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学术论文写作与发表(研究生英语创新教育系列教材) 版权信息

学术论文写作与发表(研究生英语创新教育系列教材) 内容简介


学术论文写作与发表(研究生英语创新教育系列教材) 目录

Part I Preliminaries for Research Paper Writing
Chapter One General Introduction to Research Paper Writing
1.1 Research Paper:Definition
1.2 Science of Research Paper Writing
1.3 Stylistic Conventions of RP Writing
1.4 Reflections and Practice
PartⅡ Research Process
Chapter Two Reading Strategies
2.1 Reading Efficiently
2.2 Critical Thinking and Reading for Academic Purposes
2.3 Reflections and Practice
Chapter Three Note—taking
3.1 Note—taking Strategies
3.2 Useful Note—taking Skills
3.3 The Cornell Note—taking Method
3.4 Annotated Bibliography
3.5 Reflections and Practice
Part Ⅲ Writing Process
Chapter Four Title,Author/Affiliation,Keywords and Acknowledgements
4.1 Title
4.2 Author/Affiliation
4.3 Keywords
4.4 Acknowledgements
4.5 Language Focus: Absolutes
4.6 Reflections and Practice
Chapter Five Abstract
5.1 Purposes of Writing Abstracts
5.2 Types of Abstracts and Writing Skills
5.3 Language Focus: Sentence Variety
5.4 Reflections and Practice
Chapter Six Introduction and Literature Review
6.1 Rhetorical Pattern of Introduction
6.2 Taxomony of Literatbre Review
6.3 Language Focus: Citing SOurces
6.4 Reflections find Practicee
Chapter Seven Methods
7.1 Rhetorical Pattern of Methods
7.2 Language Focus: Imperatives in Research Papers
7.3 Reflections and Practice
Chapter Eight Results
8.1 Rhetorical Pat.tern of Results Section
8.2 Language Focus: Definition
8.3 Reflections and Practice
Chapter Nine Discussion
9.1 Rhetorical Pattern of Discussion
9.2 Language Focus: Taking a. Stance
9.3 Reflections and Practice
Chapter Ten Data Presentation
10.1 Functions of Tables and Figures
10.2 Relationship of Tables or Figures and Texts
10.3 Anatomy of Tables and Figures
10.4 Graphic Display Tools
10.5 Language Focus: Numbers and Equations
10.6 Reflections and Practice
PartⅣ Research Paper Publication
Chapter Eleven Procedures of Paper Publication
11.1 Choice of Target Journals
11.2 Process of Paper Publication
11.3 Correspondence between Author and Editor
11.4 Reflections and Practice
Part V Writing Accuracy
Chapter Twelve Common Errors in Research Papers
12.1 Errors at the Lexical Level
12.2 Errors at the Sentential Level
12.3 Errors at the Textual Level
12.4 Ways to Steer Clear from Errors
12.5 Reflections and Practice
Teacher’s Manual