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中国古镇 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787514620696
  • 条形码:9787514620696 ; 978-7-5146-2069-6
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

中国古镇 本书特色

特色1:100幅手绘水彩插画,用绘画丈量中国。 特色2:100篇优美散文,清逸的文字与图画交相辉映。 特色3:选择标准严谨。所选古镇,皆在国家评定的历史文化名镇名录里。 特色4:手绘100个中国古镇的图书,目前市面上少有。市面上多以旅游书居多,艺术特色少些。 特色5:民族的,更是世界的。中英双语,向世界展现我们的文化。英语译文地道准确,王国振教授亲自审核把关。他是“中国外文局国家人事部翻译职称考试培训”笔译主讲老师,专职从事汉译英工作近40年,定稿工作近30年,英文*高职称――译审获得者。

中国古镇 内容简介

"中国古镇历史悠久。《中国古镇》不仅有温柔的江南水乡如乌镇、西塘,水墨画般的徽派建筑如西递、南屏,还有天府之国的巴山楚水如阆中、李庄。所选100个古镇,从古朴大气的北方宅院,到山水甲天下的岭南风情,再到“诗和远方”的彩云之南,皆在国家评定的历史文化古镇名录里。这些古镇历史悠久、古迹相对存留完好,人文资源丰富、自然风景优美。 一道桥、一座寺、一方城,在等一个人……桥——连人心,寺——净人心,城——融人心,这是上下5000千年的人文厚度,也是960万平方千米的生活艺术。“大美中国”系列之《中国古桥》《中国古寺》《中国古镇》有着273幅手绘插图,273篇优美短文,穿越几千年、横跨数万里,成就中国古韵传承之书。古桥,或聚集绽放,或悠然独立;古寺,或艺术目前留名,或自然风景优美;古镇,或古朴大气或清雅灵秀。历史、地理,自然风景、人文建筑,文学、艺术,在中华文化的长河里自在徜徉,瞬觉天南地北却近在咫尺,上下千年也不过弹指之间,既能领略到古人的精神和智慧,也能触摸到文化的厚度与广度。这就是我们的诗和远方……"

中国古镇 目录

前言 Foreword **章 Chapter 1 江南水乡 Waterside Towns in the South of the Yangtze River 浙江 Zhejiang 01 乌镇:枕河而居,先锋江南 Wuzhen Town: Living by the River and a Pioneer in the South of the Yangtze River.....002 02 西塘:烟雨长廊,梦里西塘 Xitang: Dreamlike Xitang with Promenades Shrouded in the Misty Rain......................004 03 南浔:中西合璧,园林宅第 Nanxun: Garden-Like Mansions where the East Meets the West..................................006 04 石浦:山城渔港,海钓天堂 Shipu: Fishing Port and Marine Angling Paradise.........................................................008 05 前童:清溪绕舍,诗礼儒乡 Qiantong: Clear Streams Around Houses in a Culturally Prosperous Town...................010 06 廿八都:百姓古塞,文化飞地 Nianbadu: Ancient Fortress and Cultural Enclave.........................................................012 07 俞源 :太极星象,文运昌盛 Yuyuan: Astrology of the Supreme Ultimate Indicates Cultural Prosperity....................014 08 郭洞:风水福地,长寿之乡 Guodong: Land of Fengshui Geomantic Omen and Longevity....................................016 江苏 Jiangsu 09 周庄:方圆双桥,水乡之* Zhouzhuang: Waterside Town with Twin Bridges and Enchantiing Scenery.................018 10 同里:繁华富土,醇正水乡 Tongli: Prosperous and Intoxicatingly Pure Waterside Town.........................................020 11 甪直:五湖六泽,三步两桥 Luzhi: Five Lakes, Six Marshes, and Two Bridges within Three Steps............................022 12 木渎:园林古镇,秀冠江南 Mudu: Ancient Town of Gardens, Being the Best of the South of the Yangtze River....024 13 锦溪:碧荷长堤,莲池古桥 Jinxi: Long Embankments Lined by Green Lotus Leaves; Ancient Bridges amid Lotus Ponds.............................................................................................................................026 14 千灯:炎武故里,昆腔绕梁 Qiandeng: Hometown of Yanwu and the Land with Reverberating Music of Kun Opera.............................................................................................................................028 15 惠山:二泉映月,泥人纳福 Huishan: Spring Reflecting the Moon and Clay Figurines Bringing Fortune.................030 16 洞庭东山:碧螺春醉,洞庭橘红 Dongting Dongshan: Intoxicating Biluochun Green Tea and Red Tangerines of Dongting........................................................................................................................032 17 震泽:吴头越尾,蚕丝之乡 Zhenze: Hometown of Silkworms at the Junction of the Wu and Yue States................034 18 盛泽:丝绸之都,衣被天下 Shengze: Silk Capital Benefiting the World...................................................................036 19 溱潼:水乡明珠,青砖绝响 Qintong: Pearl among Waterside Towns with Exceptional Brickwork...........................038 20 朱家角:沪上名镇,船拳之乡 Zhujiajiao: Famous Town in Shanghai and Hometown for Boat Boxing........................040 第二章 Chapter 2 徽派民居 Huizhou-Style Residential Buildings 安徽 Anhui 01 宏村 :浓淡相宜,画里乡村 Hongcun Village: Picturesque Village Appealing with Either Light or Heavy Make-up.......044 02 西递:诗礼桃源,民居典范 Xidi: Poetic and Ritualistic Land of Peace and Happiness and Model of Folk Residential Buildings........................................................................................................................046 03 卢村 :木雕楼群,徽派精华 Lucun Village: Buildings with Wooden Carvings, Reflecting the Essence of the Huizhou Style...............................................................................................................................048 04 南屏:巍巍祠堂,幽幽曲巷 Nanping: Lofty Ancestral Halls and Tranquil Winding Lanes.........................................050 05 屏山:青山画屏,古桥落虹 Pingshan: Green Hills Looking Like Painted Screens and Ancient Bridges Resembling Fallen Rainbows.............................................................................................................052 06 关麓:亦儒亦商,翰墨书香 Guanlu: Land of Scholars and Merchants amid Cultural Fragrance...............................054 07 呈坎:负阴抱阳,国宝之乡 Chengkan: Home of National Treasures amid Well-Balanced Yin and Yang.................056 08 唐模:水口园林,风姿天然 Tangmo: Estuary-side Garden with Natural Graceful Bearing.......................................058 09 棠樾:慈孝无双,牌坊之乡 Tangyue: The Hometown of Memorial Arches with Unparalleled Love and Filial Piety......060 10 查济:桃花流水,别有天地 Zhaji: A Different Land with Peach Blossoms and Flowing Water.................................062 11 三河:江淮水乡,土菜飘香 Sanhe: Waterside Town with the Fragrance of Local Cuisines in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley..............................................................................................................................064 江西 Jiangxi 12 瑶里:瓷源茶乡,林海雪瀑 Yaoli: Cradle of Porcelain and a Hometown of Tea amid Forest Seas and Snow Waterfalls......066 13 富田:碧血丹心,红星闪耀 Futian: Patriotic Heart like a Shining Red Star...............................................................068 14 流坑:科甲联芳,千古一村 Liukeng: Famous Village for All Eternity with Multiple Successful Candidates of the Imperial Civil Examinations at the Highest Level...........................................................070 15 理坑:山中邹鲁,理学渊源 Likeng: Mountainous Land like 'the Hometowns of Confucius and Mencius' and the Place of Origin for Neo-Confucianism....................................................................................072 16 上清:道教福地,南国仙都 Shangqing: Blessed Land of Taoism and Fairy Capital of the South.............................074 第三章 Chapter 3 彩云之南 Yunnan — South of the Colorful Clouds 01 大理:苍洱毓秀,风花雪月 Dali: Well-Endowed Cang'er amid Romantic Themes...................................................078 02 双廊:南诏风情,水天一色 Shuanglang: Nanzhao's Local Conditions and Customs amid Natural Sceneries Featuring the Sky and Water Merging into One Color..................................................................080 03 沙溪:茶马古道,千年集市 Shaxi: Ancient Tea-Horse Road and Millennium-old Market.........................................082 04 凤羽:百鸟朝凤,文武有道 Fengyu: All birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix and a Land with Well-Balanced Cultural and Martial Achievements.............................................................................................084 05 大研 :丽江王城,古乐悠长 Dayan: The Royal City of Dali with Lingering Ancient Music.........................................086 06 束河:清泉之乡,雪山倒映 Shuhe: A Hometown of Clear Springs with Reflections of Snow-capped Mountains....088 07 鲁史:茶叶之乡,马蹄铿锵 Lushi: A Hometown of Tea Leaves amid Clanging Hoofbeats.......................................090 08 建水:滇南邹鲁,文献名邦 Jianshui: A Southern Yunnan Land like the Hometowns of Confucius and Mencius and a Famous Land of Literature.............................................................................................092 09 和顺:滇南侨乡,绝胜苏杭 Heshun: An Overseas Chinese Hometown in Southern Yunnan, with Its Landscape Better than those in Suzhou and Hangzhou..................................................................094 10 黑井:千年盐都,灵源普泽 Heijing: A Millennium-old Salt Capital with a Spiritual Source and Widespread Benefits...096 第四章 Chapter 4 巴山蜀水 Mountains and Rivers in Sichuan 四川 Sichuan 01 阆中:阆苑仙境,巴蜀要冲 Langzhong: Fairyland Dwelled by Immortals and Strategic Location of Sichuan..........100 02 丹巴藏寨:千碉之国,美人如玉 Danba Tibetan Villages: Land of Thousands of Watchtowers and Jade-Like Beauties.102 03 李庄:长江重镇,人文荟萃 Lizhuang: Strategic Town Along the Yangtze River with Rich Cultural Heritage............104 04 尧坝:川黔走廊,伞韵涵芳 Yaoba: Sichuan-Guizhou Corridor, with Its Umbrellas Revealing Appeal and Fragrance....106 05 福宝:青山福地,天人合一 Fubao: Blessed Land amid Green Hills Featuring the Unity of Heaven and Humanity.108 06 洛带:客家名镇,会馆之乡 Luodai: Famous Hakka Town and Hometown of Guilds................................................110 07 罗泉:千年龙镇,保路救国 Luoquan: Millennium-old Dragon Town, Protecting the Roads and Saving the Country....112 08 仙市:盐道明珠,天上街市 Xianshi: Pearl on the Salt road and Market in Heaven...................................................114 09 黄龙溪:天府仙境,火龙灯舞 Huanglongxi: Heavenly Fairy Land with Fire Dragons and Lantern Dances..................116 10 龙华:八仙立佛,凉桥卧波 Longhua: Standing Buddha Statues on the Eight Immortals Mountain and Cool Bridge Lying above the Waves..................................................................................................118 重庆 Chongqing 11 龚滩:乌江画廊,绝壁古镇 Gongtan: Gallery-like Land along the Wujiang River, with Exceptional Walls of an Ancient Town...............................................................................................................................120 12 龙潭:民族风情,人杰地灵 Longtan: Ethnic Conditions and Customs on Remarkable Land with Outstanding People.......122 13 中山:山居菁华,桫椤王国 Zhongshan: Essence of Living in a Mountain and Kingdom of Cyathea.......................124 14 涞滩:蜀中二佛,瓮城巍峨 Laitan: Second Buddha in Sichuan with Towering 'Urn City'.........................................126 15 万灵:巴渝古寨,移民水乡 Wanling: Ancient Village in Sichuan and Waterside Town of Migrants..........................128 16 西沱:千里盐道,云梯登天 Xituo: Thousand-Mile Salt Road with Scaling Ladder Reaching Heaven.......................130 17 双江:双溪绕城,忠烈遗风 Shuangjiang: Twin Streams Around the City with Legacy of Loyalty and Martyrdom.........132 第五章 Chapter 5 湘黔胜景 Wonderful Scenery of Hunan and Guizhou 湖南 Hunan 01 凤凰古城:田园牧歌,*美小城 Fenghuang Ancient Town: Most Beautiful Town with Pastoral Scenes..........................136 02 芙蓉镇:王者之地,银河落天 Furong Town: Land of Kings with Waterfalls Like the Milky Way Falling from Heaven........138 03 德夯苗寨:苗疆明珠,飞瀑流纱 Dehang Miao Village: Pearl in the Miao Ethnic Group's Territory with Cascading Waterfalls like Flowing Silk Yarn......................................................................................................140 04 里耶:秦简故里,湘西名镇 Liye: Hometown of the Bamboo Slips Used in the Qin Dynasty and a Famous Town in Western Hunan..............................................................................................................142 05 张谷英村:民间故宫,耕读继世 Zhangguying Village: Forbidden City in the Folk Passed on Generations by Farming and Reading..........................................................................................................................144 贵州 Guizhou 06 镇远:山雄水美,龙舞端阳 Zhenyuan: Majestic Mountains and Beautiful Rivers with Dragon Dances on the Dragon Boat Festival..................................................................................................................146 07 肇兴侗寨:鼓楼之乡,侗歌飞扬 Zhaoxing Dong Village: Hometown of Drum Towers with Reverberating Songs of the Dong Ethnic Group........................................................................................................148 08 青岩:山地兵城,状元故里 Qingyan: Military Town in the Mountainous Areas and Hometown of Successful Candidates of the Imperial Civil Examinations at the highest level...............................150 09 岜沙:远古遗风,枪手部落 Basha: Customs Handed Down from the Remote Antiquity in a Tribe of Firearm Holders.......152 10 郎德上寨:英雄故里,苗歌嘹亮 Langdeshang Village: Hometown of Heroes with Resonant Songs of the Miao Ethnic Group.............................................................................................................................154 11 西江:千户苗寨,芦笙之乡 Xijiang: Miao Village with Over 1,000 Households and Hometown of the Reed-pipe Wind Instrument............................................................................................................156 12 旧州:且兰古都,长征足迹 Jiuzhou: Ancient Capital of Qielan State, with Footprints of the Long March..............158 第六章 Chapter 6 北方古韵 Antique Appeal of Northern China 山西 Shanxi 01 平遥古城:华夏文明,晋商遗韵 Pingyao Ancient City: Land of Chinese Civilization with the Lasting Appeal of the Shanxi Merchants......................................................................................................................162 02 碛口:黄河古渡,龙吟碛口 Qikou: Ancient Ferry Crossing with Dragons' Chanting ...............................................164 03 张壁:明堡暗道,星象奇村 Zhangbi: Open Castle with Secret Passages and Extraordinary Village Corresponding to Star Signs.......................................................................................................................166 04 静升:灵石江南,三晋大宅 Jingsheng: Great Mansions in Lingshi (Comparable to the Areas South of the Yangtze River) of Shanxi .............................................................................................................168 陕西 Shaanxi 05 党家村:民居瑰宝,不染纤尘 Dangjia Village: Treasure of Residential Buildings Without a Speck of Dust.................170 06 青木川:山中桃源,乱世传奇 Qingmuchuan: Mountainous Land of Peace and Prosperity with a Legend During Turbulent Days...............................................................................................................172 北京 Beijing 07 爨底下:京西山村,北国幽谷 Cuandixia: Mountainous Village in the West of Beijing and a Secluded Valley of Northern China..............................................................................................................................174 河北 Hebei 08 鸡鸣驿:塞北邮驿,古道沧桑 Jimingyi: Post Station Beyond the Great Wall with Ancient Roads of Vicissitudes........176 09 暖泉镇:古堡金花,逢源暖泉 Nuanquan Town: Golden Flowers in an Antique Castle with Smoothly Flowing Warm Spring Water..................................................................................................................178 河南 Henan 10 朱仙镇:中原名镇,忠义相传 Zhuxian Town: Famous Town in the Central Plains with the Transmission of Loyalty and Righteousness................................................................................................................180 11 赊店镇:皇城气派,铁旗商魂 Shedian Town: the Demeanor of an Imperial City and the Merchants' Soul with Iron-Firm Flags..............................................................................................................................182 山东 Shandong 12 新城镇:半朝王家,四世宫保 Xincheng Town: Filling Half of the Imperial Court with the Wang Clan Members, with the Fourth-Generation Imperial Protector...........................................................................184 第七章 Chapter 7 岭南风情 Local Conditions and Customs of the South of the Five Ridges 广西 Gangxi 01 兴坪:奇山秀水,景甲天下 Xingping: Beautiful Mountains and Rivers amid Its Best Landscape in China...............188 02 黄姚:千年诗集,梦境家园 Huangyao: A Millennium-Old Poetry Collection amid a Dreamlike Home....................190 03 扬美:左江明珠,融汇南北 Yangmei: A Bright Pearl Beside the Zuojiang River, Fusing the South and the North...192 广东 Guangdong 04 赤坎:中西合璧,古埠侨乡 Chikan: Ancient Commercial Port and Hometown of Overseas Chinese with an Integration of Chinese and Western Elements..............................................................194 05 沙湾:金声玉振,飘色粤韵 Shawan: Land of Piaose Art Featuring Guangdong's Appeal and Sounds of Gold and Jade ..............................................................................................................................196 06 大鹏所城:海防要塞,名将之村 Dapeng Fortress: Strategic Stronghold for Coastal Defense and Village of Famous Generals.........................................................................................................................198 07 吴阳:东海朝阳,状元故里 Wuyang: Hometown of the Top Successful Candidate of the Imperial Examination at the Highest Level, with the Sunrise Scene on the Eastern Sea............................................200 08 松口:南洋首站,客家侨乡 Songkou: First Stop to Southeast Asia and Hometown of Overseas Hakka People......202 第八章 Chapter 8 八闽福地 Blessed Lands of Fujian Province 01 长汀:客家首府,红色山城 Changting: Principal City of the Hakka People and Revolution-Themed Mountainous City.................................................................................................................................206 02 和平:卵石城堡,进士之乡 Heping: A Castle of Pebbles and a Hometown of Successful Candidates of the Imperial Civil Examinations at the Highest Level.........................................................................208 03 湖坑:土楼之乡,山居神话 Hukeng: A Hometown of Tulou and a Legend of Living in Mountains..........................210 04 塔下:南国之靖,太极水乡 Taxia: A Peaceful Land in Southern China and a Waterside Town Featuring Taiji (Supreme Ultimate)........................................................................................................................212 05 芷溪 :客家大宅,祠居合一 Zhixi: Mansions of the Hakka People Used as Temples and Residential Buildings .......214

中国古镇 作者简介

刘颖,北京师范大学文学硕士。出版《中华文化十万个为什么:身体生命分册》(中华书局2014年第一版),并在《时代邮刊》《新课程报》等刊物发表文章近百篇。 绘者简介: 弥弥,职业插画师,擅长水彩创作。出版绘本有《踩新路》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《小讨厌》《亲爱的小孩》《秋至》《The Little Turtle》等,个人原创著作绘本有《香喷喷的早饭我要吃》《嘟嘟和噜噜》《有一天》等。 黄泽鑫,2005—2006南京艺术学院油画系,2009—2014油画创作研究,2015—2018清华大学美术学院油画系,浙江省省美术家协会会员、大野画廊签约艺术家、方隈空间签约艺术家。
