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城市轨道交通实用英语(杨茜) 版权信息

城市轨道交通实用英语(杨茜) 内容简介


城市轨道交通实用英语(杨茜) 目录

Chapter One Metro Culture 001
Unit 1 General Introduction of Chinese Metro System 001
Unit 2 Current Situation of China's Metro 006
Unit 3 Metro Service Requirements 011

Chapter Two Ticket Service 017
Unit 1 Introduction of Tickets 017
Unit 2 Selling Tickets 022
Unit 3 The Excess Fare 028
Unit 4 Ticket Policy 032

Chapter Three Information Signs of Metro Stations 037
Unit 1 Signs in Metro Station 037
Unit 2 Station Names and the Distance 041
Unit 3 Introduction of Facilities for the Handicapped 047

Chapter Four Metro Turnstile Entrance and Exit 052
Unit 1 Turnstiles and Other Facilities 052
Unit 2 Contraband 057
Unit 3 Safety Inspection 062
Unit 4 Emergency 066

Chapter Five Metro Safety 072
Unit 1 Metro Exterior Safety 072
Unit 2 Station Interior Safety 078

Chapter Six Waiting on the Platform 084
Unit 1 Metro Schedule 084
Unit 2 Getting On and Off the Train 089

Chapter Seven Emergency Response Guide 095
Unit 1 An Earthquake in a Metro Station 095
Unit 2 A Fire in a Metro Station 098
Unit 3 An Explosion in a Metro Station 102
Unit 4 An Accident in a Metro Station 105
Unit 5 Other Situations 109

Chapter Eight Foreign Country Metro Outlook 112
Unit 1 The Metro System in Developed Countries 112
Unit 2 The Metro System in Developing Countries 120

Chapter Nine Metro Service Management 127
Unit 1 The Operations Features of Railway Transport 127
Unit 2 Safety Management Modes 131
Unit 3 The Content of Metro Station Management 136

Chapter Ten Metro Laws and Regulations 141
Unit 1 Classification of Metro Accidents 141
Unit 2 Traffic Accident Disposal 149
Unit 3 Safe Operation System 155
Unit 4 Metro Emergency Response Plan 162

附录 地铁附属设施及公共标志英语翻译一览表 169

参考文献 177