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全球英语:从理论到实践:from theory to practice

全球英语:从理论到实践:from theory to practice

开本: 26cm 页数: 223页
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全球英语:从理论到实践:from theory to practice 版权信息

全球英语:从理论到实践:from theory to practice 内容简介


全球英语:从理论到实践:from theory to practice 目录

Chapter 1 Globalisation and the Spread of English Section I Theoretical Overview 1.1 Curent Theorisations About Globalisation 1.2 The Global Spread of English Through the Prism of Globalisation . 13 Overview of the Book Section II Expanded Readings 2.1 Reading 1 2.2 Reading 2 2.3 Reading 3 Chapter 2 World Englishes Section I Theoretical Overview 1.1 Phase One ( 1970s- 1980s ) 1.2 Phase Two (1980s-Late 1990s) 13 Phase Three ( 1990s Onwards) Section II Expanded Readings 2.1 Reading 1 2.2 Reading 2 Chapter 3 China English Section I Theoretical Overview 1.1 Phase One : Defining China English 1.2 Phase Two: Describing China English 1.3 Phase Three: Developing China English Section II Expanded Readings 2.1 Reading 1 2.2 Reading 2 2.3 Reading 3 Chapter4 ELF and EIL Section I Theoretical Overview 1.1 The Overlaps of WE, ELF, and EIL 1.2 Development of ELF 13 Research Domains of ELF 1.4 Development of EIL 1.5 ELF and EIL in China Section II Expanded Readings 2.1 Reading 1 2.2 Reading 2 2.3 Reading 3 Chapter 5 Translanguaging Seetion I Theoretical Overvew 1.1 Defining Translanguging 1.2 Difrentating Transla nguaging 1.3 Theorising Translanguaging 1.4 Describing Translanguaging Practice 1.5 Conclusion Section II Expanded Readings 2.1 Reading 1 2.2 Reading 2 Chapter 6 Global Englishes and Language Teaching Section I Pre-reading Activities Section II Introduction 2.1 The Global Englishes Language Teaching Frame work 2.2 WE-infomed Language Teaching 2.3 ELFinformed Language Teaching 2.4 ElL-infomed Language Teaching 2.5 T ans languaging informed Language Teaching Section III Post -reading Activities Chapter 7 Global Englishes-oriented Assessment Section I Pre-reading Activities Seetion IIIntroduction 2.1 English Language Assessment: A Big Picture Perspective 2.2 Global Englishes and Language Assessment 2.3 Proposals of GE-informed Asse sment 24 International Standard English Language Proficiency Tats 2.5 Challenges of GE informed Assessment Section III Post -reading Activities Chapter 8 Global Englishes and Teacher Education Section 1 Pre-reading Activities Section II Introduction 2.1 The Need for GE-informed Teacher Education 2.2 Teacher Cognition in Teacher Education: The Need for a Shift in TeacherCognition 2.3Review of GE-aware Teacher Education Model 2.4 Five Context-based Teacher Education Programmes Based on the ELF-aware Model 2.5 Challenges and Future Directions of GE-aware Teacher Education Section III Post-reading Activities Chapter 9 Global Englishes : Attitude and ldentity Section I Pre-re ading Activities Section II Introduction 2.1 Understanding L anguage Altitudes 2.2 Language Altitude and Identiy Section III Post-reading Activities Chapter 10 The Future of English and English Education in China Section I Pre-re ading Activities Section II Introduction 2.1 The Constructions of English in Chinese History 2.2 Globalisation 4.0 2.3 Future of English Education in China 2.4Concluding Remarks Seetion III Post-reading Activities References

全球英语:从理论到实践:from theory to practice 作者简介

