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柔性负荷与储能资源接入电力市场的建模与分析技术 版权信息

柔性负荷与储能资源接入电力市场的建模与分析技术 内容简介


柔性负荷与储能资源接入电力市场的建模与分析技术 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 MonographContext
1.2 Monograph Motivation
1.2.1 Role of Flexible Demand and Energy Storage in the Emerging Power System Setting
1.2.2 Market-Based Realisation of Flexible Demand and Energy Storage Flexibility
1,3 Monograph Scope and Original Contributions
1.3.1 Monograph Scope
1.3.2 Monograph Original Contributions
1.4 MonographOutline

Chapter 2 Current Trends on Market Integration of Flexible Demand and Energy Storage
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Modelling Approaches for Flexible Demand and Energy Storage
2.3 Market Arrangements tor Flexible Demand and Energy Storage
2.3.1 Centralized Market Clearing Mechanism
2.3.2 Decentralized Dynamic Pricing-Based Mechanism
2.4 Participation of Flexible Demand and Energy Storage in Different Market Segments
2.5 Centralized Market Clearing Mechanism with Flexible Demand and Energy Storage Participation
2.5.1 Assumptions on Examined Electricity Market Model
2.5.2 Model of Centralized Market Clearing Mechanism

Chapter 3 Factoring Flexible Demand Non-Convexities in Electricity Markets
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Literature Review
3.3 Centralized Market Clearing Under Flexible Demand Participation
3.3.1 Modelling Generation Participants
3.3.2 Modelling Flexible Demand Participants
3.3.3 Centralized Market Clearing Solutions
3.4 Surplus Sub-Optimality Effects and Their Relation to Participants' Non-Convexities
3.4.1 Surplus Sub-Optimality
3.4.2 Generation Non Convexities and Impacts on Surplus Optimality
3.4.3 Flexible Demand Non-Convexities and Impacts on Surplus Optimality
3.5 Generalized Uplifts Under Flexible Demand Participation
3.5.1 Lump-Sum Uplifts
3.5.2 Generalized Uplifts
3.5.3 Formulation of Minimum Discrimination Problem
3.5.4 Solution Techniques of the Minimum Discrimination Problem
3.6 Convex Hull Pricing Under Flexible Demand Participation
3.6.1 Concept of Convex HullPricing
3.6.2 Lagrangian Formulation of Convex Hull Pricing Problem
3.6.3 Solution Techniques of the Lagrangian Dual Problem
3.7 Case Studies
3.7.1 Test Data andlmplementation
3.7.2 Impacts of Flexible Demand Non-Convexities
3.7.3 Generalized Uplift Approach
3.7.4 Convex HulIPricing Approach
3.8 Conclusions

Chapter 4 Investigating the Impact of Flexible Demand and Energy Storage on the
Exercise of Market Power by Strategic Producers in Imperfect Electricity Markets
4.1 Introduction
4.2 LiteratureReview
4.2.1 Modelling Imperfect Markets with Strategic Electricity Producers
4.2.2 Generation Market Power Mitigation
4.3 Modelling Market Participants
Chapter 5 Investigating the Exercise of Market Power by Strategic Flexible Demand
and Energy Storage in Imperfect Electricity Markets
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work
Appendix A Convexity Principles
Appendix B Lagrangian Formulation of Convex Hull Pricing Problem
Appendix C List of Abbreviations

柔性负荷与储能资源接入电力市场的建模与分析技术 作者简介

  叶宇剑,男,东南大学副研究员,博士生导师,兼任伦敦帝国理工学院荣誉讲师,IEEESenior Member。主要研究方向包括电力市场建模与分析,人工智能在电力及能源系统的应用,能源互联网中的建模、优化与控制等国际前沿热点课题。现主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目、江苏省“双创博士”世界名校类人才项目、江苏省科技副总项目各一项。2016~2020年作为帝国理工学院科研团队的技术骨干,参与了由欧盟委员会、英国工程和自然科学研究委员会等资助的多个科研项目,总项目投资额超过4000万英镑。共发表60余篇学术论文以及出版1部英文专著,作为通讯作者在IEEE旗舰期刊Proceedings of the IEEE上发表1篇论文、作为通讯作者在国内外高水平学术期刊上发表26篇论文(其中中科院一区Top SCI论文15篇),累积影响因子超过160。担任IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid、IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications、IEEE Systems Journal、IET Renewable Power Generation等期刊编委:担任Applied Energy等期刊青年编委;担任《中国电机工程学报》等期刊专题编委。
