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Fundamentals of modern control theory

Fundamentals of modern control theory

开本: 26cm 页数: 255页
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Fundamentals of modern control theory 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787576318050
  • 条形码:9787576318050 ; 978-7-5763-1805-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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Fundamentals of modern control theory 内容简介

《现代控制理论基础》介绍现代控制理论的基本原理和控制系统分析与设计的主要方法,内容主要包括绪论、控制系统的状态空间描述、线性控制系统的运动分析,线性控制系统的能控性和能观测性,控制系统的李雅普诺夫稳定性分析,状态反馈和状态观测器,*优控制。 本书可作为高等学校自动化、电气工程及其自动化等专业的本科生全英文教材,也可作为机械工程、机电工程等非控制类专业的硕究生全英文教材,还可供控制领域的工程技术人员自学与参考。

Fundamentals of modern control theory 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Control Theory
1.2 The Development of Control Theory
1.3 The Knowledge System and Superiority of Modern Control Theory
1.4 Application of Modern Control Theory
Chapter 2 State Space Model
2.1 State Variable and State Space Expression
2.2 State Space Representation of Linear Dynamic System
2.3 System Block Diagram of State Space Expressions
2.4 Linear Transformation of State Equation
2.5 State Space Representation of Discrete System
Chapter 3 The Solution of State Space Expression
3.1 Solving the Time-invariant Homogeneous State Equation
3.2 Properties of State-Transition Matrices
3.3 The Calculation of Matrix Exponential Function
3.4 Solution of Nonhomogeneous State Equations
3.5 Solution of Discrete Nonhomogeneous State Equations
Chapter 4 Controllability and Observability of Linear Control Systems
4.1 Definition of Controllability
4.2 Controllability of Linear Time Invariant Systems
4.3 Observability of Linear Continuous Time Invariant Systems
4.4 Controllability and Observability of Discrete Time Systems
4.5 Controllability and Observability of Time-Varying System
4.6 Duality Relationship Between Observability and Controllability
4.7 Controllable Canonical Form Type and Observable Canonical Form Type of State Space Expression
4.8 Structural Decomposition of Linear Systems
4.9 Realization of Transfer Function Matrix
Chapter 5 Stability and Lyapunov Method
5.1 Definition of Stability for Lyapunov's Theory
5.2 Lyapunov's First Method
5.3 Lyapunov's Second Method
5.4 The Application of Lyapunov Method in Linear System
5.5 Application of Lyapunov Method in Nonlinear System
Chapter 6 Synthesis of Linear Time Invariant System
6.1 Basic Structure and Characteristics of Linear Feedback Control System
6.2 Pole Placement Issues
6.3 System Stabilization
6.4 System Decoupling Problem
6.5 State Observer
6.6 Using State Observer to Realize State Feedback System
Chapter 7 The Optimal Control
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Minimum Principle
7.3 Bang-Bang Control
7.4 Dynamic Programming Method
7.5 Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Problem