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大熊的女儿(英) 版权信息

大熊的女儿(英) 本书特色

适读人群 :6-14岁这是一部现代人迷失自我,重新寻找自我的动人故事。 让孩子在充满想象力的故事中学习主人公乐观、坚强,不放弃的精神 著名儿童文学评论家汤锐推荐

大熊的女儿(英) 内容简介

《大熊的女儿》是廖小琴创作的一部中篇幻想小说,一个关于现代人迷失了自我、又历经千辛万苦找回自我的动人寓言。 在一个平凡又平淡的早晨,11岁女孩老豆的家里发生了一件惊天动地的大事——爸爸尹格失踪了,而尹格的床上睡着一头大熊!异形症就这样猝不及防地在这个叫栀白的宁静小城里发生了……爸爸变成了大熊,老豆没有哭,她是一个很酷的女孩,冷静而果敢地面对一切。仅凭一线希望,她义无反顾地带着变成大熊的爸爸,走上了遥远而艰辛的寻爱之路。

大熊的女儿(英) 目录

Chapter One The Bear in the Bedroom / 1
Chapter Two He Is My Father / 12
Chapter Three No Bears Allowed / 20
Chapter Four The Missing Sock Bag / 29
Chapter Five A Group of Troublemakers / 38
Chapter Six A Big Meal / 46
Chapter Seven The Circus Owner / 56
Chapter Eight The Mysterious Storyteller / 66
Chapter Nine Looking at the Stars / 73
Chapter Ten A Strange City / 80
Chapter Eleven Visiting the Orphanage / 88
Chapter Twelve Coming Across a Mother and Son / 95
Chapter Thirteen Getting into Trouble / 103
Chapter Fourteen The Agreement / 113
Chapter Fifteen The Clown in the Circus / 124
Chapter Sixteen Unexpected Guests / 134
Chapter Seventeen The Bear in the Cellar / 142
Chapter Eighteen The Bear Is Caught / 153
Chapter Nineteen Sneaking into Bear Castle / 163
Chapter Twenty Guests at the Villa / 173
Chapter Twenty-One The Story of Yin Xiaohe / 187
Chapter Twenty-Two The Mayor’s Secret / 195

大熊的女儿(英) 节选

  《大熊的女儿(英)》:  Lao Dou went to the fridge and took out some apples. Remembering that bears love honey, she went back and grabbed a full jar.  But the bear ate neither the apples nor the honey. Instead, he just stared sadly at Lao Dou and then looked sadly down at himself.  At midday, Lao Dou went out to buy two fish. She hoped the house would be empty when she came back, but when she pushed the door open, only to find the bear was still there.  Lao Dou fried one fish and put the other on a porcelain plate. She ate a bowl of rice and the fried fish, leaving just a pile of bones. The bear didn't eat the raw fish. He just looked at Lao Dou helplessly.  Lao Dou ignored him.  Lao Dou called her classmate, Ding Xiaoding. She said, "There's a bear in my house!  "Ha-ha, don't play such a silly prank. If I said there was an elephant in my room, would you believe me? Ding Xiaoding laughed.  "Oh, come on, I'm not silly!" Lao Dou replied.  "And neither am I," her friend said.  So then Lao Dou called her friend Mei Raman and told her the same thing. Mei giggled at first, but then suddenly became serious and said, "Can I go to your house and have a look?" Lao Dou glanced at the bear lying on the floor and said, "Forget it. I was just kidding.  The bear was gesturing desperately to Lao Dou. Though she didn't understand what he meant, she got the impression that he didn't want anyone to visit him.  In the afternoon, Lao Dou went to her swimming class.  Her dad had signed her up for it. Lao Dou had wanted to learn Taekwondo, but he had said, "You are strong enough already. You'd better learn to swim instead-it can help keep you fit. And you won't be afraid of drowning if there's a flood. Lao Dou had objected so they'd had a big argument and then held a family meeting of just the two of them as usual. In the end, her father won.  Lao Dou was worried that the bear would wreak havoc while she was away. But after figuring out that the most valuable thing they had was the TV, which was already three years old, she decided it was safe enough to leave.  She didn't do well in her swimming class and swallowed water several times. The coach said that she was absent-minded, and she retorted, "If you had a bear at home, would you be able to concentrate? The coach said, "Even if there was a lion in my house, I would still concentrate, because I am not someone who indulges in daydreams.  Lao Dou giggled at him, and the girl beside her also laughed.  "Stop giggling! Try to move forward! Move forward! Forward! Standing on the side, the girl's mother was getting angry. Lao Dou curled her lip and thought, "I wouldn't want this kind of mother even as a gift.  While she was gone, the bear didn't make a mess. He just lay back on her dad's bed and covered his head with a quilt.  Lao Dou sat in the living room waiting for her father. Since she was sure that he could solve any problem, she was sure a bear would be no big deal to him. However, the evening passed… 7pm… 8pm… and now it was late at night, but he still didn't come back.  Finally Lao Dou had to admit that things might be more serious than she had thought.  ……

大熊的女儿(英) 作者简介

