英语大书虫世界经典名译典藏书系:中国人的精神 (英汉对照)(精选权威版本)
The secret garden
海的那一点 杨建文诗集(汉英双语) 版权信息
- ISBN:9787544673709
- 条形码:9787544673709 ; 978-7-5446-7370-9
- 装帧:精装
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>
海的那一点 杨建文诗集(汉英双语) 本书特色
《海的那一点 杨建文诗集(汉英双语)》是上海外国语大学教授杨建文的七言绝句诗集,内容以写景、寄情为主。诗集全篇有十六个部分组成,前四部分描写了欧洲四国风土人情,后面十二部分叙述了中国各地风土人情,中西对照,相得益彰。诗人在字里行间用平实的语言描述了天道轮回,四季变换,人事更迭,家国情怀,充盈着诗人对大自然的敬畏和对生命的哲思。中德双语版本2020年9月已在我社出版。汉英双语版本的内容在汉德双语版的基础上增加了14首诗。译者为上海外国语大学高翻学院讲师孙海琴。
海的那一点 杨建文诗集(汉英双语) 内容简介
海的那一点 杨建文诗集(汉英双语) 目录
一 作客法兰西A Visit to France
万里寻芳(法国普罗旺斯观薰衣草)Lavenders in July
小门洞天(夜沉访雨果故居)Behind the Small Gate
牧羊女之歌(大年初三梦醒奥尔良)Song of the Shepherdess (A New Year in Orléans)
西城东梅(市政大厅书法展感怀)Plum Blossoms
痴潮(昂布瓦兹瞻仰达芬奇故居)A Visit to Leonardo da Vinci's Residence in Amboise
童薪红炉(奥尔良郊王丹家中做客)Fresh Wood in a Sizzling Fireplace (A Visit to Wang Dan's Home in Suburban Orléans)
流金双影(王丹家后院林间小道漫步)Two Golden Shadows (A Ramble on the Shady Path in Wang Dan'sBackyard)
泥板忆古(奥尔良做客伊朗书法家)Remembering Things Past (A Visit to an Iranian Calligrapher inOrléans)
旧宫怨(游香波尔城堡有感)A Visit to Chateau de Chambord
锦桥点春(游法国花园小镇科尔马)Saint-Pierre Bridge in Spring
今故史步(法国中世纪小城福卡尔基耶)A Stroll Transcending Time
二 德国风Townscape in Germany
泛舟莱茵河(一)Cruising the Rhine I
泛舟莱茵河(二)Cruising the Rhine II
过黑森林Through the Black Forest
雨市弗莱堡Freiburg in the Rain
华夏之夜(弗莱堡大学孔子学院畅书)Beautifully Homesick
大地魂(观德国科隆大教堂有感)Soul of the Land (A Visit to the Cologne Cathedral)
镇子(晨步德国小镇吕德斯海姆)The Town (A Morning Stroll in Rüdesheim)
夜宿菲森乡村小酒店Stopping Overnight in a Füssen Village Inn
三 瑞士小憩An Episode in Switzerland
水榭问(瑞士卢塞恩登阿尔卑斯山)Pondering at the Waterside Pavilion (A Stay in Lucerne During the Trip to the Swiss Alps)
四 匆匆比利时Belgium at a Glance
古城夕照(游比利时古城根特有感)Ghent at Twilight
凡人匠心(比利时古城市布鲁日印象)Bruges First Impressions
五 一个缘The Call of Destiny
一个缘(于中国美术学院举办个人书法展之前夜)The Call of Destiny
六 杂弹Some Sidelights
复兴On the Chinese Rejuvenation
六艺On the Six Arts
神武On Military Might
春雨Spring Rain
秋华Autumn Blossoms
寒梅The Winter Plum
苦读Study Hard
花香Fragrance of Flowers
太极Tai Chi
起舞Work Hard
四海The Four Seas
潮声The Tide Sounds
长城The Great Wall
积善To Accumulate Virtues
余庆The Bountiful Harvest
农桑Farming and Sericulture
七 天山来客A Visit to Mount Tianshan
从赛里木湖过果子沟From Sayram Lake to Fruit Valley
昭苏牧歌Pastoral Life in Zhaosu County
古道吟(步夏塔古道)Walking on an Ancient Path
相约那拉提In Nalati
天山观天池In Tianchi of Mount Tianshan
罗布人家A Trip to Luobu People's Hometown
草甸黄昏随想(巴音布鲁克观日落)Prairie at Dusk
八 故乡云Where I Belong
花儿为谁红(故乡上溪观十里桃花坞赏花有感)A Sea of Pink
绣湖亲亲(六十年后回故乡办书法展有感)Dear Xiuhu (Return to Hometown After 60 Years for My Calligraphy Fair)
残荷词(访武义郭洞古村有感)Withered Lotus (After Visiting Ancient Village in Guodong)
斜阳桥(访武义山下鲍村有感)Xieyang Bridge (After Visiting Bao Village in Wuyi)
鱼儿乐(访武义俞源太极星象村有感)Fish Ode (After Visiting Yuyuan Tai Chi Star Village in Wuyi)
拜老道(访太极村口伯温道院有感)On Visiting an Ancient Abbey (Bowen Abbey at the Entry of Tai Chi Star Village)
背影(访武义银坑古村有感)A Figure (After Visiting Yinkeng Village in Wuyi)
秋田赋(游武义花田小镇有感)Field in the Fall (After Visiting an Idyllic Country in Wuyi)
九 滇南行A Tour in South Yunnan Province
蛮地荷影(游云南普者黑万亩荷田有感)Lotus Field in Puzhehei
清浊花(普者黑五女羞芙蓉)Lotus (Five Beautiful Girls from Puzhehei)
撒尼花(普者黑赶市)Ode to the Sani Minority
异乡魂(夜宿抚仙湖)A Night by Fuxian Lake
归渡(抚仙湖之今昔随想)Fishing Boats Returning Home
一个问(城子古村之当代畅想)Thoughts on the Ancient Village of Chengzi
十 婺源赏青Enjoying the Spring in Wuyuan
柳枝词(游婺源严田村)Willow Twig Song (A Tour to Yantian Village in Wuyuan)
东风解(夜宿婺源丛溪庄园)The Song of Easterly Winds(A Night at Congxi Manor in Wuyuan)
菜花调(游婺源观江岭梯田油菜花)Song of Cauliflowers
梨花春寒(游婺源江湾村过梨院)Pear Blossom in the Cold Spring (A Trip to Jiangwan Village in Wuyuan)
商海沉浮(访思溪村有感)Drifting in the Wild Sea of Business (Thoughts on Visiting Sixi Village)
徽宅门(访婺源延村有感)The Gate of a Hui-style House (Thoughts on the Yan Village in Wuyuan)
篁岭春色(婺源*美乡村篁岭有感)Spring in Huangling (Thoughts on the Most Beautiful Village in Wuyuan )
十一康定秋韵Autumn in Kangding
冰川问(游海螺沟有感)Glaciers of Mount Gongga
跑马溜溜山上(游木格措有感)Horseback in Mugecuo
木格措湖畔(泛舟野人海)Rafting down the Savage Lake
红石听泉(观红石峡)Surging of the Redstone Gorge
赶天路(过垭口有感)Travelling Along Tian Lu
玉龙夕游(新都桥观贡嘎雪山晚醉)An Evening in Xinduqiao
红叶金娘(晨光霜叶新都桥)On the Autumn Leaves (A Walk in Xinduqiao in the Morning Sunshine)
默牛霜草(漫步新都桥天然牧场)Silent Yak Flock on a Frosted Grass Field (A Promenade at the Pasture in Xinduqiao)
十二天府咏叹The Land of Abundance: Sichuan Province
柚园晚餐Dinner in a Pomelo Orchard
水墨上理(游雅安上理镇)Picturesque Shangli Town
凤求凰(临邛古码头有感)An Ancient Love Story
十三丽水烟霞Glow in Lishui
舍利樟(游古堰村)The Sarira Camphor Tree (Thoughts on a Tour to Ancient Weir Village)
古堰随想(观通济堰)Capriccio of the Ancient Weir Village (A Visit to Tongji Weir)
双桥问(游古堰过双桥)Pondering over the Double Bridge
画乡行(游画乡古村)A Tour to the Historical Village of Painting Countryside
鳞田闲话(丽水云和梯田有感)On the Terraced Field
尚杨居(访丽水杨家堂)A Tour to Yangjiatang Village in Lishui
岫田春晓(丽水岫田古村有感)A Spring Morning in Xiutian Village
十四黔岭寨子A Village Tour Along Guizhou Ridge
老人与牛(过银潭侗寨看斗牛房有感)The Old Man and the Bull
水澹澹兮(访银潭侗寨)A Visit to the Picturesque Dong Village
天道酬勤(观苗家高要梯田)No Sweat, No Sweet
天外音(肇兴侗寨观侗家芦笙歌舞)The Heavenly Reed-pipe Music
稻渔吟(亮欢寨品酸汤鱼)Savoring Fish Soup
十五恩施骚客A Journey in Enshi
蜉蝣地门(游地缝有感)Ephemera Gate (At Yunlong River Geosuture)
黄鹤桥魂(游野三峡登临黄鹤桥)Gone with Yellow Crane (Ascending Yellow Crane Bridge at Wild Three Gorges)
青岗白石听龙泉(游石门河)Travelling Along Shimen River
上下求索(清江画廊千瀑峡)Ascending and Descending in Search (Thousand Waterfalls Gorge at Qingjiang Gallery)
十六富春山居Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
夜舟新安江Night Boating on Xin'an River
访古城严州On Yanzhou
老龙井(龙井村品茶)Aged Longjing Tea
荷田倩影A Shadow of Lotus in the Field
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