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战略品牌管理(英文版·第5版)(工商管理经典丛书·市场营销系列) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787300313801
  • 条形码:9787300313801 ; 978-7-300-31380-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

战略品牌管理(英文版·第5版)(工商管理经典丛书·市场营销系列) 内容简介

顾客导向是现代营销的根本思想,凯勒 “基于顾客的品牌资产”将顾客导向贯彻到品牌领域,成为现代品牌理论的主流和核心。《战略品牌管理》 这部经典著作“知行合一”,以科学逻辑为本,以解决企业品牌战略问题为目标,提出了完整的“战略品牌管理准则”。本书叙述逻辑贴近实战脉络,提供操作流程、执行方法、案例展示和问题讨论,辅以得心应手的品牌管理工具和启发印证的鲜活个案,是品牌营销的有效行动指南。
新增第 7章“数字时代的品牌化”,提出通过“品牌融入度”这一创新变量来评估品牌对消费者的影响。

战略品牌管理(英文版·第5版)(工商管理经典丛书·市场营销系列) 目录

PART I Opening Perspectives
CHAPTER 1 Brands and Brand Management
PART II Developing a Brand Strategy
CHAPTER 2 Customer-Based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning
CHAPTER 3 Brand Resonance and the Brand Value Chain
PART III Designing and Implementing Brand Marketing Programs
CHAPTER 4 Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity
CHAPTER 5 Designing Marketing Programs to Build Brand Equity
CHAPTER 6 Integrating Marketing Communications to Build Brand Equity
CHAPTER 7 Branding in the Digital Era
CHAPTER 8 Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations to Build Brand Equity
PART IV Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance
CHAPTER 9 Developing a Brand Equity Measurement and Management System
CHAPTER 10 Measuring Sources of Brand Equity: Capturing Customer Mind-Set
CHAPTER 11 Measuring Outcomes of Brand Equity: Capturing Market Performance
PART V Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity
CHAPTER 12 Designing and Implementing Brand Architecture Strategies
CHAPTER 13 Introducing and Naming New Products and Brand Extensions
CHAPTER 14 Managing Brands Over Time
CHAPTER 15 Managing Brands Over Geographic Boundaries and Market Segments
PART VI Closing Perspectives
CHAPTER 16 Closing Observations

战略品牌管理(英文版·第5版)(工商管理经典丛书·市场营销系列) 节选

This book deals with brands—why they are important, what they represent to consumers, and what firms should do to manage them properly. As many business executives now recognize, perhaps one of the most valuable assets a firm has are the brands it has invested in and developed over time. Although brands may represent invaluable intangible assets, creating and nurturing a strong brand poses considerable challenges. The chief purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of the subjects of brands, brand equity, and strategic brand management—the design and implementation of marketing programs and activities to build, measure, and manage brand equity. One of the book’s important goals is to provide managers with concepts and techniques to improve the long-term profitability of their brand strategies. We incorporate current thinking and developments on these topics from both academics and industry participants, and combine a comprehensive theoretical foundation with enough practical insights to assist managers in their day-to-day and long-term brand decisions. And we draw on illustrative examples and case studies of brands marketed in the United States and all over the world. We address three important questions: 1. How can we create brand equity? 2. How can we measure brand equity? 3. How can we sustain brand equity to expand business opportunities?

战略品牌管理(英文版·第5版)(工商管理经典丛书·市场营销系列) 作者简介

凯文??莱恩??凯勒(Kevin Lane Keller) 美国达特茅斯学院塔克商学院营销学教授,教授市场营销管理和战略品牌管理的MBA课程,并在高管课程中讲授这些主题。凯勒教授的研究兴趣在于探讨建立、衡量和管理品牌资产的策略。研究成果发表于营销学三大顶级期刊——Journal of Marketing,Journal of Marketing Research,Journal of Consumer Research。发表论文120多篇,研究成果被广泛引用,获得了众多奖项。沃妮特??斯瓦米纳坦(Vanitha Swaminathan) 匹兹堡大学卡茨商学院营销学教授,卡茨品牌中心主任。研究重点是品牌战略和消费者-品牌关系的培育。她的研究揭示了企业如何成功地设计品牌战略,如联合品牌、品牌扩展、品牌收购、营销联盟,以加强客户忠诚度,并巩固市场业绩。
