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经贸英语综合教程 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302621737
  • 条形码:9787302621737 ; 978-7-302-62173-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

经贸英语综合教程 本书特色

《经贸英语综合教程》顺应时代发展需求,教材选题内容广泛,涉及企业组织、人事管理、产品定价、市场需求、直接投资、有形贸易、国际信贷、劳务输出等12个方面的经贸专业知识,旨在帮助学生既学习经贸英语、了解经贸动态、增加经贸知识,又提高经贸英语文献的阅读能力。本教程具有三个鲜明特色:**,选材专业,具有中国特色,Extended Information板块中的电影和案例均围绕中国经济发展成就而展开;第二,练习丰富,针对性强,设有配对题、单选题、正误题、英汉互译等多种题型;第三,深入浅出,提高技能,Developing Skills板块通过对话和写作练习着力培养学生分析与解决问题的能力。

经贸英语综合教程 内容简介

本教材共12个单元,涵盖会计、金融、国贸、市场营销等方面的专业英语知识。每个单元由学习目标、两篇课文、拓展技能和信息扩展四部分组成。每篇文章均选自国内外知名网站、学术期刊和**著作,不仅语言地道、素材真实,还配有注释、专业词汇表和课后练习。练习形式多样,既包括专业词汇、阅读理解、英汉互译等基础知识练习,还设计商务情景下的口语及写作练习,使学生巩固经贸专业知识的同时,还能提升口语、阅读、写作、翻译等综合英语应用能力。本教材另配有练习的答案详解,读者可登录ftp:ftp.tup.tsinghua.edu.cn/下载使用。 本教材适合高等院校经济类和英语类专业本科生使用,也可供广大英语爱好者参考使用。

经贸英语综合教程 目录

Chapter 1 Enterprise Organizations1

Text A The Organizational Structure of a Company2

Text B Why Is a Start-up Worth $1 Billion Called a Unicorn?10

Developing Skills15

Extended Information17

Chapter 2 Human Resources21

Text A Regular Employees’ Feedback on Replacing the Annual Review22

Text B The Role of HR in International Business Expansion 30

Developing Skills34

Extended Information35

Chapter 3 Product and Price39

Text A Marketing Mix—Price and Pricing Strategy40

Text B How to Price Your Product48

Developing Skills52

Extended Information54

Chapter 4 Financial Reports 57

Text A How to Decode Your Company’s Financial Statements58

Text B How to Quickly and Effectively Read an Annual Report 66

Developing Skills71

Extended Information72

Chapter 5 Auditing 75

Text A Audit76

Text B Accounting vs Auditing: What’s the Difference? 84

Developing Skills88

Extended Information 89

Chapter 6 Customer Value and Buying Behavior 93

Text A MexiCoke 94

Text B Nine Emotional Triggers to Influence Customer Buying Behavior 101

Developing Skills 105

Extended Information 107

Chapter 7 Market Research and Expansion 111

Text A Utilizing Market Research in Geographic Expansion 112

Text B Advantages and Disadvantages of Doing Market Research Before Starting a Business 120

Developing Skills 124

Extended Information 125

Chapter 8 Cooperation and Competition129

Text A Africa’s Beef with America 130

Text B More Than Just Tea, China Brews New Success Story137

Developing Skills 141

Extended Information 142

Chapter 9 Investment 147

Text A Liquidity in Bond Markets 148

Text B Start Investing in Your 20s 155

Developing Skills 159

Extended Information 161

Chapter 10 Money163

Text A What Is Money? Why Do We Use Money? 164

Text B China Creates Its Own Digital Currency, a First for Major Economy172

Developing Skills178

Extended Information 179

Chapter 11 Payment and Settlement 181

Text A Global Payment Regulations and How They Need to Change 182

Text B E-CNY Signals Digitalization to “Connect Everything” 190

Developing Skills 195

Extended Information 197Chapter 12 Business Ethics199

Text A Protect Your Company or Your Cousin? 200

Text B Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox207

Developing Skills 211

Extended Information 212


经贸英语综合教程 作者简介

