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华时代大学英语新指南阅读教程.4 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787309162042
  • 条形码:9787309162042 ; 978-7-309-16204-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

华时代大学英语新指南阅读教程.4 内容简介

本阅读教材分为8个单元,每单元由3个部分组成。每个单元都配有网络平台拓展阅读材料,供学生课外学习使用,教师也可以结合实际教学情况选用。 **部分包括名言赏析和小组讨论,旨在引入单元主题、引导学生思考,为后续学习做好准备。名言赏析以课程思政为主旨,所选语料多为体现中华优秀传统文化等具有中国特色的名言,同时还有与单元主题相关的西方名人名言,以文化对比引起学生的兴趣,有助于培养其文化自信和民族自豪感。小组讨论活动以单元主题为基础,通过设置的问题启发学生进行头脑风暴,鼓励其积极主动地进行语言输出,同时培养其团队合作意识。小组讨论活动结合名言赏析,旨在以增强跨文化交际能力和意识为基础,提高学生“讲好中国故事、传播好中国声音、阐释好中国特色”的能力。 第二部分为每单元的主要内容。本部分以语言输入为主要目标,在兼顾大学英语四、六级考试要求的同时,具备课程思政的鲜明特色。本部分文章的选择以时效性、权威性和纯正性为基本原则,选取*地道的文章,兼顾中外、贯通古今,有介绍国外文化的文章,也有描写中国习俗的美文,从而保证学生能够获得纯正的语言输入,进一步培养学生的国际视野,感受中华文化的博大精深。本部分在题型设置方面主要参考了大学英语四、六级考试标准和要求,囊括了选词填空题、段落匹配题和仔细阅读理解的选择题,一至四册的难度设置呈递增趋势。 第三部分由翻译和写作练习构成,是对阅读的进一步拓展,强调语言的综合应用能力。本部分思政主题鲜明,难度适中;在贴合单元主题的同时进一步深化主题,引发学生的深度思考,并实现具有一定挑战性的语言输出。两个练习都提供了思政特色鲜明的参考表达,帮助学生更有效地进行语言输出。

华时代大学英语新指南阅读教程.4 目录

Unit 1 Cultivation of children
Part I Pre-reading Activitfes
Section A Quotes Appreciation
Section B Group Discussion
Part II Reading Activities
Section A Banked Cloze
Students Need Sleep Enough
Section B Speed Reading
How to Teach Kids Not to Be Too Honest (and Why You Should)?
Sectan C In-depth Aeading
Technology Can Narrow Education Gap
Protecting Your Kids from Failure Isn't Helpful Should Parents Help Their Kids with Homework?
Part III Extended Actvities
Section A Translatlior
Section B Wrting
Unit 2 Economic Development
Part I Pre-reading Activities
Section A Quotes Appreciation
Section B Group Discussion
Part II Reading Actrvities
Section A Banked Cioze
AI: Teachers'Perfect Assistant
Section B Speed Reading
Artificial Womb May Help Smallest Babies
Section C In-depth Aeading
The Pros and Cons of AI
AI Robots
Part III Extended Activities
Section A Translatlon
Section B Writing
Unit 3 Social Change
Part I Pre-reading Activities
Section A Quotes Appreciation
Sectlon B Group Discussion
Part II Reading Activites
Section A Banked Cloze
The Origin of Seting off Firecrackers
Section B Speed Reading
Chinese Clothing
Section C In-depth Reading
The Origin of the Aftemoon Tea
Chickcras sar la ding Agamn
Part III Extended Activities
Sectlon A Translaton
Section B Writing
Unit 4 Life and Health
Part I Pre-reading Activities
Section A Quotes Appreciation
Section B Group Discussion
Part II Reading Activities
Section A Banked Cloze
The Key Factors Leading to Success
Section B Speed Readingu
A Rough and Rugged Road
Section C In-depth Reading
The Feeling About Your Friends'Success
Some Successful Factors
Part II Extended Actrvities
Section A Translation
Section B Writing
Unit 5 Science and Technology
Part I Pre-reading Activities
Section A Quotes Appreciation
Section B Group Discussion
Part II Reading Activities
Section A Banked Cloze
A Healthy Diet, A Healthy Life
Section B Speed Reading
Why Does Sugar Taste So Good? Evolution Has Answers
Section C In-depth Reading
Energy Drinks May Cause Heart Problems
The Right Breakfast to Boost Your Brain
Part III Extended Activities
Section A Translation
Section B Writing
Unit 6 Travel
Part I Pre-reading Activities
Section A Quotes Appreciation
Section B Group Discussion
Part II Reading Activities
Section A Banked Cloze
Turmoil Might Be a Golden Chance to Resolve Parent-child Conflict
Section B Speed Reading
Childhood Shapes Our Love Pattern
Section C In-depth Reading
I Love You, Mom
Mom's Hands
Part III Extended Activities
Section A Translation
Section B Writine
Unit 7 Development and Environment
Part I Pre-reading Activities
Section A Quotes Appreciation
Section B Group Discussion
Part II Reading Activities
Section A Banked Cloze
An Iceberg
Section B Speed Reading
Staying Green While Seeking Growth
Section C In-depth Reading
More Deadly Pandemics
Weather Disasters
Part III Extended Activities
Section A Translation
Section B Writing
Unit 8 Culture
Part I Pre-reading Activities
Section A Quotes Appreciation
Section B Group Discussion
Part II Reading Activities
Section A Banked Cloze
Ancient Charm of China: Wuzhen
Section B Speed Reading
The Myth of Stephen Hawking
Section C In-depth Reading
The Gripes of Broth
Marvel's Phase Four Marks the Rise of Asian Stars in the MCU
Part III Extended Activities
Section A Translation
Section B Writing