review Writing Strategies Organizing the Body Presenting Sources Citation in Literature Review Sample Literature Review Summary Chapter 14 Introduction Features of a Satisfactory Introduction Elements and Linguistic Features Sample Introductions from Published Papers Sample Introductions from Student BA Theses Summary Chapter 15 Analysis Common Analytical Elements Analytical Elements in Planning Five Critical Elements in Literary Analysis Sample Analysis in a Student BA Thesis Summary Chapter 16 Discussion Elements and Structure of Discussion Evaluation in Discussion Language Features of Discussion Structure and Vocabulary Aid A Sample Discussion for Analysis Summary Chapter 17 Conclusion Features and Purposes of Conclusion Sample Conclusions Summary References

英语学术论文写作(第3版) 作者简介

黑玉琴(1964,12--),西安外国语大学教授、外国语言学及应用语言学硕士生导师,研究方向为语篇分析、语用学。1981-1985年就读于西安外国语大学英文学院,获英语语言文学专业学士学位,毕业后留校任教;1994-1995年在英国南安普顿大学教育学院学习应用语言学硕士研究生课程;2008-2009年在美国辛辛那提大学从事英语写作教学;2013-2014年中美富布莱特研究学者,受邀于美国知名写作研究学者Charles Bazerman教授,在美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校进行“An Intercultural Rhetoric Study on English Academic Writing”项目研究,以及与英语学术写作教学及学术语篇分析相关的研究。 2009年至今为国家级精品课程“英语写作”主讲教师,2011年至今为教育部教师培训网络课程“英语写作”主讲教师;2011年陕西省普通高校“英语写作系列课程”优秀教学团队主要成员;2011年校级教学名师;2013年“基于写作中心的英语过程写作教学模式与创新”获陕西省政府普通高等学校教学成果一等奖。1997-2002年主编、参编教育部留学基金委出国留学培训英语教材多部;2008-2013年间主编21世纪英语专业写作系列教材4部,其中《基础英语写作》2012年入选国家“十二五”规划教材。至今,在《外语教学》、《外语学刊》、《国外外语教学》、The Asian ESP Journal等刊物上发表论文20余篇;2013年出版学术专著《跨学科视角的话语分析研究》;主持教育部人文社科规划项目1项,陕西省社科基金项目及教育厅研究项目2项, 校级重点科研项目及多项教学、教改项目。
