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数据网格(影印版) 版权信息

数据网格(影印版) 内容简介

我们正处于数据的拐点,现今的数据管理解决方案已经不符合组织的复杂性、数据源的激增以及我们希望通过人工智能和分析从数据中获得价值的愿景。在这本实践用书中,作者Zhamak Dehghani介绍了数据网格,这是一种去中心化的社会技术范式,取自现代分布式架构,为大规模获取、共享、访问和管理分析数据提供了新方法。Dehghani指导从业者、架构师、技术领导人和决策者从传统大数据架构转向分布式多维分析数据管理方法。数据网格将数据视为产品,将领域视为主要关注点,应用平台思维创建自助式数据基础架构,并引入数据治理的联合计算模型。

数据网格(影印版) 目录

Prologue: Imagine Data Mesh
Part I. What Is Data Mesh?
1. Data Mesh in a Nutshell
The Outcomes
The Shifts
The Principles
Principle of Domain Ownership
Principle of Data as a Product
Principle of the Self-Serve Data Platform
Principle of Federated Computational Governance
Interplay of the Principles
Data Mesh Model at a Glance
The Data
Operational Data
Analytical Data
The Origin
2. Principle of Domain Ownership
A Brief Background on Domain-Driven Design
Applying DDD's Strategic Design to Data
Domain Data Archetypes
Source-Aligned Domain Data
Aggregate Domain Data
Consumer-Aligned Domain Data
Transition to Domain Ownership
Push Data Ownership Upstream
Define Multiple Connected Models
Embrace the Most Relevant Domain Data: Don't Expect a Single Source of Truth
Hide the Data Pipelines as Domains' Internal Implementation
3. Principle of Data as a Product
Applying Product Thinking to Data
Baseline Usability Attributes of a Data Product
Transition to Data as a Product
Include Data Product Ownership in Domains
Reframe the Nomenclature to Create Change
Think of Data as a Product, Not a Mere Asset
Establish a Trust-But-Verify Data Culture
Join Data and Compute as One Logical Unit
4. Principle of the Self-Serve Data Platform
Data Mesh Platform: Compare and Contrast
Serving Autonomous Domain-Oriented Teams
Managing Autonomous and Interoperable Data Products
A Continuous Platform of Operational and Analytical Capabilities
Designed for a Generalist Majority
Favoring Decentralized Technologies
Domain Agnostic
Data Mesh Platform Thinking
Enable Autonomous Teams to Get Value from Data
Exchange Value with Autonomous and Interoperable Data Products
Accelerate Exchange of Value by Lowering the Cognitive Load
Scale Out Data Sharing
Support a Culture of Embedded Innovation
Transition to a Self-Serve Data Mesh Platform
Design the APIs and Protocols First
Prepare for Generalist Adoption
Do an Inventory and Simplify
Create Higher-Level APIs to Manage Data Products
Build Experiences, Not Mechanisms
Part II. Why Data Mesh?
Part III. How to Design the Data Mesh Architecture
Part IV. How to Design the Data Product Architecture
Part V. How to Get Started

数据网格(影印版) 作者简介

扎马克·德加尼(Zhamak Dehghani)是Thoughtworks的技术主管,专注于分布式架构和新兴技术。她是数据网格的创始人。
