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C/C++程序设计(C/C++ PROGRAMMING) 版权信息

C/C++程序设计(C/C++ PROGRAMMING) 本书特色

本书根据中英文教学交流的需求编写,重点阐述了C/C 程序设计中的基本理论和概念、实践应用、项目操作等,可以作为双语教学的指导教材。

C/C++程序设计(C/C++ PROGRAMMING) 内容简介

本书特别注重理论和实践的结合,在第四部分给出了八个精心设计的应用实例,其中包含了三个软硬件结合的实验,向读者把展示了如何用学到的知识解决实际问题,弥补了理论和应用的鸿沟。本书的每章的开始给出了本章需要掌握的重点,每章的结束还要适量的习题。所有的习题均给出了答案。每一个章节还给出额精心制作的PPT,以方便教师上课和学生复习。 本书采用中英文“二、八开”方式排版,在页面的左侧给出了专业词汇的释义。本书的*后还给出了C++的常用词汇表。 本书特别适合双语教学使用,也可以作为普通的C/C++教学的参考。

C/C++程序设计(C/C++ PROGRAMMING) 目录

Part 1 C/C Fundamentals Chapter 1 Getting Started with C/C 1
1.1 The C and C Programming Language 1
1.2 Why to Learn C and C 2
1.3 Three Levels of Programming Language 4
1.4 Interpreted Languages and Compiled Languages 6
1.5 The Development Tools of C/C : Compilers and Linkers 7
1.6 The Development Cycle 7
Chapter Review 9
Chapter 2 Your First C/C Program 10
2.1 Your First C Programme on Microsoft VC 6.0 10
2.1.1 Create a Win32 Console Application Project 10
2.1.2 How does it work? 18
2.2 Your First C Program on Codeblocks 20
2.3 Writing a C Program 28
2.4 Similarities and Difference between C and C Program 29
Chapter Review 30
Programming Exercises 30
Chapter 3 Variables and Operators 31
3.1 Variables 31
3.2 Variables and identifiers 32
3.3 Data Types 32
3.4 Variables Declaration and Initialization 33
3.5 Variable Names and Comments 35
3.6 Operators 38
3.6.1 Arithmetic Operators 38
3.6.2 Logical Operators 39
3.6.3 Bitwise Operators 40
3.6.4 Relational Operators 41
3.6.5 Operators Precedence in C/C 41
3.7 Some Much Used Operators in C / C 43
3.7.1 Increment and Decrement Operator 43
3.7.2 sizeof() Operator 44
3.7.3 Modulus (%) Operator 45
3.7.4 Conditional Operator ( ? : ) 46
3.7.5 comma “,” operator 46
Chapter Review 48
Programming Exercises 48
Chapter 4 Decision Making 52
4.1 Conditional Operations 54
4.2 The if Structure 55
4.2.1 The if Statement 56
4.2.2 The if-else Statement 57
4.2.3 Nested if Statements 58
4.2.4 if-else-if Statement 59
4.2.5 switch-case statement 61
Programming Exercises 64
Chapter 5 Loops 66
5.1 for Loop 66
5.2 while Loop 69
5.3 do...while Loop 71
5.4 for Loops vs while Loops 72
5.5 Loop Control Statement “break” and “continue” 73
5.5.1 “Break” Statement 73
5.5.2 “continue” Statement 75
Chapter Review 76
Programming Exercises 77 Part 2 Core Language Features Chapter 6 Arrays 81
6.1 Declaring an Array 82
6.2 Initializing an Array 83
6.3 Accessing Array Elements 83
6.4 Array out of Bounds 85
6.5 Address-of Operator (&) 86
6.6 Pointers in C and C 87
6.7 Dynamic Array 89
Programming Exercises 91
Chapter 7 Functions 93
7.1 What is a Function 93
7.2 Library Functions 93
7.3 User-defined Functions 94
7.3.1 Defining a Function 94
7.3.2 Parameters and Arguments 96
7.3.3 Function Declarations 97
7.4 Calling a Function 98
7.4.1 Passing by Value 98
7.4.2 Passing by Address (or Pointers) 99
7.4.3 Passing by Reference 101
7.5 Recursion 102
7.6 Function Overloading 104
7.6.1 Function Overloading by Having Different types of Parameters 104
7.6.2 Function Overloading by Having Different Number of Parameters 105
Programming Exercises 106 Part 3 Object Oriented Programming Chapter 8 Strings 109
8.1 String Assignment 111
8.2 String Comparison 111
8.3 String Concatenation 112
8.4 String Functions 113
8.5 String Operations 114
Chapter Review 116
Programming Exercises 117
Chapter 9 Classes and Objects 118
9.1 Data Encapsulation 118
9.2 Declaring a Class 120
9.3 Defining a Member Function 121
9.3.1 Getter and Setter 121
9.3.2 Implementing Member Functions 122
9.4 Creating an Object 124
9.5 Constructors for Initialization 124
9.6 Destructor 126
9.7 Air ticket example for classes and objects 127
9.8 Friend Function of a Class 131
9.9 Operator Overloading 134
Chapter Review 137
Programming Exercises 138
Chapter 10 Inheritance 140
10.1 Implementing Inheritance 140
10.2 Types of Inheritance 142
10.3 Access Modes in C Inheritance 144
10.4 Example for Inheritance 145
10.5 Air Ticket Example for Inheritance 146
10.6 Polymorphism in C 151
Chapter Review 153
Programming Exercises 155 Part 4 File Operating Chapter 11 Files and Stream 157
11.1 Types of Files 157
11.2 File Operations in C 158
11.2.1 Creating/Opening a File Using Fstream 159
11.2.2 Writing Text Files 160
11.2.3 Reading Text Files 161
11.2.4 String Streams 163
11.2.5 Converting to text 164
11.3 File Operations in C 167
11.3.1 Opening a File 167
11.3.2 Writing a File 169
11.3.3 Closing a File 169
11.3.4 Read from a text file 170
11.3.5 Writing Characters to a File 171
11.3.6 Appending Data to a File 172
Chapter Review 173
Programming Exercises 173
Chapter 12 Splitting Program into Multiple Files 174
12.1 Separate a Program into Multiple Files in C 174
12.2 Practice in Microsoft Visual C 6 177
12.3 Separate a Program into Multiple Files in C 179
Programming Exercises 185 Part 5 Projects for C/C Part A Elementary C/C Projects 187
Project 1 Logical Gates 187
Project 2 Lorry Fleet 193
Project 3 Money Class 198
Part B Computer Game and Machine Learning Projects 201
Project 4 Hangman Game Project 201
Project 5 The tic-tac-toe game 205
Project 6 Designing a chatbot 209
Part C Hardware Based Projects 213
Project 7 Blinking a LED and LED chaser 213
Project 8 Distance Measurement using Ultrasonic Sensor and Arduino 218
Project 9 Servo Motor Projects 222
Appendix: Vocabulary for C/C 229
References 233
C/C 程序设计(C/C Programming) 目录 VI