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论语(蔡志忠少年国学系列 · 中英文对照版)

论语(蔡志忠少年国学系列 · 中英文对照版)

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论语(蔡志忠少年国学系列 · 中英文对照版) 版权信息

论语(蔡志忠少年国学系列 · 中英文对照版) 本书特色

★全彩上色版蔡志忠漫画,色彩缤纷飘逸,图画比例更大;★内页正文采用12磅大字,阅读更舒适、更护眼;★本书采用中英文对照的全新编辑方式,英文紧随中文之后,在每一格漫画中实现即时对照,方便中英文的交互学习;看国学,学英语,一套漫画书就能搞定! ★系列包含儒家经典:论语、孟子、大学、中庸,并将陆续推出更多国学经典;★每页漫画内容均可在篇首找到相应的古籍原文,提升孩子的古诗文素养;★采用12开(成品尺寸215*240mm)的流行绘本开本,方正适中,便于携带、翻阅。

论语(蔡志忠少年国学系列 · 中英文对照版) 内容简介


论语(蔡志忠少年国学系列 · 中英文对照版) 目录

学而时习之 Pleasure and Humility 1 君子务本 The Root of Benevolence 2 吾日三省吾身 Self-Critique 3 千乘之国 Ruling a Large Country 4 弟子入则孝 The Fine Young Man 5 君子不重则不威 The Gentleman 6 民德归厚 A Virtuous People 7 譬如北辰 Like the North Star 8 有耻且格 Shame 9 志于学 Cultivating the Way 10 问孝 Providing for Parents 11 为师 Teaching 12 言行 Words and Actions 13 周而不比 Good to All 14 学而不思则罔 Study and Contemplation 15 知之为知之 True Understanding 16 君子无所争 A Gentleman's Contentions 17 知礼 Proper Ceremony 18 里仁为美 A Benevolent Neighborhood 19 仁者安仁 Residing in Benevolence 20 仁者能好人 Liking People 21 苟志于仁 Willful Benevolence 22 朝闻道 The Way in the Morning 23 士志于道 The Way of Self-Respect 24 义之与比 Doing the Right Thing 25 放于利而行 The Profit Motive 26 不患无位 What It Takes 27 君子喻于义Profit and Righteousness 28 见贤思齐 Seeing Yourself in Others 29 远游 Traveling 30 言之不出 Reckless Words 31 德不孤 Friends of Virtue 32 颜回之智 Yan Hui's Intellect 33 朽木不可雕也 Zai Yu and the Filthy Wall 34 谓之“文” The Meaning of “Cultured” 35 君子子产 Zichan the Gentleman 36 不念旧恶 Dwelling On the Past 37 巧言令色 Contriving Appearances 38 言志 Wishes 39 自讼 Self-Blame 40 颜回好学 Yan Hui's Learning 41 颜回之贤 Yan Hui's Worthiness 42 文质彬彬 Peasants and Pedants 43 知之者不如好之者 The Delight of Study 44 仁者与智者 The Wise and the Benevolent 45 君子之道 The Gentleman's Way 46 仁之方 The Method of Benevolence 47 述而不作 Transmitting Ideas 48 学而不厌 A Scholar's Ease 49 梦见周公 Dreaming of the Duke of Zhou 50 志于道 The Foundation of Good Conduct 51 未尝无海 Universal Education 52 不愤不启 Teaching Good Students 53 从吾所好 Wealth and Enjoyment 54 乐朴 Simple Pleasures 55 好学 Knowledge and Study 56 三人行必有我师 Learning from Others 57 钓而不纲 Fair Play 58 奢俭 Extravagance and Parsimony 59 君子坦荡 A Gentleman's Freedom 60 人之将死,其言也善 Dying Men Don't Lie 61 任重道远 A Scholar's Path 62 学如不及 Good Students Fear Forgetting 63 利,命,仁Profit, Fate, and Benevolence 64 逝者如斯 The Stream of Time 65 后生可畏 Age and Respect 66 匹夫不可夺志 The Unshakable Will 67 知者不惑 Facing Facts 68 厩焚 Fire in the Stable 69 未知生,焉知死? Spirits and Death 70 过犹不及 Overdoing It 71 仁 Benevolence 72 问仁 The Golden Rule 73 四海皆兄弟 Brothers 74 民无信不立 The People's Trust 75 成人之美 Assist in the Good 76 问友 Friendship and Advice 77 问政 Leadership by Example 78 其身正,不令而行 The Upright Leader 79 正己 Rectifying Oneself 80 欲速则不达 Patience and Prescience 81 樊迟问仁 Fan Chi Asks About Benevolence 82 和而不同 An Agreeable Person 83 泰而不骄 A Contented Person 84 贫而无怨 Poor Without Complaint 85 成人 The Complete Person 86 言之不怍 Shameless Words 87 学者何为 Why Study 88 耻其言而过其行 Extravagant in Deeds 89 评头论足 Throwing Stones 90 千里马 A Good Horse 91 以直报怨 How to Treat One's Enemies 92 知我者 Understanding Confucius 93 知其不可而为之 Stubborn 94 有道则仕 Conditional Service 95 失言 Misspeaking 96 为仁 Cultivating Benevolence 97 人无远虑,必有近忧 Thinking Ahead 98 言不及义 The Difficult Ones 99 以言举人 Judging People and Words 100 己所不欲,勿施于人 The Golden Rule 101 小不忍则乱大谋 Discretion and Forbearance 102 众恶之必察焉 Be Skeptical 103 道 The Dao 104 过而不改是谓过矣 Transgression 105 思与学 Thinking vs. Studying 106 当仁不让 Yield to No One 107 贞而不谅 The Proper Way 108 益者三友 Making Friends 109 君子有三戒 The Three Temptations 110 生而知之 Natural Understanding 111 君子九思 The Nine Considerations 112 诚不以富 Praising Deeds 113 性相近,习相远 Nature vs. Nurture 114 六弊 The Six Defects 115 穿窬之盗 The Brazen Burglar 116 道听途说 Gossip 117 鄙夫不可与事君The Depraved Official 118 恶紫之夺朱 Detestable Changes 119 玩乐 well-fed all day 120 四十而见恶 An Immature Forty 121 仁者之责 Benevolence and Duty 122 好学 The Lover of Learning 123 仁在其中 Benevolence Realized 124 信而后劳其民 Earning Trust 125 大德不逾闲 Crossing the Line 126 君子之过也 Being an Example 127

论语(蔡志忠少年国学系列 · 中英文对照版) 作者简介

