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The road to ecological civilization construction in China

The road to ecological civilization construction in China

开本: 23cm 页数: 160页
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The road to ecological civilization construction in China 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787522705514
  • 条形码:9787522705514 ; 978-7-5227-0551-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

The road to ecological civilization construction in China 内容简介


The road to ecological civilization construction in China 目录

目 录 I. Ecological Civilization: a New Form of Human Civilization..1 1. The Motives Behind the Rise of Ecological Civilization..1 2. Ecological Civilization System 4 3. People-Centered Ecological Civilization 10 4. Principles of Ecological Civilization. 14 II. A New Road to Modernization: Modernization Ensures Harmonious Coexistence between Humans and Nature .24 1. A Modernization That Ensures Harmonious Coexistence between Humans and Nature. 25 2. A Road Prioritizing Ecology and Green Development 31 3. Upholding and Perfecting the Ecological Civilization System.. 45 III. The Development of Ecological Economy.53 1. The Development of Ecological Economy: an Inevitable Choice 53 2. Making Production Cleaner 59 3. Making Ecological Environment More Valuable 68 IV. Safeguarding Ecological Security78 1. Continuously Strengthening Ecological Security.. 78 2. Drawing Strict “Redlines for Ecological Conservation” 84 3. Intensifying the Efforts in Eco-environmental Conservation and Restoration 86 4. Innovations in Biodiversity Protection. 92 5. Winning a Determined Battle to Prevent and Control Pollution. 101 V. Optimizing the Layout of Territorial Space.108 1. Territorial Space Layout Optimization, An Inevitable Result of Historical Progress108 2. Territorial Space Layout Optimization, Targeting at Fulfilling the Chinese Dream..116 3. Laying a Foundation for Sustainable Development through Practices and Innovations in Territorial Space Layout Optimization 120 VI. Jointly Building a Shared Future for Humans and Nature ..138 1. Rich Implications of Jointly Building a Shared Future for Humans and Nature. 139 2. Explorations for Jointly Building a Shared Future for Humans and Nature.. 143 3. Chinese Experience in Jointly Building a Shared Future for Humans and Nature 149 Postscript158

The road to ecological civilization construction in China 作者简介

