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An ode to Lop Nor

An ode to Lop Nor

开本: 23cm 页数: 204页
中 图 价:¥76.2(6.4折) 定价  ¥119.0 登录后可看到会员价
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An ode to Lop Nor 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508546001
  • 条形码:9787508546001 ; 978-7-5085-4600-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

An ode to Lop Nor 本书特色

李守江和他的团队奋战在没有水、没有电、没有土、没有生命的“罗布泊无人区”,吃不上菜,洗不上澡,克服了常人难以想象的困难,打破了“中国生产不了钾肥”、“中国技术不过关”等魔咒,创造了多个行业纪录,震惊了世界。 In the no-water, no-electricity and no-soil lifeless desert, Li Shoujiang and his team overcame unimaginable difficulties, such as no vegetable in meal and no way to take bath, to successfully find potassium ore and produce potash fertilizer. Their achievements debunked the myths that “China has no ability to produce potash fertilizer” and “Chinese technologies are substandard.” In their tenacious work, they created multiple industrial records to shock foreign colleagues.

An ode to Lop Nor 内容简介


An ode to Lop Nor 目录

Prelude Awakening the"sleeping beauty"
Part Ⅰ Start
Movement 1 LakeYinyang
Interlude Six academicians and a female journalist
Movement 2 Thrilling traversing
Interlude Festival is the time of nostalgia

Part Ⅱ Development
Movement 3 Plants retreat and human beings advance
Interlude China's number one town and stinkgrass flower
Movement 4 There will be no returning until arriving in Loulan
Interlude Two red flags
Movement 5 Green symphony
Interlude Potassium sulfate is a treasure
Movement 6 Yardang Landform stands high and low
Interlude Sacrifice individuals for the collectivity

Part Ⅲ Turning
Movement 7 Hope comes into blossom
Interlude Three "oases"
Movement 8 The force oflove
Interlude Life interrupted by frequent "temporary separation"
Movement 9 "I only care about you"
Interlude Persistence is the first light piercing through the dark night

Part Ⅳ Unity
Movement 10 When fiowers bloom, butterflies come
Interlude They all have something special behind their competence
Movement 11 Red willow leaves in the Gobi Desert
Interlude Use music to interpret work
Movement 12 Let's strive for primacy together
Interlude Song of Youth reverberates in the Gobi Desert
Epilogue Embark on a new journey

An ode to Lop Nor 作者简介

  Liu Guoqiang is a member of the China Writers Association. He has published several dozen works in literary magazines such as the People's Literature,Contemporary Era,October and Chinese Writers.His works won a host of awards,including the Liaoning Literature Prize,Beijing Literature Prize and the Steed Prize at the 12th National Contest of Ethnic Minority Literary Creation.
