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国际商务函电 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302624905
  • 条形码:9787302624905 ; 978-7-302-62490-5
  • 装帧:70g胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

国际商务函电 本书特色


国际商务函电 内容简介

本教材以培养商务英语专业学生的英语书面表达和沟通能力为目标, 以外贸企业典型业务工作流程为主线展开编写。教材共11章,涵盖商务函电基础知识和外贸业务的各环节,包括建立业务联系、 询盘、报盘和还盘、接受与订单、签订合同、 支付、包装、保险、运输、投诉与索赔等。每个章节都以任务为导向,包含导学、外贸知识、信函样倒、情景对话和拓展阅读等部分,并专门列出了函电撰写功能句型,精心设计了业务技能训练。业务技能训练中还有各类习题和信函撰写练习, 旨在从不同角度摔炼学生的商务 知识和函电撰写沟通技能,使学生能够将商务知识和语言技能融会贯通, 为将来走向商务类岗位打下坚实的基础。教材配有电子课件、微课视频和练习参考答案,读者可从.www.tsinghuaelt.com下载使用。 本书既可作为普通高等院校商务英语、国际贸易及相关专业的教材,也可作为外贸从业人员的参考用 书,还可作为外贸培训行业的培训If辅导用书。

国际商务函电 目录

Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Business Communication1

Part 1 Business Knowledge2

Section 1 Basic Parts of a Business English Letter2

Section 2 Writing Principles of Business English Letters6

Section 3 Formats of Business English Letters9

Section 4 Email Etiquette11

Part 2 Typical Phrases for Business English Emails14

Part 3 Skill Training15

Part 4 Additional Reading18

Chapter 2 Establishment of Business Relations21

Part 1 Business Knowledge22

Section 1 Ways to Establish Business Relations22

Section 2 How to Make a Credit Status Enquiry25

Part 2 Case Study27

Part 3 Functional Sentence Patterns33

Part 4 Situational Dialogs34

Part 5 Skill Training37

Part 6 Additional Reading40

Chapter 3 Enquiry 43

Part 1 Business Knowledge44

Section 1 What Is an Enquiry in International Business?44

Section 2 How to Make an Enquiry46

Part 2 Case Study47

Part 3 Functional Sentence Patterns52

Part 4 Situational Dialogs 54

Part 5 Skill Training56

Part 6 Additional Reading59

Chapter 4 Offer and Counter Offer61

Part 1 Business Knowledge62

Section 1 Offer, Firm Offer and Non-firm Offer 62

Section 2 Counter Offer65

Part 2 Case Study 66

Part 3 Functional Sentence Patterns73

Part 4 Situational Dialogs74

Part 5 Skill Training76

Part 6 Additional Reading 80

Chapter 5 Acceptance and Orders81

Part 1 Business Knowledge82

Section 1 Acceptance82

Section 2 Order84

Part 2 Case Study86

Part 3 Functional Sentence Patterns 90

Part 4 Situational Dialogs 91

Part 5 Skill Training 94

Part 6 Additional Reading 96

Chapter 6 Contracts 99

Part 1 Business Knowledge 100

Section 1 Contracts in Business100

Section 2 Format and Main Contents of a Contract or Confirmation103

Part 2 Case Study 104

Part 3 Functional Sentence Patterns110

Part 4 Situational Dialogs111

Part 5 Skill Training 113

Part 6 Additional Reading 117

Chapter 7 Terms of Payment 119

Part 1 Business Knowledge 120

Section 1 Modes of Payment120

Section 2 Circulation Process of Documentary L/C123

Part 2 Case Study 125

Part 3 Functional Sentence Patterns 130

Part 4 Situational Dialogs 132

Part 5 Skill Training 134

Part 6 Additional Reading 138

Chapter 8 Packing 141

Part 1 Business Knowledge 142

Section 1 What Is Packing?142

Section 2 Packing Marks144

Part 2 Case Study 146

Part 3 Functional Sentence Patterns 152

Part 4 Situational Dialogs 154

Part 5 Skill Training157

Part 6 Additional Reading 161

Chapter 9 Insurance 163

Part 1 Business Knowledge 164

Section 1 Covering Cargo Insurance164

Section 2 A General Introduction to China’s Cargo Insurance167

Part 2 Case Study 169

Part 3 Functional Sentence Patterns 174

Part 4 Situational Dialogs 175

Part 5 Skill Training 177

Part 6 Additional Reading 179

Chapter 10 Shipment 181

Part 1 Business Knowledge 182

Section 1 International Transportation of Goods 182

Section 2 Bill of Lading185

Part 2 Case Study 187

Part 3 Functional Sentence Patterns 192

Part 4 Situational Dialogs194

Part 5 Skill Training 196

Part 6 Additional Reading 199

Chapter 11 Complaints and Claims201

Part 1 Business Knowledge202

Section 1 Complaints and Claims202

Section 2 How to Handle Complaints and Claims205

Part 2 Case Study207

Part 3 Functional Sentence Patterns 213

Part 4 Situational Dialogs 214

Part 5 Skill Training217

Part 6 Additional Reading220


国际商务函电 作者简介

