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土木建筑类专业英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787112281411
  • 条形码:9787112281411 ; 978-7-112-28141-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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土木建筑类专业英语 内容简介

本书主要内容包括笛卡尔几何学概念、函数及其导数、计算机硬件、办公自动化、应力应变、胡克定律、梁弯曲、圆杆扭转、柱屈曲、土木工程材料、建筑合同与招投标、土力学与基础、砌体结构、混凝土结构、钢结构、形抵抗结构、隧道工程、高速公路、斜拉桥、中国皇城规划、理性主义规划理论、城市总体规划与土地利用规划、城市交通规划、住宅设计、包豪斯、沃克艺术中心雕塑园、护德艺术博物馆、绿色设计教学实践和机器人3D打印混凝土书屋等涉及高等数学、计算机基础、工程力学、土木工程、隧道工程、交通工程、城乡规划和建筑学等方面的内容,特别是甄选了两篇具有时代特色的教学研究前沿文章——绿色设计和3D打印,使得本教材具有一定的前瞻性。 本书共有35个单元,每个单元分为课文、注释和习题三个部分。在习题中配有中英互译(单词、词组、句子和段落)、单项选择题和用英语回答问题以帮助理解欣赏课文等形式多样的内容,以确保基础英语和专业英语的衔接和过渡,并提高读者的学习兴趣。书后还附有常用数学符号公式的读法(这主要针对在专业英语、全英文教学和双语教学过程中或涉外交流中出现的常用符号和复杂数学公式难以通过口语念出来的问题而专门设置的)和英汉对照常用土木建筑类专业词汇表,词汇含括土木建筑类专业的公共基础课程(高等数学、计算机基础)、专业基础课程(工程力学)和专业课程(土木工程、隧道工程、交通工程、城乡规划、建筑学)方面的常用专业词汇。

土木建筑类专业英语 目录

1 Cartesian Coordinate System and Analytic Geometry(笛卡尔坐标与解析几何) 1.1 Cartesian Coordinate System 1.2 Analytic Geometry 2 Function and Its Derivative(函数及其导数) 2.1 Function 2.2 The Derivative of a Function 3 Computer Hardware(计算机硬件) 3.1 CPU 3.2 The Memory 3.3 I/O Devices 3.4 System Buses 4 OA(办公自动化) 4.1 Word Processing 4.2 Electronic Spreadsheet 4.3 Video Conferencing 5 Stress, Strain and Hooke's Law(应力、应变与胡克定律) 5.1 The Concepts of Stress and Strain 5.2 Axial Tensile Stress-Strain Relationship 5.3 Hooke's Law 5.3.1 Stress-Strain Diagram 5.3.2 Hooke's Law 5.3.3 Future Remarks on Stress-Strain Diagrams 6 Differential Equation for Beam Deflection Curve and Moment-Area Method(梁的挠曲线微分方程及弯矩面积法) 6.1 Deflection Curve of a Bent Beam 6.2 Differential Equation for Beam Deflection Curve 6.3 The Moment-Area Method 7 Torsion of a Circular Bar and Hook's Law for Shear(圆杆扭转与剪切胡克定律) 7.1 Circular Bar in Pure Torsion 7.2 Hook's Law for Shear 7.3 Computational Formula of T 8 Critical Load and Euler' s Formula(临界荷载与欧拉公式) 8.1 Critical Load 8.2 Critical Load Formula 8.3 Euler's Formula 8.3.1 Column Buckling 8.3.2 Euler's Formula 8.4 Critical Stress and Flexibility (or Slenderness Ratio) 9 Civil and Building Engineering(土木与建筑工程) 9.1 Definition and Scope of Civil Engineering 9.2 Characteristics of Building Engineering 9.2.1 Characteristics of Product 9.2.2 Characteristics of Construction 9.2.3 Characteristics of Project Management 9.3 Composition and Function of Building 9.3.1 Enclosing Structures 9.3.2 Load-Bearing Structures 9.4 Categories of Buildings 10 Exploration of In-Class Education of Ideology and Politics of theCourse "Architectural Economy and Management"(“建筑经济与管理”课程思政探索) 10.1 Course Introduction 10.2 Ideological and Political Elements 10.2.1 National Consciousness 10.2.2 Social Responsibility 10.2.3 Professional Dedication 10.2.4 Environmental Awareness 10.2.5 Law-Consciousness 10.3 Ideology and Politics Education Effect 11 Civil Engineering Materials(土木工程材料) 11.1 Timber 11.1.1 Features of Timber 11.1.2 Defects in Timber and Preservation of Timber 11.1.3 Use of Timber 11.2 Metals 11.2.1 Properties of Metals 11.2.2 Use of Metals in Constructions 11.2.3 Corrosion Protection 11.3 Concrete 11.3.1 Properties and Uses of Normal Concrete 11.3.2 Preparation of Normal Concrete 11.3.3 Constituents in Concrete 11.3.4 Concrete Mix Design 11.4 Reinforced Concrete 11.5 Prestressed Concrete 11.6 Bituminous Materials 11.6.1 Kinds and Properties of Bituminous Materials 11.6.2 Uses of Bituminous Materials 11.7 Polymer 11.8 Bricks and Blocks 12 Soil Mechanics and Foundations(土力学与基础) 12.1 Size Composition and Structure of Soils 12.1.1 Size Composition 12.1.2 Structure 12.2 Soil Properties 12.3 Applications of Soil Mechanics 12.4 Foundations 12.4.1 Categories of Foundations 12.4.2 Deep Foundations 13 Masonry Structures(砌体结构) 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Classifications of Masonry Construction 13.3 Types of Masonry Walls 13.4 Empirical Code Limits 14 Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete(钢筋混凝土与预应力混凝土) 14.1 Reinforced Concrete 14.2 Prestressed Concrete 14.2.1 Comparison with Reinforced Concrete 14.2.2 Economics 14.2.3 Prestressing Methods 15 Concrete: Forming, Reinforcing, Placement and Curing(混凝土:支模、扎筋、浇捣和养护) 15.1 Forming 15.2 Reinforcement 15.3 Placement 15.4 Curing 16 Structural Systems of Buildings(建筑结构体系) 16.1 Frame Action of Column and Two-Way Slab Systems 16.2 Structural Systems of Buildings 17 Connections and Construction of Steel Structure(钢结构连接与施工) 17.1 Steel Connections 17.1.1 Bolted Connections 17.1.2 Welded Connections 17.2 Steel Structure Construction 18 Freeways(高速公路) 19 Cable-Stayed Bridge(斜拉桥) 19.1 History of Development 19.2 Comparison with Suspension Bridge 20 Tunnel Engineering(隧道工程) 20.1 Types and Structures of Tunnels 20.1.1 Tunnel Types 20.1.2 Tunnel Structures 20.2 Construction of Tunnels 20.2.1 Railway Tunnels 20.2.2 Highway Tunnels 20.2.3 Metros 20.2.4 Hydraulic and Underground Powerhouses 20.3 Vision of the Future 21 Characteristics of China's Imperial City Planning(中国皇城规划特征) 22 Stages and Considerations of Urban Master Planning(城市总体规划步骤与考虑因素) 23 Urban Transportation Planning Phases(城市交通规划阶段) 23.1 Characteristics of Urban Transportation 23.2 Urban Transportation Planning Phases 23.2.1 The Preanalysis Phase 23.2.2 The Technical Analysis Phase 23.2.3 The Postanalysis Phase 24 Housing Design Criteria and Considerations of Residential Planning(住房设计准则与住宅规划考虑因素) 24.1 Housing Design Criteria 24.2 Considerations of Residential Planning 25 Bauhaus-Art and Techniques, a New Unity"(包豪斯——“艺术与技术的新统一”) 26 Hood Museum of Art(护德艺术博物馆) 27 Team SCUT-POLITO's LONG-PLAN and Professor'sGreen Building Ideas(华南理工大学-都灵理工大学联队设计的长屋与教授的绿色建筑理念) 27.1 Introduction 27.2 Competition Plan 27.2.1 Human Comfort 27.2.2 Energy Saving 27.2.3 Urban Effects 27.2.4 Module Construction 27.3 Professor's Green Building Ideas 27.4 Module Lifting and Effect 28 3D Printing(3D打印) 28.1 Introduction 28.2 A 3D Printed Book Cabin 28.3 A 3D Printed Concrete Farmhouse 29 Fully Grouted Cable Bolts' ANSYS Analysis, ConstructionTechniques and Anchoring Mechanism (Theory of Swelling-Rising Concrete Arch with Tree-Root-Shaped Cable BoltReinforcement)[注浆锚索的ANSYS分析、施工技术及锚固机理(胀锚拱理论)] 29.1 ANSYS Simulating Analysis of a Single Fully Grouted Cable Bolt 29.1.1 Solving Process 29.1.2 Analyzing the Results 29.2 ANSYS Simulating Analysis of a 3D Stope Model 29.2.1 Solving Process 29.2.2 Analyzing the Results 29.3 Pre-Anchoring Construction 29.4 Theory of Swelling-Rising Concrete Arch with Tree-Root-Shaped Cable Bolt Reinforcement 29.4.1 Model 29.4.2 Main Viewpoints Appendix 1: The Reading of Common Symbols and Mathematical Formulas(附录1:常用符号和数学公式的读法) Appendix 2: Commonly Used English-Chinese Professional Termsfor Civil and Architectural Engineering(附录2:常用土木建筑类专业词汇英汉对照) References(参考文献)

土木建筑类专业英语 作者简介

占丰林,江西理工大学建筑与设计学院,建筑学系教授 北京科技大学博士研究生毕业,获工学博士学位。从事教学和研究的方向为建筑技术。主讲建筑力学、建筑结构与选型、建筑经济与管理、建筑材料、专业英语、地下结构工程、土的液化与地基抗震等本科和硕士主要专业基础课程和专业课程。 荣获澳大利亚“悉尼国际商学院学术和社交英语中高级”证书。主持参与1项国家自然基金项目、20多项省级科研项目和横向课题。主编普通高等教育规划教材3部(英文1部、中文2部),副主编普通高等教育规划中文教材1部。发表核心和省级以上刊物专业学术论文20余篇,其中多篇被EI和ISTP收录。科研项目曾获得部级科技进步三等奖,被评为“江西省高等学校第七批中青年骨干教师”。 蔡丽蓉,江西理工大学建筑与设计学院,建筑学系副教授 第九届江西省土木建筑学会建筑创作(建筑师)专业委员会副秘书长、江南宋城历史文化研究院(会)专家。 主要从事建筑学专业领域的教学和科研工作。主持教育部产学研项目1项,江西省教育厅教研课题1项、科技项目1项;参与江西省省级教改课题2项,江西省人文社科项目1项,江西省教育厅科技项目1项;参编教材1部;发表教改论文和学术论文20余篇;注册计算机软件著作权2项;主持、参与地方服务项目4项。获2006年参与全省新农村规划“双千工程”先进个人称号。 长期坚守教学第一线,用心教书育人,多次指导学生参加国内外学科竞赛获优异成绩,多次获得优秀指导老师的荣誉称号;指导学生参加“丰和杯”江西省高等院校建筑类学生优秀毕业设计作品大赛,获优异成绩;指导本科生多次获得校级优秀毕业设计荣誉,并获得校级优秀毕业设计指导教师荣誉称号。 易秀娟,江西理工大学建筑与设计学院,城乡规划系副主任 国家注册城市规划师、讲师,江西省赣州市城市规划委员会专家委员,赣州市国土空间规划委员会专家委员。 主要从事城乡规划专业的教学与科研,发表教改论文和学术论文10余篇,主持参与横向课题10余项,有比较丰富的实践经验;多次指导学生参加创新创业项目和各类专业竞赛,指导学生的城市设计作品获第二届国际大学生艺术年度奖铜奖、新加坡设计艺术大赛银奖和環亚杯中日设计交流展金奖。 2022年获江西理工大学青年教师教学竞赛暨教师教学创新大赛二等奖,第三届全国大学生“发现传统村落”调研大赛优秀指导老师,首届江西理工大学建筑与设计学院“建设之星”,2022年江西理工大学优秀党务工作者。
