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一带一路故事绘本丛书:大头的幸福社区(汉英) 版权信息

一带一路故事绘本丛书:大头的幸福社区(汉英) 本书特色

自中国首倡“一带一路”以来,中国与沿线国家积极开展合作,成果斐然。如何反映“一带一路”的成就和给当地人民生活的巨大改变,“一带一路故事绘本系列”以国际合作出版模式、以儿童绘本的形式对这一宏大题材做出尝试。——采用儿童绘本的形式讲述故事,以小切口展现大视角,更加生动、更加具象地展现“一带一路”战略给沿线国家人民带来的生活的变迁和看得见、摸得着的获得感和幸福感。——以国际合作出版模式,邀请“一带一路”沿线国家当地作者、画家和机构创作绘本,引入他者视野,调动和融入他们的社会资源和情感体验,呈现“一带一路”战略推动下的时代之变,是本系列图书的另一大特色。——通过跨文化的人文视角,开辟多元文化的窗口。“一带一路故事绘本系列”不仅仅讲中国故事,让我们看到他者眼中的中国,也融入当地的人文风情,本地化的故事和表现风格,呈现当地人们的生活,这也是对当地国的文化传播,使得本套绘本丛书呈现出丰富的多样性,充分展现“美美与共,各美其美”的人类命运共同体理念。Since the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed, countries along the route have responded positively and cooperated with China in various projects which achieved fruitful results. To reflect the achievements of “Belt and Road" and the great changes to the lives of local people, The“ ‘Belt and Road’ Story Picture Book Series" adopts an international cooperation publishing model and performed the story by children's picture books.——The story is told in the form of children's picture books, using small prospects show a large view. Showing the changes in life and the tangible gains and happiness under the “Belt and Road” policy brought to the people of the countries along the routes in a vividly and concretely way. ——The series adopts an international cooperation publishing model. Each “Belt and Road” country we shall invite famous writers to contribute in writing touching stories and request famous illustrators to show local life of people in that country. Introducing the vision of other countries’ citizens, mobilizing and integrating their social resources and emotional experience, presenting the changes of the times driven by the “Belt and Road” strategy are another major feature of this series of books. ——Through the cross-cultural humanistic perspective, opening up the window of multi-culture. ‘Belt and Road’ Story Picture Book Series” not only tells the story of China, but also let us see the China in the eyes of others. It’s a way to integrate the local cultural customs, local stories and expression style. So that this set of picture books presents a rich diversity, fully demonstrates of beauty and sharing, vision of a community with a shared future for mankind.

一带一路故事绘本丛书:大头的幸福社区(汉英) 内容简介


一带一路故事绘本丛书:大头的幸福社区(汉英) 作者简介

乌干达作家简介Kyomugisha Juliet是坎帕拉马凯雷雷大学的一名作家兼研究生教师,也是乌干达坎帕拉喷泉出版社的编辑。图画书《Akwania》于2022年出版。她的主要目标是培养能够解决问题的孩子,能够造福自己和社会的读者。乌干达插画家简介Fountain Publishers是一家成立于坎帕拉的出版公司。这是一个成立于1988年的私人实体,是乌干达早的本土出版公司之一。凭借一支有能力和经验丰富的专业团队,该公司在乌干达和东非地区的领先出版社中名列前茅。出版物包括教科书,学术,一般读物,小说,旅游等。Writer’s BriefKyomugisha Juliet is a writer and a graduate teacher by profession from Makerere University, Kampala. She is an alumnus of the Institute of Book Publishing in New Delhi, India. She is also an editor at Fountain Publishers, Kampala-Uganda. She is an author of various learning resources for young children in Uganda. Her stories have been published by both Fountain Publishers and the Reading Association of Uganda, a local Non-Governmental Organisation working to promote literacy. Her recent picture book is titled Akwania published in 2022. Her major aim is to produce readers that can raise children who are problem solvers and able to benefit themselves and the society.Illustrator’s BriefFountain Publishers is a publishing company which is established in Kampala. It is a private entity that was started in 1988. This makes it one of the first indigenous publishing firms in Uganda. With a team of competent and experienced professionals, the company ranks among the leading publishing houses in Uganda and the wider East African region. Various titles of varied nature and form constitute the rich catalogue, comprising of school textbooks, academic, general, fiction, and tourism. Fountain is a publisher of educational material, literary material and maps. It is a company excelling to educate Ugandans.乌干达作家简介Kyomugisha Juliet是坎帕拉马凯雷雷大学的一名作家兼研究生教师,也是乌干达坎帕拉喷泉出版社的编辑。图画书《Akwania》于2022年出版。她的主要目标是培养能够解决问题的孩子,能够造福自己和社会的读者。乌干达插画家简介Fountain Publishers是一家成立于坎帕拉的出版公司。这是一个成立于1988年的私人实体,是乌干达早的本土出版公司之一。凭借一支有能力和经验丰富的专业团队,该公司在乌干达和东非地区的领先出版社中名列前茅。出版物包括教科书,学术,一般读物,小说,旅游等。Writer’s BriefKyomugisha Juliet is a writer and a graduate teacher by profession from Makerere University, Kampala. She is an alumnus of the Institute of Book Publishing in New Delhi, India. She is also an editor at Fountain Publishers, Kampala-Uganda. She is an author of various learning resources for young children in Uganda. Her stories have been published by both Fountain Publishers and the Reading Association of Uganda, a local Non-Governmental Organisation working to promote literacy. Her recent picture book is titled Akwania published in 2022. Her major aim is to produce readers that can raise children who are problem solvers and able to benefit themselves and the society.Illustrator’s BriefFountain Publishers is a publishing company which is established in Kampala. It is a private entity that was started in 1988. This makes it one of the first indigenous publishing firms in Uganda. With a team of competent and experienced professionals, the company ranks among the leading publishing houses in Uganda and the wider East African region. Various titles of varied nature and form constitute the rich catalogue, comprising of school textbooks, academic, general, fiction, and tourism. Fountain is a publisher of educational material, literary material and maps. It is a company excelling to educate Ugandans.
