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Shankar量子力学原理 第2版

Shankar量子力学原理 第2版

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Shankar量子力学原理 第2版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787519296841
  • 条形码:9787519296841 ; 978-7-5192-9684-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Shankar量子力学原理 第2版 本书特色

◎媒体推荐/名人推荐/读者推荐 “An excellent text … The postulates of quantum mechanics and the mathematical underpinnings are discussed in a clear, succinct manner.” — American Scientist “No matter how gently one introduces students to the concept of Dirac's bras and kets, many are turned off. Shankar attacks the problem head-on in the first chapter, and in a very informal style suggests that there is nothing to be frightened of.” — Physics Bulletin “This massive text of 700 and odd pages has indeed an excellent get-up, is very verbal and expressive, and has extensively worked out calculational details---all just right for a first course. The style is conversational, more like a corridor talk or lecture notes, though arranged as a text. … It would be particularly useful to beginning students and those in allied areas like quantum chemistry.” — Mathematical Reviews

Shankar量子力学原理 第2版 内容简介

本书是量子力学的世界经典教材,内容丰富,结构严谨,逻辑性强。作者从所需的数学基础开始,先复习经典力学,再通过一些实验事实说明经典物理学遇到的困难和引入量子理论的必要性,然后详细阐述量子力学的基本原理及其进一步发展,给出实际问题的具体解决方法和处理过程。本书叙述简明易懂,数学推导和例题分析详细,并附有大量的习题及其答案,是学习量子力学的理想教材。 在第2版中,作者做了全面的修订和补充,例如重写了数学基础部分,讨论了时间反演不变性,并多加了讨论路径积分的一个新章节(第21章:Path Integrals—II)。新版的亮点有:(1)量子力学的数学基础部分更加清晰明了;(2)充分回顾牛顿力学、拉格朗日力学和哈密顿力学,从而帮助学习者更好地理解量子力学与经典力学的不同之处;(3)通过数学定理和物理假设的分开处理加深读者对量子理论的理解;(4)深入讨论路径积分及其在现代物理学中的重要性。

Shankar量子力学原理 第2版 目录

◎图书目录 Preface Prelude 1. Mathematical Introduction 2. Review of Classical Mechanics 3. All Is Not Well with Classical Mechanics 4. The Postulates—a General Discussion 5. Simple Problems in One Dimension 6. The Classical Limit 7. The Harmonic Oscillator 8. The Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Theory 9. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations 10. Systems with N Degrees of Freedom 11. Symmetries and Their Consequences 12. Rotational Invariance and Angular Momentum 13. The Hydrogen Atom 14. Spin 15. Addition of Angular Momenta 16. Variational and WKB Methods 17. Time-Independent Perturbation Theory 18. Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory 19. Scattering Theory 20. The Dirac Equation 21. Path Integrals—II Appendix Answers to Selected Exercises Table of Constants Index

Shankar量子力学原理 第2版 作者简介

拉马穆蒂·香卡(Ramamurti Shankar)是美国著名物理学家,耶鲁大学的吉布斯讲席教授(Josiah Willard Gibbs Professor of Physics)。他的研究领域主要是理论凝聚态物理和量子场论。香卡教授在耶鲁大学任教已超过45年,并曾担任物理系的系主任。他获得过耶鲁大学的Harwood F. Byrnes/Richard B. Sewall杰出教学奖和美国物理学会的Julius Edgar Lilienfeld奖。他是美国人文与科学院的院士。
