全球治理的中国方案丛书-全球气候治理的中国方案(英) 版权信息
- ISBN:9787508542324
- 条形码:9787508542324 ; 978-7-5085-4232-4
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>
全球治理的中国方案丛书-全球气候治理的中国方案(英) 本书特色
“全球治理的中国方案”丛书围绕“治理”“和平”“发展”三个*重要的主题,采取“3+7”的模式,共分为十分册。前三分册作为统领,围绕三大核心主题,综述中国完善全球治理体系的理念与实践,介绍中国参与全球治理的战略框架;其余七分册,按照当前全球治理的七大互动领域,包括金融安全、能源安全、气候治理、国际发展援助、人权保障、网络空间安全治理、国际反恐合作等,分别诠释全球治理具体领域的中国方案。 In the ten titles forming this series, the authors elaborate on China’s perspectives on global governance, peace, and development, as well as seven other important aspects of global governance—financial security, energy security, climate governance, foreign aid, cybersecurity, human rights protection, and anti-terrorism.
全球治理的中国方案丛书-全球气候治理的中国方案(英) 内容简介
气候变化是当今世界面临的*严峻的全球性挑战之一,事关人类的生存与发展。应对气候变化离不开国际合作。当前气候变化对人类的负面影响越来越严重,全球采取紧急行动应对气候变化比以往任何时候都更加紧迫。自1990 年国际气候谈判启动以来,全球气候治理已走过30 年的历程。如何评价全球气候治理30 年的得与失?作为全球气候治理的积极参与者和关键行为体,中国对全球气候治理有哪些贡献?中国是如何思考和推进全球气候治理的?如何定位中国在全球气候治理中的角色?中国在全球气候治理中的角色转换背后的原因何在?本书将对这些问题进行全面、系统、深入的分析。
全球治理的中国方案丛书-全球气候治理的中国方案(英) 目录
List of Exhibits
Chapter One The Genesis, Evolution, and Challenges of Global Climate Governance
1.1 The Genesis of Global Climate Governance
1.2 The Evolution of Global Climate Governance
1.2.1 The Evolution of the Goals of Global Climate Governance
1.2.2 The Evolution of the Principles of Global Climate Governance
1.2.3 The Evolution of the Modes of Emission Reduction
1.2.4 The Evolution of the Patterns of International Climate Negotiations
1.2.5 The Evolution of the Structure of Global Climate Governance
1.3 The Challenges Facing Global Climate Governance
1.3.1 The Inadequacy of Global Climate Governance Efforts
1.3.2 Leadership Deficiencies in Global Climate Governance
1.3.3 Uncertainties in Global Climate Governance
1.3.4 Inadequacies in the Systems, Mechanisms, and Legal Frameworks of Global Climate Governance
1.3.5 The Severe External Environment of Global Climate Governance
Chapter Two China's Contributions to the Core Values of Global Climate Governance
2.1 Ecological Civilization and Global Climate Governance
2.1.1 The Conceptualization of Ecological Civilization and Its Basic Implications
2.1.2 The Development of Ecological Civilization and Climate Governance
2.2 A Community with a Shared Future for Mankind and Global Climate Governance
2.2.1 The Conceptualization of a Community with a Shared Future and Its Basic Implications
2.2.2 The Relationship between a Community with a Shared Future and Global Climate Governance
2.3 The Influence of the Ideas of Ecological Civilization and a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind in Global Climate Governance
2.3.1 China's Global Efforts to Promote Ecological Civilization and a Community with a Shared Future
2.3.2 The Global Influence of the Ideas of Ecological Civilization and a Community with a Shared Future
Chapter Three China's Participation and Leadership in Global Climate Governance
Chapter Four China's Domestic Efforts in Rising to the Challenge of Climate Change
Chapter Five Strengthening South-South Cooperation on Climate Change
Chapter Six Expanding North-South Cooperation on Climate Change
Chapter Seven The Rationale for China's Active Contribution to Global Climate Governance
全球治理的中国方案丛书-全球气候治理的中国方案(英) 节选
Global climate governance entails dealing with climate change at multiple levels all at once, from the subnational level to the global level, through coordination and cooperation among states and other entities in the international community. Its ultimate objective is to keep the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere under a certain limit, so as not to endanger the climate system. In sum, its core mission is to reduce or eradicate the threat posed to mankind by climate change through multivariate and multilayered cooperation and shared governance across the world. The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in 1972 is generally acknowledged to be the inception of global environmental governance. In 1990, the initiation of international climate change talks in the UN marked the commencement of global climate governance. Over the past 30 years, great progress has been made in global climate governance, which has now become a key issue and field of international cooperation in human development, even likened to a mirror of global governance. At the same time, global climate governance faces numerous challenges, and has a long way to go before it fulfills its mission. To understand China’s role in global climate governance, one must contextualize it in the history of global climate governance. This chapter hence addresses several questions: What is the history of global climate governance? What are the challenges facing global climate governance today? The discussion in this book centers around the UN climate change talks, which represent the core of global climate governance, though they do not encapsulate it in totality.
全球治理的中国方案丛书-全球气候治理的中国方案(英) 作者简介
张海滨,北京大学国际关系学院副院长兼国际组织与国际公共政策系主任、教授、博士生导师,北京大学全球健康发展研究院副院长,北京大学国际组织研究中心主任,北京大学社科学部学术委员。主要研究领域:国际组织与全球治理、全球环境与气候治理和中国环境外交。兼任中国商务部贸易与环境专家组成员、德国外交部气候与安全专家组成员、中国联合国协会常务理事、中国气象学会气候变化与低碳发展委员会委员、“未来地球计划”中国国家委员会委员。长期参加联合国气候大会,2014年以来一直作为中国政府代表团成员参加联合国环境谈判。在中外学术刊物上发表论文100多篇。获北京市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖等省部级奖励4项。承担国家重点研发计划、国家科技支撑计划、国家自然科学基金等各类课题40多项。 ZHANG Haibin is a professor and the Associate Dean of the School of International Studies,, Peking University. His other appointments in the same university include Head of the Department of International Organizations and International Public Policy; Associate Dean of the Institute for Global Health and Development; Director of the Center for International Organization Studies; and member of China National Expert Panel for Climate Change. As a member of the Chinese delegation to the United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA) negotiations since 2014, he has participated in many UN climate conferences. His main research areas include international organizations and global governance, global environmental and climate governance, and China’s environmental diplomacy. He has published over a hundred papers in Chinese and foreign academic journals, and undertaken more than 40 projects of various kinds, such as those sponsored by the National Key R&D Program, the National Science and Technology Support Program, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
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